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Everything posted by z3d

  1. I've been noticing more and more 3D Sonic fan games being made alongside the 2D ones. What's our views on that? Hate it? Doomed to failure? 2D ftw? I mean I've seen some decent potential in some, there's plenty of potential from some of the guys here cough*zykov eddy*cough. What does everyone think though? It seems most people who try to make 3D games get ripped for it instantly. I sure as hell wouldn't mind giving it a shot. But no point if everyone will knock it down straight away.
  2. Thaaank you very much! Oooh god, that must have been a nightmare. I get so p*ssed when I lose one file 17 must have been something else... Don't worry tho I've got several backups that update along with the main one So far no the motion blur doesn't affect the framerate even slightly. It didn't on my old computer either. It's a good thing you mentioned that tho I should probably post a demo-type thing for people to test it out for themselves
  3. awesomeeeee. by far one of the best 3d games being made. all the best on this
  4. Lol thanks DNL. It's gone through enough changes I should hope it still looks ok. I like the advance style but hate how everyone uses it, well that and it's size. So I fused a bit of advance into my own sprite And also thanks Azu is that the ideal thing I should be using for recording gameplay or is there anything better? fraps reduces fps doesnt it?
  5. Hellooooo guys, hope you're all well. Having just started uni has stopped my progress on Sonic PCX almost completely... AND, the Sonic Worlds engine is so rapishly up-to date I had to use it(!) pretty much back at square one, implementing the stuff from my old engine into worlds is outrageously difficult aaanyway, thought I'd just post these screen grabs including the wall kick and sonic boom (wiiith motion blur). In all fairness these shots are pretty sh*t, and the energy bar is purely there working purposes. it's not the finished thing lol. Also does anyone know how the hell fraps works?? I press the key to record and nothing happens. (wanna upload videos)
  6. Ah, fair enough. Looks generally bad ass either way.
  7. z3d

    im hurt

    Lol happy birthday dude. Have a good 'un
  8. I love the first screens. That Ashura sprite looks badass.
  9. Gamertag: lZebedyl Cod4, Army of two, Halo3, Fifa08, Gears of War, Crackdown -
  10. I don't know if this will help or if it's really a practical way, but when I had something like that I'd have an invisible circle following the Player, (larger than the player) and basically added "if circle is overlapping" into the event which is making both enemies pop up. That way it only affects the enemy which is in contact with you / the circle. I'm pretty sure there's much better ways to get around it though.
  11. Lol, yeah I'm back. Thought I'd post to show I'm alive n' kickin'. Yoo TRD, thanks lol yeah I thought I'd go for an upgrade Soz ParadoxX , the old sprite looked really messy when I put it in full screen mode, so I re-did it :-). And no the levels are not going to be straight from sonic advance, they're just levels I've been using to build the engine on. I'll probably either use parts and combine levels, as well as add my own gimmicks to make it my own, as Rael said. Oh, or try IcecreamKid's way and try to make it kick-ass enough for people to help with backgrounds etc, but I'm working on the engine at the moment anyway ;-) A demo won't be released soon because I'm re-doing alot of the features and stuff, for like the 5th time. And finally hey everyone lol. edit: Azu there is a page 4, but the demo/tutorial thing is very very outdated in comparison to my engine now. Download it if you like anyway.
  12. AAAH, Spyke I had an Mp3 of it without the sound effects in the background. I'm not sure whether I've still got it but I'll have a good look for ya.
  13. I didn't mind it to be fair. And I'll probably buy this one too. Nice one TRD, Sonic Rush Adventure is a definite buy
  14. Well I did that on purpose. Ah well, info about the shots are now at the top. Shall drop this and work on Sonic Pc X
  15. Lookin' good mate, except, if you stick to that camera I think people will have problems playin' the game, cuz you can't see much infront of you. Otherwise it's progressin' well
  16. Ehh... It's in its well early stages, but just to show I'm actually working on it... Credit goes to Dami again for his engine. >Edit The 'mega' bar is basically a timer on how long you stay 'enhanced', which is basically a super sonic without the need for chaos emeralds. As you don't have chaos emeralds when you transform, you still take hits and damage, but you do have high jumps, increased speed and a directional dash. Hitting a 'distortion' checkpoint gives you energy from a chaos emerald, but not the emerald. Therefore the bar slowly decreases. If you hit another 'Distortion post', then the bar refills. The 3rd shot is 'Mega Sonic' doing a Dash upwards, you can control in which direction he goes. The 4th shot is just Mega Sonic crouching. He's blue because he doesn't actually have the chaos emeralds. And because I thought I'd use a sprite pretty much no-one uses and create a concept to it. (Project on hold. Working on Sonic Pc X)
  17. Sure, no prob. Good luck m8
  18. I think the sprite could work well with a black outline around it. Like a sort of cartoony look. Used yours and Zenor's to make a sample. If you like it I could do it for all of the animations. If not then ahhh well. I'll have a shot at the furspines for your wolf too TRD >>>edit
  19. Lol as if. I loved the sega saturn one. Ahhhh well.
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