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Everything posted by GSF

  1. Maybe for a next build, then... we can hope, right? I find it a bit irritating, because the qualifiers editor is pretty much the same as in MMF 1.0. The same crap icons and fixed names... They added a lot of "eh" things such as a theme-enabled event editor, but skimmed over the very handy qualifiers. :<
  2. Adding to the CF 2.5 wishlist: A proper Qualifiers editor that allows you to change AV names, and those horrible icons and useless qualifier titles.
  3. More theme fixes done. Popup gradients such as the profile ones are now readable. Editor and code blocks still screwed up though.

  4. The HUD reminds me of Golden Axe III. You should make the face icon "Doom-style" - have it react when hurt, or underwater, among other things. Loving what you have here, stylish as always. <3
  5. I didn't update to CF2.5 yet, but I can still open this... OK then, time to check it out. Also... BARREL! EDIT: Okay, it loaded right away for me. Nice! I had to switch the display mode to Standard thanks to some VirtualBox quirk shifting everything down otherwise, but everything else ran fine. Of course, I tried using Amy first. Now trying on Wine to see how it runs. Shouldn't have problems, I think... EDIT2: Well, it runs and crashes with a black screen before the level loads. Same in VB. Is there something else I need to set up before building the application? Level runs just fine running from MMF2 itself in VB.
  6. I was about to mention that I was getting a Nepnep vibe out of this. You should totally name the level "Fermi Facility". It's perfect!
  7. Ahhh, Blumenkranz. So damn cool. No new OP/ED though. Maybe next episode? No real need to change, though - Sirius is still awesome.
  8. Hm, maybe I'll try it out once we get all the IPB things sorted out. AND YES SHAQ FU 2 WAS ANNOUNCED. FORGET ABOUT GOTY 2014 - WE HAVE A WINNER *runs*
  9. If the writers of the site find an interesting thing to share, I think it's fine to post about it. For example, Shaq Fu 2 was just announced... And that is a pretty unusual thing, so it's worth mentioning. The fact that the site is Sonic United (+ SFGHQ) doesn't mean it has to cover only things that fully satisfy a set of specific criteria. Obviously there's a limit, though: Posting a news article about things like Bitcoin or football (i.e. soccer) would seem kinda off. As long as articles are about sharing things with potential interest, and not just intentionally bait-ridden provocative drama posts or news, it should be fine. The thing is that back on SFGHQ the main site only had updates when SAGE opened, and that's pretty much it. It was completely barren otherwise... so I find United's cycle of posts a breath of fresh air in comparison. So I might be a bit biased in this regard.
  10. @Chaos-fusion: Wait, so what are the character sprites for? Glad you found it helpful. I have fun making menus, but I usually rebuild them 9999 times because I just can't be satisfied. One of the first things I do in RPGs is to try and open the menu. They're the part of the game you see the most aside from battles, so I think menus should be pleasant to use and look at. (yeah, menus are serious business for me - I hate the typical un-navigate-able WRPG like menus) I'll mock up something a bit more adapted later on.
  11. Chaos-Fusion: Menu windows look okay. The first layout is better because it has the money and time in a separate area - it makes no sense to put it along in the character info section, unless each one has his/her own wallet. As for the character information itself, it needs more spacing, and the status effects might benefit from using icons instead of letters. I suppose that's not final, though. One thing looks odd: every window item has a bottom edge, except for the character icon ones. Is this intentional? I suppose it could be if these animate when opening the menu or something. -------- Here's a little example of how the character information can be set up in individual windows instead of just one (the darkened one at the right is for the inactive members). I based this on a bit on your example and some of Tales of Eternia's menu. You should check out different RPGs for ideas and layouts. For example, Breath of Fire 3 and 4, Tales series. FF works too. Just don't use WRPG menus as reference... they're usually cluttered and aren't easy to use. Instead of the white circles, picture icons that represent each stat. Instead of the yellow square, picture a status effect icon. And lastly, picture the sprites instead of the triangles. I think you can put in the alignment and element in the sprite window instead of the info window. Also... "Mild Headache"? What's that supposed to do? Heh, making this reminds me of my old RPFG project. But it's no longer a Sonic fangame... and I need to get back working on it. ------------------------ AT: Looks neat, the first screen reminds me of Planet Wisp Act 1. What is this built on?
  12. Oh, god no. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY You know what? I used debug mode to get past it the first time. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH (after that, I conveniently found out the necessary input thanks to a Mega Play magazine...)
  13. KLK is on a break, like almost everything else. It'll be back on January 9.
  14. Remember that you can always play Cave Story for free on your computer (and it's frankly much better). Agree on Rayman Legends being awesome. 4-player co-op combined with the musical levels is so damn fun... and let's not forget Kung Foot. @Rawr: Awww. Oh well, there's still the in-game CG gallery :]
  15. Dragon's Crown is awesome indeed. Did you get the delicious artbook? elf best girl Worm: Okami on Wii screws up the rice paper filter, I think. Maybe that's why it appears as weird.
  16. I don't need stories to be engaged. Adventure and Adventure 2 began with the storytelling approach, but it wasn't bad. I still don't like Shadow and MARRRRRRRRRIAAAAAAAAAA, but man I felt hyped up back when I was about to fight Perfect Chaos for the first time. In short, if I have a way to skip scenes, I don't mind stories. Regardless... what I like about Sonic games the most is definitely not the story. When I booted up Colours and hit A at the title screen, I was greeted with "Tropical Resort Act 1" right away. That was simply awesome. After a good while we finally get a glimpse of the story, and I found it decent. The main story was okay, but what I liked about Colours the most was the atmosphere and Eggman's in-level quotes. I also liked Generations, but found the challenge levels to be inflating and irritating filler. Oh, and the final boss was crap. All the characters and their goddamn speeches, it felt like Persona 3 all over again. Colours kicked ass with its excellent final boss remix, though. I don't need grimdark time-traveling hedgehogs. Just give me fast action, glitch-safe gameplay, and cool bosses to beat up. I won't ask for music because the usual is that no matter how crappy the game is, Sega manages to have great music. As for Mario Lost World... at least the soundtrack's okay.
  17. Nui's theme is track 17. Sawano's awesome, but those goddamn track names are just... wut. So yeah, let's work on track numbers instead. As for Raygo, it's Blumenkranz - track 4, and it's awesome. If you know some german, you'll have fun reading the hilarious lyrics.
  18. Indeed... It might be related to the new theme - something maybe broke when changing it. Gust is still working on it, so it should be fixed when he's done changing the main site.
  19. Yeah, I exaggerate a lot. It's still bigger compared to most laptop power bricks. But, it wins points for being bi-volt - damn Nintendo and their 110v Wii power brick. It's the Americas region console, ffffffffff (same for the DS... screw 110v only adapters) Design wise, both systems are much improved compared to the predecessors, though. Even with the failure reports, it's closer to a standard factory failure rate.
  20. I can confirm this. It seems to be related to the unhover transition, I'll check up the CSS... I might've broken something there. Thanks for the info| EDIT: Also, I think it only happens to images that are centered. If they're left unaligned, nothing happens. (I suppose because there's no more space at the left to move to... so it might also happen with right-aligned images). I think I know the cause now - I'll push out the fixes along with my next edits later tonight.
  21. Episode 12 is out. Mako is still being awesome and Nonon is still best deva. Oh, and next ep after a 2 week break. Oh well, at least christmas is now saved from being ruined courtesy of Trigger.
  22. There's something about that look with the heart pupils combined with her aiming the weapon... It's awesome. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME LOVE!?
  23. That'd be cool, but I think users should be able to implement their own version. So... it's better to keep it as an option.
  24. Yellow here, too. Well, it's rgb(231,255,0) which is a little more green than red. Still yellowish, though!
  25. OK, I dunno how fast your connection is, but peazip is pretty small (DL the portable version, has no installer crap).
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