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dark team

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Everything posted by dark team

  1. I think that Labyrinth zone and Hydrocity are the best, I just love water levels!
  2. I have a question about the controls, are they comfortable with the wii mote or it's no go without the classic controller? Edit: Just realised that for all sonic games you only need dpad and one button. So I guess it's comfortable.
  3. Looks just like a cheap chinese "mp5" player.
  4. In my opinion I see no point making engines and showing them off on youtube without actually releasing it.
  5. For the same reason he needed a hover board in Sonic Riders. Obviously this spinoff will suck.
  6. This is another reason why I shouldn't sell my DS. Too bad that these games are coming out after a year.
  7. Happy birthday and have a good one.
  8. Happy new year and have a good one!
  9. Damn you're lucky, I've got just 60$, a flight stick and like every year a new NFS game.
  10. Most likely you're using the same view with Sonic and your rotating it, to use the other view just change view_angle to view_angle[1,2,3...etc].
  11. Use the converter Darkleo it's one heck of an awesome game.
  12. No wonder it was called Sonic World Adventure.
  13. If your a RTS fan I would recommend Warhammer 40k Dawn of war and the expansions. It's got great voice acting, graphics and really awesome story with cutscenes.
  14. Nah, gamemaker runs on wine. It must be because of those damn surface errors that gamemaker games give for some graphics cards.
  15. Screw FF3, Crhome's better.
  16. I'm currently making a website it's called "Black Dragon Studios". I've made some logos for it and I currently can't decide which 1 to use. Any opinions? Keep in mind that these aren't finished yet so any advice how to improve them would be nice.
  17. First of all tell me whats your firmware version.
  18. Ah...search? http://sonicfangameshq.com/view.php?sec=5&id=6 http://sonicfangameshq.com/view.php?sec=5&id=8
  19. It's kinda fun website, where you can chat with the God. It uses a bot with very smart AI. Just try it. http://www.titane.ca/concordia/dfar251/igod/main.html My conversation (short): Me: Do you know Dawn of War? God: I know very little about it. What kind of it do you like? Me: Game of the year God: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about Dawn of War. But I did not get that. Me: WTF? God: That was not very polite.
  20. Alvin and the chipmunks - Get munk'd.
  21. There was a guy in early 05's at GMC (can't remember his name) who tried to do something like that. I still have that engine, so I think it still might be good to learn from. It's old but can be still used. I've attached a .gm6 and an executable for those who are curious. Sonic engine.zip
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