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Everything posted by Sponick

  1. I'm glad to see you here again ZFG, i hope you will have better luck with this project. Remember that you must make a game because you want and you have fun with it, not for see if people here likes it or not. Any question, ask Just one thing, logo can be improved, but i think it looks cool
  2. Using GM, with time you can got tired or bored or whatever that makes you stop making the game. I used rpg maker for a long time before using GM and I can say if you want to make an rpg, GM will bring you a lot of work that in RPG maker is done yet. An example of this is the big number of variables you will need to set that in RPG Maker interface are well organized and you will not got lost. And for making scenes, in rpg maker setting up an event you can create a nice one while in GM you have to "infeste" an object with alarms. Also, you can draw maps so much faster than you can in GM. RPG Maker includes awesome art with it too. If you want I can show you a list of more RPGMaker pros. GM is powerfull with no doubt, but use rpg maker, 10000 times better for an rpg. Use rpg maker for a few days and sure you like it. The only bad thing is the battle scene. A lot of people dont like it, but you can search scripts on the web to make it more.....better -.-
  3. What all guys said before me ^^ love it
  4. Update!!!! This release hace all features that i've said before except pipes. I will add them at final release. Boost glitches are fixed too and all collisions with spikes have been "rewriten" and now sonic don't get stuck. All info at game information. http://files.filefront.com/SRU+Engine+b2rar/;12889723;/fileinfo.html Still to do: Pipes && Flippers. Have fun! PD Dissapointing level design bug after bumper miniminigame -.- sry
  5. No offense. You're right. Chaos Rush is right guys. Just the first post need more information. With copy and paste or without it, Chaos Rush built the first revival engine. Copy and paste is not as easy as it could seem. He did a really good job there. That engine have one of the best collision systems. Not as good as sonic dash or X-mas engine, but more user friendly for most users to add more features. That's why I took that engine to buid this. I just programmed what I said at first post. No more. Any bad intention -.- Please dont think I made all in this engine. //-------------------------------------------------------------- More information: I'm about to release a second beta with all lacks of the first release. -Grinding with layers. -Balancing (ZFG idea ^^) -Maybe pipes. -Moving platforms. -Also added that Rainbow rings that shots you forward. The homing attack angle was fixed. And a few minor improvements were made. I must say I'm happy because all features works 90 % perfect ^^ //------------------------QUESTIONS-------------- Shuold there be an special shield to perform homming attack? And should be there an especial rings to lightdash? Or better each one as they want? Tank you all for that comments!
  6. First of all, I don't understand wtf means invincable xD Anyways, don't understand what's the problem you have. I tried it and works well for me...
  7. I succed at doing this by creating two simple scripts that checks two points. scrRightPoint: if collision_point(x+3,y+20,obj_walls,true,false) return true; else return false;[/CODE] scrLeftPoint: [CODE]if collision_point(x+3,y+20,obj_walls,true,false) return true; else return false;[/CODE] Then, at draw event, first piece of code, after idle animation code, write this: [CODE]if (hsp==0 && ground && action==0 && !scrRightPoint() && scrLeftPoint()) { **Edge wobling animation code** }[/CODE] And now, the same but for the other direction (RightPoint && !LeftPoint); Anf of course, add the layers to the scripts ^^ Hope this works in your engine.
  8. Thanks Hobbes. The homing attack should work too on genesis engine. It's a more complete revival engine, so it have the same base code. Why dont slow down room speed? erm...I didn't have this idea, and better not to play with that, it would slow down the whole processing speed and for example, the time would go bad. (Poor english xD) And about the homming attack...it works too well, I mean, I shouldn't be performed while the enemy is up yours. PD The boost is funny. Testing it, I got hurt by spikes that where at the other side of the wall o.0 too much speed lol
  9. Cuz a lot of people is trying to make their own unleashed version. Cuz a lot of people looking for help. Cuz I like help... and programming engines ^^ Features: -Breakable Walls (with freezetime!) -Improved lighdash -Homing attack of course xD -Ceiling landing (copy & paste) -Unleashed boost. -Unleashed button sequence waychange. ToDo: Improve some collisions with spikes. Fix homing attack angle Controls: Z for lightdash X for boost A,S,D for button sequences xD Have fun! Lastest release: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1yddiuiimzy
  10. erm....I have one engine here but...I don't know where....wait...... Here it is: http://www.sonicfangameshq.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4258&highlight=sonicultimateengine Too old, but is all I have xD
  11. I can't upload here a gmk file. Instead, i uploaded the rar. Don't understand whats the problem xD but...here's another link: http://files.filefront.com/Sonic+Revival+Engine+buttsgmk/;12795029;/fileinfo.html works now??
  12. I've made an example for you. I didn't work on it all the day, but hope this is enough. Good luck! Note: it's a gmk file, for GM7 registered Sonic Revival Engine buttons.rar
  13. Obiously, the sonic dash, besides be the most complete, it's the best in programmation part. But it's hard to add things due to you don't have build that engine. i mean, Revival is good enough to build a very decent game and you'll have less problems to programm another things. but, talking about movement, sonic dash
  14. Erm...anyone have the ps2 version? I need opinions, I'm about to buy that version and I wanna know if it is a good game or a disaster. PD I love sonic heroes, so what you think guys?.......
  15. Agree. I really like it. Good music, good graphics and good and simple gameplay. And a lot of characters to select. Good job.
  16. More or less, is this: in step event of objSonic: if instance_exists(objEnemy){ near=instance_nearest(x,y,objEnemy); if (distance_to_object(near)<300 && keyboard_check_pressed(homing_attack_key) && action=action_jumping) //for example { homing=1; motion_set(point_direction(x,y,near.x,near.y),15); } } In object Handling code, in the enemy handling: if homing=1{ homing=0; motion_set(0,0) } //Make sure this code is applicated to sonic, maybe you want to stop hes motion. And then, make the basic x_speed and y_speed works only when homing=0; If you make this right I think it must work. Good luck! PD ChaosRush, that is not crappy, just incomplete. you should know i'm using that engine right now xDD
  17. Just play with the variable view_angle, and set the graviti direction to -view_angle-90.
  18. I know it's not a complete game, but i think xaklse (the full team) catch the idea of a sonic game, in my opinion, and he could port this idea to a PLAYABLE game, or a beta, as you want. Sega, with more experienced programmers and more time, couldn't do anything of this. Sega seems to get close to this idea with unleashed, but still far from this... I admit I used so much gratefull words but...it's just how exited I was playing this. I know this sounds gay xDD
  19. Xaklse....no words xD How can sega allow a mod be the most awesome sonic 3d game?? I must say that I noticed a big engine improvement, really. At the beggining, I didn't how to play in the old version, and I don't know if this mouse control on loops already was on it, but....awesome control xDD (vocabulary lack) Yeh, please, cuntinue with this I love it!! The only thing I can tell you is it seems you not implemented an option to choose between diferent cameras...but step by step, right?? xD thanks for this PD Hello sfghq!!! Long time no see you guys! xDD glad to make another post here xD
  20. I don't know how to explain this in english, but... URL REMOVED we need signs! a lot of signs!! Just to make reality the most desired thing to happen in videogames sector! live FF7!! xD PD wrong post maybe?
  21. Don't worry, I will fix this serious team AI problems. Just 2 formations more.
  22. Me too xD I restarted to play it again yesterday. (To see the characters behaviour and what I should put in this game About the game: The progress of this game is slow, but is still in progress. I have the speed formation more or less working. Sometimes you can see a weird behaviour. Hope it will be fixed, however, it's not important. The team "engine" is programmed well, I think, and i will not have a lot of problems no set up the other formations. In speed formation, as in the future power formation, the other characters take your Speed everytime, and 80% of times they are followin you on your back, the other 20 % they are running in front of you xDD More information soon!
  23. "...by default, the rest of characters won't follow you, but you can switch this option by pressing "c"." Press "c"!! xD And about the fps...I recently upgraded my old PC and I noticed that i can play sonic dash first stage without lag. It seems my PC is powerful, I can't know how this project will work on other computers...
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