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Everything posted by Spike

  1. I got pretty good with the wiimote/nunchuk setup, with my own customized controls... >.> What was this topic about again? Oh yeah, that new Xbox. It's sexy. I'd get it if I didn't have a functional 360 already, because there's no point as of now. But it definitely is better.
  2. Welp, I'm sold. Sold on not getting it, that is. (Ooh, I'm tricky.) Being nothing but a glorified eye-toy, I thought I'd try it out. But I'm not shelling out that much money for something I'll only fiddle around with.
  3. Hell yeah. I'm all over this. I've been wanting to replay SA anyway.
  4. I'm all for Eggman Nega, but fan characters? Ewwwww.
  5. Pushing a date back to polish up a game is something I've never seen Sega do for Sonic. Just that should show you guys how hard they're trying.
  6. Well hey, I guess all of the complaining did something. I remember a while back that people were complaining about the new-school Sonic being in the game, and Sega said something like "We're listening to these complaints" or something like that. Guess they weren't blowing steam.
  7. Hell, maybe they are even releasing it sooner, since so much has been leaked. I mean, they said it was something we should be excited for.
  8. Probably either the release date or a new trailer.
  9. That's something you need to decide for yourself. When you ask things like this, it takes away the creativity.
  10. Thanks for the feedback, guys. With this morale boost, I've got the urge to go and draw some more.
  11. I've been hogging the random doodle thread lately, so I've decided to put my drawings here now. Giggles and her chainsaw: Evil badass Pikachu: Giggles in a crouching pose CHAINSAW MADNESS Rick the Dick (not an actual penis, dick as in "jerk") Hank Hill Giggles in COLOR
  12. I remember playing Sonic Adventure for the first time at a Gamestop. I was so amazed by it that I spent the next several months begging for a Dreamcast, and I finally got one for my birthday. I didn't get a memory card, but I was fine with that, because I beat the whole game in one sitting, only taking breaks to eat. Good times, good times.
  13. Thanks, guys. Here's one more: My DA if you're interested.
  14. Hot damn. That's just as awesome as your drawings.
  15. I refuse to watch this. Just the trailer makes me cringe...
  16. I miss Riptor's Sonic and Knuckles Alpha. It's pretty much dead. He hasn't posted since 2007, he deleted the videos of it on youtube, and deleted the website too. It will be missed.
  17. Ayche Bee, Rael. We're the same age now, for a few months!
  18. Nitemare... That is not a Chaos Emerald. >: (
  19. I'll admit, I didn't really like Time Travel. Well, it wasn't that I didn't like it, but that it just felt like it served no purpose. If you didn't want to destroy time machines, it didn't really do anything. I did like the game itself, though. Not as much as Sonic 2 or 3, but more than Sonic 1.
  20. Then why not just wait until then to post?
  21. I'm frustrated. I can get past Guile, and to the part where the could-guy-thing (the moving platform with a smile) carries you over the spike pit, and then it runs away, leaving you to die. I have no idea what to do here. I shall not pass.
  22. I think it'll be cool as long as it plays like MvC2, and not like SF4. I don't really care about graphics style. If they're adding some new Megaman characters, I'm sold. Other than that, I'm not overly excited or anything. Just a fighting game.
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