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Abominal Taz

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Status Updates posted by Abominal Taz

  1. Well I think I'm out of ammo for tonight so laterz.

    1. Black Ace

      Black Ace

      Those were some sharp pun. You were on a roll there bro. hohoho~~~

  2. Really guys? I study up on Traditional/Modern art and you all are hedgin' it up?

    1. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      or going "Over The Hedge" if you will?

    2. Jassbec


      I apologize for hedgehogging the thread.

    3. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Well just don't get Hedgy in this new hedgehog thread.

  3. I was reffering to the release of SSB 3DS, which is actually Oct 3rd. I keep telling ya'll I'm old.

  4. Oh shit. It's November 3rd. Whoopsie.

    1. Mr. Potatobadger
    2. Jassbec


      I thought it was August 27th, wow, time goes fast.

    3. Assassin-HeatBeat


      When did I pass out .-.

  5. Hey guys! I had a great first day of University, I even made profit on two of my paintings. Say what-up?!

    1. AnOrdinarySonicFan


      What-up! Yeah, I had a great first day of school as a Junior. I'm thinking of joining more clubs, extra-curricular activities, and even make a Fan-Game or two. ;)

    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Go for it dude! I thought being involved on campus would be kinda bland. Turns out it's awesome, especially when you find organizations that you can use your talents in.

  6. This new script I'm writing is getting so good! I'm literally blowing myself away with the action/drama going on.

    1. Jassbec


      nothin personnel kid

  7. My current FB trending feed..."Simon Cowell to bring Betty Boop to the Big Screen"...oh shit...Must...Not...CLICK!

  8. Metaknight's back...well...bloody fruggin' hell....

  9. Good goolash! Whoever this prick is, he must love me moving his comments to the spam pile in SAGE.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      someone keeps trying to spam up sage with walls of ad text.

    3. GSF


      Oh, that's typical. Every blog now has loads and loads of MAKE $$$ FROM YOUR HOME LOL type posts.

    4. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Oy vey, it's like the only kinda comments I get notifications on.

  10. Sidebar's back and you're gonna be in trouble.

  11. Umm... can no one else see the status updates/new topic bar?

    1. ila


      Couldn't see it yesterday, it's here today.

    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Ah! Ok I see what you guys were doing.

    1. Zero Dozer

      Zero Dozer

      If the link worked, I would try it.

    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Shows how little of an effort Bluecore put into this. I don't know what's worse. The fangame itself, or him trying to "professionally" defend it.

  12. Guardians of the Galaxy was fookin' radical! Sure it had a few "umm..." moments in there but, it was fun and really good! The after credits scene is kind of a "what the hell" moment. I'll let you guys tear that one apart...

  13. Seeing Guardians of the Galaxy To-Day. Man I am so psyched!

  14. Did anybody have that cousin that used to call Wolverine "X-Man"?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Proto Dan

      Proto Dan

      What if Zelda was a girl?

    3. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      *someone watches me play kof*, oh hey is that street fighter?

    4. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      What about green mario?

  15. Welp, August is near and that means it's time to start going to bed sooner, and studying up for my Fall classes. First target, the bane of human life....Math.

    1. GSF


      Yaaaaaaay. What kind are you currently tackling? The 'Comes in handy in game dev' kind, or the 'No way I'm using this in the foreseeable future' kind?

    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Well...I'm gonna go with "This better not be a waste of time and scholarship money" kind.

  16. Great Scott, it's freaking HOT out! Good thing I decied to watch Batman and work on my comics, damn.

    1. lone8643


      Doc always is on Marty about saying Heavy, but Marty never questions Doc for saying Great Scott. Possibly because all old people sayings are just cool or funny by nature and questioning them would only make old people say young people things and sound like morons.

  17. I had no idea season 3 of Ultimate Spiderman has been aired. Agent Venom, yes!

  18. I had no idea this version of the X-Men animated series came first. Wolverine = Live action forshadowing.
  19. So I just visited MuscleTower after so long, and I gotta say, wow man. People change and grow up, alot.

  20. You can be a (sorta) gym leader in the hoenn remakes? Uhm, Awesome much?!

    1. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      no, since as gym leader i will have a lvl 100 rayquaza and you'll all complain.

    2. Chaos-Fusion


      Finally, I can have a gym that consists of 6 Bidoofs and all of them have focus sash and explosion

    3. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      The ultimate troll. Hopefully we can make custom gym leader greetings and say, "Ha! You better have a burn heal!"

  21. I played the demo for Tomodachu Life and...I like it. Another game to grab when I get paid.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Foolish fool who foolishly makes a foolish request foolishly with such foolishness...I has no money. (Von Karma'd)

    3. Jassbec


      You should get it, it's a pretty good and fun game.

    4. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      I plan to when I can afford everything at the end of this year.

  22. I'm more of a Marvel man but, I'm starting to draw more DC style. I think it's because I grew up as a Batman fan first before Ghost Rider and Spider-Man got me into Marvel.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      I saw the first Batman movie before I ever read any comics. I had no idea Batman had comic books at the time so I never got around to reading them. Then my Uncle said, "Hey bud, ya wanna see my Ghost Rider comics?" Ergo, Marvel fan.

    3. Rawr


      I'm not really a fan of either, but some of my friends have stuff published by Image so I guess I like them best. But I do like Spider-Man and the marvel movies better than the DC stuff.

    4. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Yeah, I'm a fan of Spawn. I really didn't know Spawn was created by Image until I was 14.

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