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Everything posted by Spike

  1. I actually wish the link was still up. Sounds pretty interesting.
  2. Since you're going for a Saturn look, you should consider taking the pallete from the Sonic X-treme sprites, those should be perfect. Also, Azukara, that music is great. It feels really... Sonic-ey.
  3. Just my opinion, but I think there needs to be more contrast. The whole thing is too bright. If it were on playstation or saturn, it would have a lot more of a variety of lights and darks. His muzzle also looks... yellow? I'm colorblind though, so don't take that too seriously.
  4. Wow, I had no idea that Time Twisted had become such a community project. Last I heard, it was still just you, Overbound. Looking great, though.
  5. I want to see Sky Chase. If you want to talk about memorable areas, that one hits me. I imagine modern Sonic would play like the Tornado levels in Adventure and Unleashed, but hopefully keep the ability to jump off the tornado now and then.
  6. All that really got my attention was Sonic Generations (360/PS3 version) and Kirby Wii. Other than that... pretty lame and disappointing E3.
  7. Very mature of you... If you're that bad at taking criticism, then you may reconsider putting your works on the internet. You'll get a lot of that.
  8. Genesis, no doubt... I've always thought Advance sprites look like shit. But that's just my opinion.
  9. Simple. That wasn't Mighty in Chaotix, that was a Sonic clone. ;p
  10. ...Really? I'm the first one to point this out? Well, alright. This game is a total ripoff of Super Sonic Knock Out. In every way I can see. I mean, it uses practically the same menu, it has an almost identical training stage, the first level is Sunset Hill Zone, looks to play exactly the same... Hell, even the name follows the same pattern of Super Sonic ____ ____.
  11. I'm shooting for finishing the demo around SAGE, if there is one this year, I haven't heard anything about it. If not, just the end of the summer sometime. I'm moving overseas during the first week of September, so it'll have to be before that. Also, a better screenshot of the forest level. It doesn't actually look so much like Triple Trouble, it's more of a re-imagining of Wood Zone: (But now that I think of it, those popping bubbles from Triple Trouble might be a nice addition...)
  12. It was the E3 video that gamerdude posted in the E3 thread, where they're showing classic Sonic playing through City Escape. I'm not sure exactly where, but there was an area where the truck was chasing Sonic through some scaffolding, and for a second when Sonic gets close to the wall, it zooms in and you can see a poster on the wall. If you pause, you can see that it says "WANTED:" and shows a headshot of Fang, in all of his devious glory. On the Sonic Stadium, people were saying that they saw "Missing:" posters of Mighty, Ray, Bean, and Bark too. Hahaha
  13. @Betaman You are very correct, sir. Triple Trouble has always been one of my favorite oldschool Sonic games. I've always found it very underrated. Although the level similarities weren't intended, I'm sure you noticed the rocket shoes. The spring shoes are in the game too, and Fang plays a very important role, similar to Knuckles in Sonic 3. (As in, he's out to screw you over. He also controls most of the mini-bosses.) @sonicyoda My game had it's own thread looong ago, probably about last summer. With college, I don't work on it much during the year, and then I make a lot of progress each summer.
  14. Fang is on the wanted posters throughout City Escape. Possible return? I sure as hell hope so. Sure he hasn't been around much, but he was always one of my favorite villains. He's a badass cowboy with a gun, and he's motivated by nothing but greed. He's something that the series hasn't had too often.
  15. Haha, it's the fangame I've been working on for a good... too many years. I just hardly ever show it or talk about it. It's made in GM.
  16. Sniff sniff... Oh god, what's that smell?
  17. Add more stages and characters, get rid of the dumb adventure mode for regular ol' arcade mode, and I'm in. But yeah... It feels like Brawl is really recent, so I can't get too hyped about it.
  18. I thought the Halo "trilogy" was supposed to be over.
  19. I just can't get interested in anything Nintendo is doing. After the Wii, I just can't. I mean, I was so excited for the Wii and there only ended up being 4 or 5 games I ever played on it. Such a let down.
  20. Yeah, I'm not really sure what we're supposed to be commenting on here... Um, good job putting in sprites from other games into an engine test? Will there be a pearl version?
  21. I like the look of the sprite, except for the quills. It looks like he's half super or something... There's just no curve to them.
  22. Actually, they're reporting more tornadic weather tonight. But from my guess, that's just paranoia. I mean, even the night of the actual tornado, nobody gave a shit when they heard the sirens. They sound them every time it rains around here, they're so paranoid.
  23. Hahaha, Felik, you basically make levels the same way I do. A mixture of mix-and-match and original work, with pallete changes and whatnot.
  24. Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone. Today I went and got all of my family members that were trapped in their areas last night and took them to a safe place. There are a lot of people still missing here, too. The death toll rose to 120 today, with dozens still missing. I saw them peeling someone off the road, and another person impaled on a tree. It's pretty gruesome out there. Either I got out without any mental problems, or it just hasn't hit me yet. Also, I've got some pictures here... My old high school The view of the city from my grandparents area. The shopping district. The grocery store I always went to. The pictures are from the news, but I was walking through these areas myself. The town is covered in army barracades and road blocks, so you can't drive. Even if you could, there are trees and debris covering all of the roads. It's an incredible sight, the pictures don't do it justice. You have to be walking, climbing, and jumping over all of this stuff to really get the feel of it.
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