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  1. Dude, Neo, a simple pallette swap would do that background well. Just make it like at night or something. Then we can focus on the character's actions, which as we know are ESSENTIAL TO A FIGHTER. We must be able to differentiate characters from one another. That's actually kind of a problem with the roster aswell... There are like 10 hedgehogs, and maybe 5 characters whose primary color is black. That Radical Highway type stage you showed in a video was great, and was easy on the eyes too.
  2. Ah. So like, you're rolling and you get to a bit where you would slow down and then unroll to keep your speed up?
  3. Hopefully this doesn't have the same dev pattern as Chaomega. Also, how will unrolling be useful? How is it used, gameplay wise? Does it just help slow down?
  4. Love the track, as well as a few of the game ideas. Will unrolling/rolling be a toggle? or a hold? Or what? Shadow's animation looks nice. Is that a custom/modified sprite or an original?
  5. That ATS/BTS feel might come from the fact that the sprites are really simillar. I didn't read that warning about the special ring and was transported to a 10 foot land of whimsy and wonder. Does this mean the special stages will be actual platformer levels like Triple Trouble or Ristar? I do dig the art style and the level design ain't too complex. Nice for an opening, but hopefully the later stages will have ramped up the complexity and challenge.
  6. Go for boom Amy then. As long as the hammer stays!
  7. BUUUUUUUT there are no sprites for it. Or at least not in many poses.
  8. I just realized that there is no Amy. She has a Battle spritesheet! PERFECT! Now I can beat the crap out of fancharacters with a giant hammer! Or Cream. For mood dissonance.
  9. Can you zoom out the camera in MMF2? I'm a GM user but that may help.
  10. Hmmm.... I'd say number 2, because his pose differentiates him from the other characters better. The first looks a lot like Shadow's idle in Sonic Battle. Pose 2 also seems more "I'm gonna kick your butt and kill your family" Which I'm sure is the angle for "dark" super sonic.
  11. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=ZMxlhcDw7W8t1M&tbnid=29RfHNxmY2E6zM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spriters-resource.com%2Fcustom_edited%2Fsonic%2Fsheet%2F18173&ei=vXeCU57nBYv5oAS9_oHIDQ&bvm=bv.67720277,d.cGU&psig=AFQjCNHztkllFRN-IOuJLiipKjt59hBNdw&ust=1401145659601077 some sonic 3 style Big sprites. Who did the sprites for Kixx?
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