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Everything posted by lone8643

  1. Arggh i was asleep cuz I was up all night playing ATS! I feel like too much of the game was spoiled in the Sage demo...like way too much....and then also in the soundcloud postings. I kinda felt DDZ1 coming, and already knew about DDZ2 from a screenshot, so it wasn't nearly as epic. The game itself holds well on its own, but the hype did let me down a bit....well actually maybe not. I played it like any other sonic game, racing to the end, having no more than one ring at any given time after I got the emerdoods...I just feel like BTS was and is way cooler (but then again I think BTS '11 was better than '12 just because the filler music fit so well) Well I know I can't do better because I always give up. It's so difficult for me to translate the electrical signals in my head to the computer. Dunno how you do it so consistently.
  2. Too much ATS. 5 hours ATS, 3 hours sleep. Ended up dreaming I met Lake, and he was like the nicest person ever. It's actually a bit depressing that there's all these really cool people out there, here, and most of us will never know each other... Still got that copy of MMF2 sitting on this computer, and the ideas are still pouring....now that I got time I could try again. If you were going for inspiration, you sure nailed it. I almost feel bad for being nitpicky with bugs and stuff, but that's just how I am.
  3. All bugs fixed? Worst bug I encountered: flew way up high on Moon Mansion Act 1, and Mighty killed me! What a jerk! Second worst bug: There's a spot on FFZ3 where a monitor lies beneath a hardtile. Stand on the monitor. Zoom! have fun up there. ::waves:: Third worst bug: If Mirror tails is hit while using special, he freezes in place. A second hit will knock him out of this mode. Other stuff: The train doesn't knock Tails out of Mirror mode. Yeah, I only played on Classic mode, w/ Tails. He's just cooler, that's all. Worth every second of waiting. Oh one last thing - FFZ2 - there are tiles that say Hilltop Zone. DDZ1 - Can't read what the tiles say but I imagine it's a missing texture/sprite as well.
  4. Beta test all you want; I'll still find something to exploit. Can't believe the game's finally on the home-stretch! I thought for sure it was going to be delayed another month or two....was even hoping for SAGE 2013.
  5. I just want a damn sonic game, y'know? Not a bunch of dinosaurs terrorizing San Francisco but pretending to be monsters. I mean, I know San Francisco is known for its crazy steep roads, but this game is pushing it.
  6. While I'm glad to see Sonic X-treme return in some form, I feel it's already too late for that concept to be revived in modern form. Project AXSX all the way! I saw the monsters. "Looks stupid...(well not stupid, but a non-PC term)" I'm pulling histrionics here. Where's the damn robots and Dr. Robotnik? Stupid sinister six crap and mario galaxy platforming. SMG1/2 were terrible games! No replayability whatsoever! Too linear! Don't mess this up Segtendo!
  7. I just 100%'d Kirby's Epic Yarn, to major disappointment. "Congratulations! You completed Fabric!" was the only thing I got out of it. Wow game, you didn't disappoint me. I hated it from the beginning and I hated it at the end, but it offered some decent challenge and some relaxing gameplay at time. Worth a replay somewhere down the line, so it checks out. Recently completed SMG2....The Perfect Run. It was invigorating and almost as satisfying as unlocking a cheat in Goldeneye 64, but the game as a whole is too long and linear to be worth revisiting in its entirety. Shame, that. Also recently beat and complete Conker's Bad Fur Day. Holy crap is that game a masterwork! Rated M, but it has the best ending ever. It's very story-driven, but I don't believe it suffers for it; nay, it shines! I'll be playing this one for years to come. I'm not really playing anything right now, but I want to finish S-ranking Sonic Colors Wii. I had collected all the red coins prior, but I believe the Wisps may be a better key to victory here than Super Saiyan. It's gonna be a tough journey, I think. Oh! I've been playing Kirby's Dreamland 3 for the SNES VC, simply because some levels inspired BTS designs and the music is in some stages of BTS 11 (BTS 11 > 12!) And with that I've acquired the Invincibility badge on backloggery! Yeah!
  8. All I want to say is this: If you've never actually seen snow before, I'm expecting some very creative levels. Sonic 2 devs : Casino Night Zone :: Body of water : Snow levels. I've been without a computer for two+ weeks now and will probably be without one for 4+ months. Thanks for the awesome fangame I know I'll eventually play. I'm kinda bummed I've missed/am missing beta testing, but life's like that. You win some you lose some. ~Peace
  9. Found one - if you're previewing new content, you can see spoilers even if you don't want to. Example - I was previewing 'what games are you playing' topic and I saw Mykonos' spoiler for Unleashed.
  10. I figured I was spamming something when I kept putting my game passwords there...how the hell are you getting those notifications (I don't get them...not unless it's a reply to someone else's). Nevermind I found the setting.
  11. Tails has been my favorite for years and years. It could be because I always played as him while my sister played as Sonic....so I connected with the little 'bro who's trying to outgrow the older sibling's shadow.... ...but now Tails is just a moron. Sonic's attitude has really grown on me through my college years, and he still comes across as a very likable character. He just...goes with the flow and always does what he thinks is right. The other main characters have yet to make a fantastic impression on me. I used to like Espio but I'm not sure why. Oh yeah, Silver is also really cool. He's basically a slow, naive Sonic who's largely misunderstood by the cast. I wish they could develop his character more...
  12. That's really good! The first drawing looks like his shoulder's (where arm comes out of him) a bit high, but still great!
  13. So no Skull Egg Zone then? Last Resort Cryptic Coaster Metal Matrix Dead Death Dimension Fleet Big Ship Speedway Utopia Toxic Wave
  14. So hotshot, you want to fight Majin Mew? Fight you? No. I wanna catch you!
  15. If you want to surf on Subways, check out '80s Boulevard in Sonic Riders Zero Gravity! well...if you don't gravity past the security gates. I always thought Sonic looked goofy throwing his arms back like that.
  16. I honestly don't know. You may be able to set up a timer to say: After score tallies, wait 3 seconds, then next frame. Pretty groovy track but it's too s4e2 (repetitive)
  17. I've been on multiple runs through the game, and I'm sure it's possible to get the emeralds with Sonic...but I just need more practice. I like that. "Tails. Go alone. Put the fake chaos emerald in the reactor and take the original. You must not be detected. Good luck."
  18. I like the bit about paths could not be accessed by Shad/Sonic. If this was real, I would have corrected it: "paths not intended to be accessed by Shad/Sonic." Just look at the buggy multi-path mess of S3K! I rest my case.
  19. Here's the vid in question. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h46eSSitKv8 Maybe later I'll put up a shadows tutorial for homebrewed tiles...
  20. I've got a vid comin' soon on it. I'll update this post when it's uploaded. Since you're importing tiles, you may have to...improvise. I won't say how since I'm not to that stage yet. I'm sure you'll figure something out. To put it simply: Make the floor flat on layer 2. Put the jaggy grass on layer 5.
  21. Just a word of...words. Why not update your first post with all the updates? If this topic ever gets big it will be easy to see what's new right away. The downside of course is needing to bump for attention.
  22. To date this game, observe the clothes they wear. It looks post-2000 at the very least. If I get this game, I'll be trying to deduce the year if it's not given.
  23. First thoughts: OMG Get out of that water! There could be alligators! Second thoughts: Sounds like the Flood from Halo. Third thoughts: You seem to be really into this, so I think you've covered its finer points well. I hardly play any new games anymore...only those that are gifted to me and any Sonic game I can get my hands on. Anything post-apocalyptic...honestly scares me.
  24. The only thing I know how to do is make green hill tiles....and some yoshi's island grass. I hear you. The most frustrating part is trying to make it look like a game when all you have is...no artistic ability. MS Paint FTW! Directly importing EHZ/HTZ tiles leaves a very bump ride, imo. I usually overlay the grass as a foreground backdrop, so the character sorta runs...in the grass, and they move quickly. I noticed this technique when playing SBTS and looking at some of the classic games. Tops of some loops obstructed by thick tiles. This looks very similar to my first attempt. Keep at it. Here's a quick attempt of grass....and why I recommend learning how to import tiles over trying your own art.
  25. Well, there was that rumour of Sonic Dimensions, but I'm sure that's just a codename or...rumor (yes I know I spelled rumo(u)r both ways). Maybe a storybook game with Ninjas. EDIT: I'm starting to appreciate the huge opportunities the mobile market offers with these latest 'pretty cool games.' I remember TSSZ asking if Sega should pursue the mobile market. Maybe after they promote Taxman from Ports guy, we'll see something really innovative on phones and stuff (well, if you can call them phones anymore; they're more like...super mini touch-screen laptops).
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