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Everything posted by ZFG

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxrev_rBgug Norwgian Comedy at it's best
  2. Going for a kind of wicked Factory, but with a silent tune.
  3. Happy 16th birthday! Have a good one!
  4. Update: First screenshot of Gizoid Factory:
  5. Am I a recognized member? :3 Anyway, a little info: The game uses official Genesis Intruments in it's soundtracks. Some remixes here and there from Sonic CD and some new tunes.
  6. Congratulations! You get a cookie! so yeah, Gizoid Factory is the place where you acctualy meet the main villian of the game, namely Metal Sonic. Yeah, it's Metal Sonic. The Echidnas is also being involved in to the story.
  7. Logo is not final, but it will hold for now.
  8. Hey all, ZFG is back again! So yeah, I'm here to introduce you to Sonic Core; my new project! What is Sonic Core?: Sonic Core is a Sonic CD inspired 2D platforming game for the Windows computer. The Story is not very deeply detailed like the Sonic games from the 90's. The Graphic style is Sonic 1/CD styled art is being done by me. The game is newly started so expect some errors in future beta's. Screens: Process: Explenation: "Procent" - "missing" HUD: 75% - Time counter needs fix. Characters: 75% - Knuckles Actions are needed. Level Design: 5% - Mostly the old zones needs redesign. <ZFG>
  9. yay, this is so awesome! Sonic Worlds haven't gotten a realy outstanding update expect from some gimmick updates. This is good for Worlds users like myself
  10. Sorry, I meant a Game Creator. Is there any specificly for Linux?
  11. Yeah, as the title spells. Is there any Linux game developers around?
  12. I like it, but the background parallax is just: eww. No good with Genesis on Advance. (I wrote this from Linux, just installed it )
  13. I found another way now Using Daemon Tools and open the iso file from there, works like a dream! I'm installing Windows 7 as we talk
  14. ok, so I'm using Kain's Sonic 3 engine for my new game. I'm trying to add a new animation, this is what I've figured out so far: //Spring if ( Spring>0 ){ sprite_index = sprSonicSpring; image_speed = 10; } } [/CODE] This code is placed under the Jump animation, when Sonic Hits the Spring he changes to that animation, but when I jump after, the Jump animation is the Spring animation. I don't know what to do? I've tried to place the animation somewhere else on the script but it gives the same result. [/font]
  15. Ok,so I tried alchohol 120%. It still shows that it has only half of the space that is possible. I'm trying to burn it now, giving ya the result later.
  16. So yeah, I have this DVD plate of 4.7 GB wich I'm trying to get Windows 7 on. but the thing is; It says it's allmost full. this is what I get when I'm trying to burn it. It's on Norwegian but you guess what it says. When I open the DVD and look at the files, there's nothing there. Any advice about how I can fix this?
  17. Blue Emerald@ Looks nice but, the Green Hills mountains looks kinda out of place. It contrasts to much with the background, making it look wierd and un-fitting. It's up to you though...
  18. Yeah, they are supposed to: http://themysticalforestzone.com/sprites/Sonic/backgorund_idems/collisionchaosgfbg4hh.png
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