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Everything posted by TRD

  1. It'll take a helluva lot more than him to make me leave dude. =P
  2. I don't see how telling someone to "shut the fuck up" when he was only expressing his opinion on something was any better, sereph, and you know it. You've attacked Spike before whenever you gotten the chance, and it's ridiculous. Don't try and pass off the "I'm a good guy" attitude now.
  3. That's fine, don't change it. Rep up to you for going through all this hell. Good work.
  4. This was fine. The rocks have the right amount of gray to make it look like coastal rocks (Seeing as that's what you're going for in the background). Also the grass' shading is fine, it looks wet, kinda like seaweed or something. The shadowy part you have there is great too. It's hard to decide on what to choose seeing as how everyone has different opinions, sometimes it's not the best idea to ALWAYS go with what one says, you have to decide for yourself sometimes. If you like it, keep it. The decision is yours, but this one in particular has my vote.
  5. ....you guys DO realize that this topic died almost a year ago...right?
  6. After I saw the tetris part, the word Epic went through my head 1000 times. I'm DLing the full version. It's worth the 2 hours. EDIT: Just download from the rapidshare link, smooth 8mins.
  7. I'm just busting your chops, dude. It's cool. But yeah, be careful next time. =P
  8. I'm liking that Eggman. See if you can reduce if forehead alittle on the facing right frame. Otherwise, good.
  9. Awesome work so far, repped. Can't wait to see the head. YOU CAN DO IT!
  10. Yeah no. The screenshot thread is for posting screenshots of your current project in progress. It's not for taking other's graphical work for your own needs UNLESS they say so in the post itself. That should be really obvious. Looks like I'll be using jpeg for now on when (and if) I start working on Turbo again.
  11. But it's true though. It's just a simple rule...it's not hard...just..do it.
  12. Do it, Scatz. We need more peoplez. D= (and it's a kickass game.)
  13. If that's the case, he should have passed the torch to someone else... Wasn't midiman a host too? What's his excuse?
  14. I wasn't aware of that, that's why I asked. I think everyone who entered is just unmotivated now. It's been like 2 months since the contest started. But we can all thank the hosts for letting the contest fall through. This one was actually on the road to success, people were entering, but the hosts had to get lazy.
  15. If this one succeeds (and if I can find the time), I'll participate in the next one.
  16. Well...I hope you can take disappointment then, because: 1) I'm almost sure that the majority of the forum doesn't know to use Mode7 (See: ULF2's post.) 2) Contests lately have been falling through. Not to bring your hopes down or anything...I'm just speaking of what I've observed.
  17. Sef, use this as a reference, that sprite isn't good enough:
  18. Huh, funny, because I've grown quite sick of it, and to the contrary, it's been pushing me away from this community. I'm not saying everyone should change and be uber nice to each other...but the fighting shouldn't be this frequent.
  19. I've been planning on leaving for a good while, before I actually left. It bothered me alot that people were just constantly arguing with one another and going at each others throats. (Not counting the trolls, you know who you are.) Plus, in all honesty, I got bored, it seems like every contest we make now is born to fall through, I'm hoping that changes soon. =\ I'll stick around...but I doubt I'll be posting much.
  20. Nope, just do the very best you can, it doesn't have to be perfect. Low poly is fine, or high, whatever floats your boat.
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