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Abominal Taz

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Everything posted by Abominal Taz

  1. Hopefully, improvements are happening. I was just about to switch browsers and I really don't feel like using google crumb.
  2. I thought that was just happening to me. Yeah, I can't see either of them.
  3. Umm... can no one else see the status updates/new topic bar?

    1. ila


      Couldn't see it yesterday, it's here today.

    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Ah! Ok I see what you guys were doing.

  4. I meant to reply to this topic but I lost it. Yeah I used Stencyl for a bit, don't know why I stopped. It's pretty straightforward for beginners and great for people that want to learn coding. I should give it a try again, while I have MMF2, it's not working well on my PC so Stencyl sounds like a nice back-up.
  5. I just gave it a try. I like what you got here. I find it kinda weird that there's lot of characters to battle, (I tried battle mode first) and there was too much action going on. It got a little confusing to keep track of my character. Also after I won a match, the stage music that I was previously in was still going. Other than that, this is a really awesome idea, I love it. Keep it coming man!
    1. Zero Dozer

      Zero Dozer

      If the link worked, I would try it.

    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Shows how little of an effort Bluecore put into this. I don't know what's worse. The fangame itself, or him trying to "professionally" defend it.

  6. Guardians of the Galaxy was fookin' radical! Sure it had a few "umm..." moments in there but, it was fun and really good! The after credits scene is kind of a "what the hell" moment. I'll let you guys tear that one apart...

  7. Seeing Guardians of the Galaxy To-Day. Man I am so psyched!

  8. I merged them all. I don't think he can understand English well. or he was probs trollin...
  9. Did anybody have that cousin that used to call Wolverine "X-Man"?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Proto Dan

      Proto Dan

      What if Zelda was a girl?

    3. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      *someone watches me play kof*, oh hey is that street fighter?

    4. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      What about green mario?

  10. Welp, August is near and that means it's time to start going to bed sooner, and studying up for my Fall classes. First target, the bane of human life....Math.

    1. GSF


      Yaaaaaaay. What kind are you currently tackling? The 'Comes in handy in game dev' kind, or the 'No way I'm using this in the foreseeable future' kind?

    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Well...I'm gonna go with "This better not be a waste of time and scholarship money" kind.

  11. Great Scott, it's freaking HOT out! Good thing I decied to watch Batman and work on my comics, damn.

    1. lone8643


      Doc always is on Marty about saying Heavy, but Marty never questions Doc for saying Great Scott. Possibly because all old people sayings are just cool or funny by nature and questioning them would only make old people say young people things and sound like morons.

  12. Your posts don't have to be super detailed but at the same time don't just post a sentence that's so vague. And please don't double post either, that's what the edit button is for.
  13. I didn't even notice this thread was dead. My bad!
  14. Hey bud, I've been taking a look at your posts and you need to stop making vague, non-detailed responses just to boost your post count. It's pretty borderline spam.
  15. Man, I cannot wait to get paid. My cousin got it yesterday and he says it's the best thing he's played since S3&K. I repeat; S3&K, and this man is cynical as fuck. Strife, you did one hell of a job to get my cousin to say that to me.
  16. I had no idea season 3 of Ultimate Spiderman has been aired. Agent Venom, yes!

  17. #13? Damn. This gives me big hopes for Lake and Spark when it hits the commercial scene.
  18. Holy shit! One more game on the Christmas list.
  19. I'm guessing because of the last little venture we all had with the whole "you stole dat" thing, its become a touchy subject. I'm just saying let's not go back and forth about it, it tends to get messy obviously.
  20. No one said you couldn't criticize work. I'm saying don't derail like last time. We have a topic for that. Chill dude, no one's trying to get on your case.
  21. Okay people. Let's not turn this into another ripoff report.com topic. Back to the discussions at hand please.
  22. I had no idea this version of the X-Men animated series came first. Wolverine = Live action forshadowing.
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