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Everything posted by Ligar

  1. Ila's game tournemants were pretty successful.
  2. I'm upset cause this whole thing is causing some sort of implosion between us all. What the hell guys? Streak was being a dick, people dog piled on him, streak asked to get banned, now we're at each others throats all of a sudden? Fuck guys! Enough! Look at what this is doing. Now there's bad blood in the pot because of differing views of the situation. I didn't want bad blood in the pot, why IS there bad blood in the pot? Why is there a fucking pot?! Look, Streak being banned is a loss and its not something to say "good riddens" to. So what if streak was a dick, and spitting on the door he walked out in makes you any better? No! Stop this bullshit and shake hands, seriously you guys. WTF happened?
  3. This sucks. I didn't want this to happen.
  4. The main advantage would be that females produce the desired pokemon in breeding. Males give the moves in their own movesets if the moves are compatiable with that pokemon. Example: A female Pidgeot breeds with a male Staraptor. The result is a Pidgey that knows Brave Bird (If the Staraptor currently knows the move.)
  5. Did me changing my username cause some sort of paradox or something?
  6. Definitely a game worth purchase/download. I played it again a few months back and it reminded me how asshard hell is. Plus you have to do all this stuff to keep Curly alive. You screw one thing up, you're f**ked.
  7. Getting a female starter is like bobbing for apples... in public swimming pool. Keep at it PG, I'd be doing the same thing with Chikorita. (Despite it being shit.)
  8. I basically followed Aero originally. I then just settled in cause I luv jou gaiz. :3
  9. You take the mouse shaped thingy and you move it around which makes the arrow on the screen move too, ya see. Then you press your finger down on the left button. Don't press the right one, or else it make this box appear. That's too much info right there and will be essplained another time.
  10. He's just butthurt cause Slinger's not around for him to leg hump.
  11. PG is a prime example. He says dickish things, but he's at least funny at it.
  12. Why would anyone be furious at someone saying stuff just to say stuff and to get a reaction. My original intention for this thread was to make a new professional name for myself other than my favorite character, the first letter of my name and my lucky number. I'm trying to take my future art seriously. Lets keep things civil and intelligent from here on out please.
  13. "Hey Landon! (My characters name) Its Fred! How's it goin?! I'm here to annoy you about a super weak Pokemon I was too retarded to catch properly! I was Sooooooooooooooooooo close! Well, gotta go, bye! *Click*" Oh and lets not get started on your mother: "Hi honey! I used $10,000 of your hard earned cash to buy this inch high doll of Magikarp! Isn't it cute? I hope you don't mind??? I hope you don't mind??? Cause I'm gonna do it again anyways! Well, love you sweetie! Keep battling! *Click*"
  14. It would've been cool for you to select the pokemon that follows you. This may seem like a hassle, but it seems that we have to pull that off the hard way, by switching to which pokemon you want before battles and such. Bad News: I won't be getting this game till my birthday. (May - Aero and I have a tradition where we buy both games, myself getting gold and him getting silver, for example. Crystal/Emerald/Platinum don't count since they are stand alone games.) Good News: Once my Birthday rolls around I'll be able to pick up Super Street Fighter IV as well. Sweeet.
  15. Sonicd00d3 needed some help so I lent my voice to him: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvXCrO3yWvI I also messed up a lot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huomVCaEewc
  16. He saved the world, and will be remembered... Feldman will be flying solo from now on.
  17. Fuck dude, what have I unleashed?
  18. Right, your username. Lol, ham. Thanks. And yes, yes it does.
  19. Okay, I've thought of 5 possible new names: Geobox - (I was looking at my favorite shirt, when thinking the term "geo" which derived from the first letters of my name "gar". I'm fond of Geo and I was also looking at my 360 across the room. So I thought of this.) Erayser - (This one was simply cause I tend to erase a lot on my drawings.) Daggar - (Once again Gar is used. This one was the base for Geobox.) Wikidd - (When Shonumi said wee noob, it made me think of wee kid. I do look young for my age. People think I'm 15 when I'm 20. The rest is obvious.) Ligar - (Mix between a lion and a tiger. Good with magi- Oh wait. Anyways, this one sounds cool and it can be pronounced the same way.)
  20. I'm still debating on it. Can't be something I rush into.
  21. I've been recently making soul searching decisions with how I go about things in my life. One of the biggest ones for me right now is a username or more appropriately an alias. I've been going by LinkG07 since my childhood, however it isn't a name that has a ring to it. I know this because a lot of people have been getting it wrong. As I look around I see that some people go be simple names like "Cheeks", and I want to think of something that would be as catchy. This is for professional purposes as I'm really trying to plan out my future as an artist. So I ask: How did you all come up with your usernames?
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