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Jamie Bailey

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Everything posted by Jamie Bailey

  1. NANANANANANANANANA BATMAAAAAAN! Batman Begins was actually a nice surprise when I first saw it in the cinema as I hadn't seen any reviews or opinions. Batman & Robin got rather silly, and the colours in that film were crazy. I had no idea how excellent Begins was going to be. So I simply must see Dark Knight, the trailer looks good, and I'm glad they've put the Joker in this one, he was always my favourite of Batman's enemies. I hope it's as good or better than Begins.
  2. This is just my personal opinion, but I'd like you to concentrate on finishing the Sonic Revival game before trying to make a new engine. I know you only intend to make the engine as an additional project, but I say this because if it was me making a Sonic game, and I made an amazing new Sonic engine, I'd only end up wanting to restart the game project using the new engine. And chances are, as time goes on you'll get more ideas and either restart the game again or get bored and can the game for a new project. By the time I released Time Attacked, the engine was dated, but people still loved the game, but if I'd kept making new engines the game would STILL be unreleased. It's just that I liked the Revival demo and would like it to become a finished game. But of course, I'm not you, and only you know if you'll fall into that trap. Just something to think about, but if you know exactly what you're up to, I wish you luck.
  3. I just HAD to do that again. *killed by Blaze* It's interesting playing the old demos. I remember that old Chemical Plant one was awesome back in the day, but playing it now after playing the Christmas demo, it seems rather... crappy. This game has changed a lot, and the new stuff looks great. I just hope I don't need a time machine to be around to experience the finished game.
  4. I actually find those last two images rather funny, good stuff. I really should do some more of these pictures, I've just been so engrossed in what I've been doing in MMF2 (not TA2, so don't get too excited fangame fans).
  5. *Looks to the left* Ah, I wondered what that was. I remember getting the Mega CD EWJ special edition even though I already had the MegaDrive original, I liked it that much. The second game was much easier, I got it for Christmas 1995, and completed it on the hardest difficulty that same morning, but still replayed it to death. I enjoyed the cartoon series. Although at one stage I did have an EWJ game for Gameboy Color, which was absolute rubbish. I hope they bring it all back without messing it up, and a film? I didn't see that coming.
  6. Off the PSP and back on the computer. Find plants boring? Grow a Sonic plant and fear it, it might eat your cat!
  7. Could be interesting. If you decide to make such a game, feel free to use any ideas I've posted in here. And now for some pointless news... I'm posting using my PSP... mmm... ssllooww!
  8. Sonic's "Run around at the speed of sound" exercise programme really does work, just... don't forget to eat plenty of food as well.
  9. Now Presenting Sonic the Room So, who wants a home makeover? *silence* Thought so.
  10. Now then, I wouldn't be surprised if someone had a furry just like my last image, but this thing is mad. I'm presenting it as it was created, but turning it upside down actually looks more, how should I put it? correct, well, if you ignore the shading at least. Probably because it ended up being an upside down face, but anyway...
  11. Happy Birthday! All these years and you're still balancing on the edge of that building.
  12. Doctor Who comes back on TV this Saturday (well, over here anyway), so here's a Robotnik version of a Dalek. YOU WILL OBEY THE TOPIC TITLE OR YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED!
  13. Indeed Streak's post was uncalled for, I called for strange Sonic related characters, not an elephant sticking it's trunk up another elephant's arse. At least everyone else seems to have the right idea, and posting great stuff... well, great in a strange way.
  14. SonicProject, that Tails clock is actually a good idea for a clock, reminds me of one of these clocks. I can imagine his tails swinging from side to side. And DimensionWarped, definitely appropriate, very strange indeed.
  15. WOOOAAHHH! This game should come packaged with a sick bag, SOMEONE'S gonna need one! *wonders how you actually download a real sick bag* This game is brilliant, I like the hand drawn graphics. I keep failing to see the things that kill me since everythings quite dark and I'm playing during a sunny day, which doesn't help, and I keep getting all these green lines flickering across the screen but I'm glad the music in the game isn't the same as in the trailer, that was awful and nearly put me off trying this.
  16. Feeling as insane as I am? Create strange pictures of Sonic or other Sonic characters. You could do a mutated or alien version of a character, two or more characters merged together, Sonic merged with Mario, or even an orange Sonic with blue bits on his spikes and one spike bent over his head who wears purple and green shoes and shades... oh wait, that's my furry. Obviously I'm not expecting any artwork to look too special, unless you actually want to create a masterpiece. Let's see what we can come up with. I'll start with this fella...
  17. LOL, you went the wrong way, stupid!!!! jk, jk, jk.... I've never been a fan of Advance style sprites and graphics, but I actually think this game is a cool idea, I'll be interested in seeing what the other zones look like. Very nice.
  18. Actually, you know what people? I'm really getting that itch to do something good again, and to do that I need software that doesn't get half deleted every time I put it back on my computer. So does anyone know a place to get MMF2 cheap (in pounds £), or will I just have to order it from the Click Team site? Yes, I've tried looking around and was rather unsuccessful. And with three posts I seem to be living in Red's topic. Well what can I say? It's cosy in here.
  19. As much as I'd like it to happen, I don't think there will be a TA2 or another major Sonic fangame from me unless I get MMF2 or something. I'm still with CnC, MMF 1.5 and a bloody anti-virus program that keeps getting rid of essential files the programs need. I can still make games, but cant include sound (so any thought of you doing music for my next project goes out the window before I even start), the programs pester for extensions if I want to use ini files and god knows what other problems I haven't yet discovered. And I'm not up with today's fancy movement engines either, let alone be talented enough to pull off my original idea for a TA2 (though I'm still not sure if that idea would work well gameplay wise). But hell, I originally came to this community armed with Klik & Play in 2000, so who knows what'll happen. EDIT: Oh, and Napalm, even though I'm terrible at remembering things, I actually do remember you, so hello again!
  20. LARGE SAUSAGE ROLL! Er... I mean RED! Good to see you again, well, your username(s), text, images and everything else you come as through my PC monitor. *Get's decked by Red* Ow, yeah, that too. Indeed I was very lucky to have you create excellent music for STA (as well as Blaze's work on the cut-scenes, and many people willing to allow the use of their furries), and hope to see any more games and music you may produce. I've been wondering what happened to you for ages. I keep looking in here every so often and even though I've only psoted on the rarest of occasions and am not reallly up to date on things, I still don't think of myself as ever having left this place. So I've been a bit of a lurker I suppose. Lurker to the point I thought I was registered on here, but no, but I am now, because of you Red. Because of you, my complete and utter stupidity is once again unleashed on these poor people. Well done! n00bs stand back, way back, my stupidity may just be enough to kill someone! And I cant reply to private messages until after I make 10 posts? Someone needs to be decked... I bet it's the admins ABUUSIGN TA PWOAR74. *Egg frog twizzled by admins*
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