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Everything posted by Spike

  1. (Believe it or not, I put that in before that prototype came out! It was crazy seeing that prototype on sonic-cult about 2 weeks after I added it in) Another update! I've changes the rocks to Angel Island rocks, and made the Buzzbombers a little slower so that they can't match Knuckles' gliding speed. And for the win, The first boss is easier! The bombs fall a tad slower, and the pipe itself has to catch up with you. Made it MILES easier for me (no pun intended). Just go back to the first post and re-download it if you want to see.
  2. Yeah I guess your right. He didn't have to be so rude about it though, that gets me a little pissy when people are so impolite when commenting (more like insulting) you. Anyway, back on topic...
  3. It's a lot better than yours. I don't know what is wrong with you on the first boss, that doesn't happen to me. Learn how to spell. The texture and the black outlines are staying. And believe it or not, I'm not changing the name! It's a fangame, I have no intention of calling Sonic my own or selling it, so what does it matter? Evil laugh!
  4. Thank you very much! I will make the Buzzbombers slower. And when you said make the bomb boss slower, did you mean the bombs fall at a slower speed, or that he drops them less frequently?
  5. Did you pause the game? Controls have freaked out for me before after I'v paused it. Other than that, do you know what happened to cause that? To the one guy, the bombs kill you when you have rings and stuff because they are heavy, and squishing you. And to TRD and Epon, thank you.
  6. I updated. I fixed some minor glitches with Knuckles' climbing, made rings bouce more softly, fixed other little graphical issues, made special stage floor cooler, and yes rael, I even cut the grass. I also added a mirror link for those who get speed issues on my website.
  7. So far it has only happened to you. I think your computer might have the loading problem too, it doesn't take it much time at all to load for me. The sound format is just regular .mp3s and .wavs, too. (I've been using the name for years, I've been starting over on this multiple times since GM4. Before any 360 engines, just a modified platform engine)
  8. @DW I saw it on some website. I didn't save the link. (They said it MIGHT be the last system) I hope it crushes those little rich kids who only care about graphics, too. That's one of my 'pet peeves', when someone gives their arguments about a system and just says "graphics, graphics, graphics. Wii sucks because it has worse graphics, cry cry cry".
  9. I'm very colorblind, so the collor issues are a little hard for me to grasp. I'll try to fix it up, though. Good idea on the Special stage, too. I'll get to that.
  10. I have a 360 and a Wii, and I don't EVER plan on getting a PS3. Its amazingly overpriced, and Sony doesn't usually let the price drop of their systems for 3-4 years. The graphics are a little better than the 360, no big whoopidy doo. Most people don't own an HDTV anyway. The 360 is good for oldschool gaming stuff, and the Wii is new and original. I can see why Sony said the PS3 would probably be their last system, I can see it dying right now. These developers pulling out on them will just make it even worse.
  11. Hey. As you probably don't know, this is my fangame I have been working on for a while now. I know, overused name. Get over it. DOWNLOAD HERE MIRROR LINK Title: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Players: 1 (As of now) Format: .Exe file inside a .Rar file Filesize: 15MB Characters: Sonic, Knuckles, Tails Levels in demo: 1 Zone with 3 acts and 2 bosses Non-Obvious instructions: To get into a special stage, find a blue ring (Randomly generated around the level) and take it to a special stage entrance (Looks like a continue pole, but different and hidden). Mission in a special stage: Get 10 rings. You will then turn yellow, and you can attack Egg-Robo. Hit him 5 times within the time limit to win the emerald. Screenshots: Sonic gameplay Slopes Tails fighting first boss Rivals and such Act 3 boss Special stages Stuck on a boss? On the act 1 boss, when the pipe drops a bomb, jump on the bomb so that you can reach him. Be careful that the bomb doesn't explode while you are on it. On the act 3 boss, just hit him. Any comments, feedback? It's all welcome here. Enjoy! UPDATE ( Dec 21 2006 ): Fixed some minor glitches with Knuckles' climbing, made rings bouce more softly, fixed other little graphical issues, made special stage floor cooler, and yes rael, I even cut the grass. Added a mirror link.
  12. Wow, thats exactly what I wanted! Thank you! Does anyone know about the invisible auto-saving part?
  13. Hey. I've been using GM for a long time now, but I've never had a save feature in any of my games, so I asm kinda vague on this. I heard that you can use .ini files to save certain information in a .txt-like file (So that in the load game screen, when you are choosing a slot to load, it will show certain things that are in that file. Such as the character you were, the emeralds you had, lives, etc.) but the manual (As on most subjects) doesn't explain how to use them worth crap. Also, how would I go about saving and loading without those gross looking windows file selects (As in choosing a slot in-game, and auto-saving to that slot always)? Any help is appreciated.
  14. Is that a Rom hack? If it's not, how are you using a filter? (It looks amazing)
  15. Didn't you want the searchlights to be white, too? They look a little out of place.
  16. Those can't be Advance tilesets, can they? They look amazing, did you make them? (This question directed towards Blaze)
  17. Isn't Mugen something that pretty much programs a fighting game for you? Don't you just add in sprites, combos, and stuff? Correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't used it since MUGEN95 back YEARS ago.
  18. If you need any Sonic Rush music, I know where to find that. I don't know about any SFX though.
  19. What are Luigi's special abilities, anyway? Using a ghost vacuum? Oh wait, he did a higher backwards jump in the DS game.
  20. Hell no. I just don't like Mario enough to care about its fangames. I still like Megaman, so that disproves your little "one-way" theory. Oh well, you asked.
  21. I wouldn't reply. I wouldn't even look.
  22. Its a bakground made of several backgrounds spliced together from Sonic 3, yes.
  23. I've redone the tileset for the first level in my game, to look more Genesis like. Which side looks better?
  24. That Silver game looks kickass, my friend. The graphics do, anyway. Can't tell much about gameplay from those.
  25. It's alright, I finished it up right before I read your post. Oh well, thanks anyway. Do you have Tails by any chance though? I am about to start on him, but you make better engines. XD
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