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Everything posted by StarKrafter

  1. Yes, as well as many other things you wouldn't think. But trust me, I'm not promoting telekinetics in any way. Don't mess with that stuff.
  2. I never got into magic tricks. I was, however, obsessed with telekinetics at one point. Funny thing, you're skeptical about it at first until you're finally able to move your first object. WOW, WHO'DA THOUGHT? Anyway, I stopped for spiritual reasons. There was one trick I always wanted to figure out.. It was the self-tying shoe-laces performed by David Blaine. Do you know it, Wesker?
  3. Mindf*ck The concentration one worked quite nicely.
  4. Does the color of the Wiimote get all yellow and dingy after using it for awhile? Like the keyboards on Power Books? Dumb question, perhaps, but I'm curious as to whether I should buy a white Wii, or wait for some other colors to come out. Yet again, my ability to knock a thread off topic remains uncanny. Huzzah.
  5. Agreed, ila. Those new enigmatic guys with their armor suits totally reminded me of the villians from the Power Rangers.
  6. I just gave my copy away like two days ago. Man, I used to play that game non-stop. Great game, and totally skill based, which I love.
  7. You know, a little information coupled with a google image search can work wonders. Granted, they're not an exact likeness, but I consider that a good thing.
  8. I have a pair of Scorchers (AKA Sonic's soap shoes) Great pair of shoes, btw. They were highly comfortable and lasted me a total of five years. Too bad they're trashed now.. I would actually waste $80 on another pair, just for their durability. Those Mario shoes look wang.
  9. It looks amazing. I would wait for a while before buying one, however. You know Apple, always quick to make insane upgrades on their products.
  10. Well, it's a quick way to make $3,000 + Abit risky, though.
  11. All I know is that I've been playing Sonic since I was 6. I think I liked it better than other games because I could actually get through the levels.. Unlike Super Mario Brothers. And the whole concept of RPGs pretty much eluded me at the time.
  12. There's only one real plausible explanation for all this. La Chupacabra.
  13. Missourian here. KC all the way, baby. Now, allow me to be rather frank.. This game looks boring. Really boring. But perhaps I'm underestimating the endless amounts of fun to be had with a Wiimote?
  14. Since you're only doing this as a hobby, I won't go into too much critism. But rather, some encouragement. What I do have to say is that your comic will develop over time. Your art, as well as the humor. What will help you to develop it faster is to take time and study reputable comics known for their humor, such as VG cats, Penny Arcade, the funnies, etc. I don't mean copy their jokes, mind you, but eventually various methods for improving your humor should rub off on you. As for the art, well practice makes perfect. Just keep on keepin' on, if you will. After all, the most important thing is that you enjoy it. Just note that your comic will be taken more seriously if it had a more presentable style. In short: Persevere and your comic will eventually shine. You can only improve, so keep 'em coming.
  15. Can you give me your definition of an "artistic presentation" DW? Because it sounds to me like you haven't seen Eragon. Plus, the LotR cartoons being better than the movies is only your opinion. One that I don't really agree with for that matter.
  16. For a book like Eragon? Yes, the movie would have to be long. I'd say two and a half hours at least. Because the movie lacked everything a good movie has due to its short timespan. They never got to build up an suspense, there was no character development, there were no slow scenes, it was all a constant rush to fit as much as they could from the 500 page book into the 99 minutes they had. Just my two cents.
  17. Haha, this one wins the greatest KH parody award.
  18. ... was created in 1973, and therefore cannot be considered a favorite game of 2006.
  19. Twilight Princess for me.. Seeing as that's the only game I bought this year besides KH2. Square Enix has failed me. ;_;
  20. Do I sense hypocrisy? :E But seriously.. Eragon would've been alright had it been an hour longer.
  21. Stranger than Fiction was probably the best movie I've seen in 06. Eragon and Pirates 2 were the worst.
  22. Well, I'm about 25 hours into the game, and currently searching for the second mirror shard. (GCN version) All I have to say is that this game has greatly lived up to my expectations. Just the shear size of the game leaves me in wonder of how so much data could fit on such a tiny disk, and along with amazing graphics to boot.. Yet it still runs on a pretty smooth engine. The developers have certainly pushed the Game Cube to it's limits, no doubt. However, the difficulty of the game remains a pretty big problem. All the bosses are a cake walk, the puzzles are extremely simple, the dungeons are straight forward making them almost impossible to get lost. So in all that, this game fails at giving the sense of accomplishment you feel from the former, more difficult Zelda games. =/ I almost wish I had gotten it for the Wii, in hopes that its cumbersome control scheme would offer more difficulty. Still, for the most part I find that the artistic side of the game makes up for it's extreme simplicity. Definately worth the buy, imo. 8.5/10
  23. Hello again, I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with the portraits as of late. It's crazy, because I'm so much more busy now during Christmas break than I was during the school semester. I've been spending the majority of my time hanging out with family, friends, Christmas shopping, Super Smash Bros. tournaments (and losing at them, miserably) and with a certain special someone. Anyway, with all that said, I'm holding off on the portraits until the end of Christmas break. Streak: Is this another request? I may be able to squeeze one in if you'd like, since all the portraits are aside. shadowgoten: Thanks. I know, I really deserved to be slapped for not having a website up yet..
  24. Thank you all, for the encouraging comments. Shadowgoten: I like to draw other people when I get the chance. Although, I honestly detest drawing from photo references. Mostly because it's a simple copy job.. and I learn so much more from drawing from observation. So yeah, if we could keep the portrait requests at a minimal, I'd appreciate it. Unless any of you feel like coming down and posing for a few hours, that'd be fantastic. XD
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