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Mr. Potatobadger

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Everything posted by Mr. Potatobadger

  1. Awesome! The spring sprite is OK. I really like them. Feel free to make some more if you don't mind, your contribution will be appreciated
  2. Honestly, at this point, there isn't enough information on this thing yet to jump to any kind of conclusion. I'm going to stay out of this until I know for sure what is going to happen with this thing.
  3. Overbound has been banned for giving to many warnings to himself. What a crime... http://i.imgur.com/X15azvv.png

  4. Why the heck does everyone hate the new 3DS??! It's incredible! It's what people have asked for since the original 3DS was announced! What's wrong with everyone! Maybe this is why Sega doesn't make good decisions anymore, because people would be mad for some reason!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. OverbounD


      I'm pretty sure I read Xenoblade won't run on the old ones. I doubt too many third parties will go the "New 3ds Only" route though because that'd kill their sales.

    3. AnOrdinarySonicFan


      Yeah, that was what originally got me a bit scared of the new 3DS. It's because that the third parties that would go in favor of the New 3DS, and that I already own the Original. Now that I think about it, it'd make sense that not a lot of third parties would go to the 3DS. As a side note, this should have been a Forum Topic. It appears that everyone has an opinion here!

    4. Mr. Potatobadger

      Mr. Potatobadger

      True that, I this comment is threadworthy. I feel accomplished. If someone wants to make a thread for this, go for it. I'm not making one.

  5. This is the introductions thread, posting here needs to stop unless someone is introducing themselves. I expect this to be the last post for a while that isn't on topic until someone else introduces themselves.
  6. Silly willy, the Sage Page isn't open all year. It's only open for about one week a year, when the expo is going on. It's supposed to have the egg.
  7. I'm an expert in MMF2 I can sprite pretty Ok: I have self-taught perfect pitch, just started composing, I can sing songs backwards in my head if they're simple, and I can typically predict what note will come next in a song, even if I've never heard it. Sometimes I hum along to songs I've never heard. Music is pretty predictable, nowadays. I'm a singer, I ranked number 2 (maybe 3?) in Florida one year for All State. I used to go to a fine arts school, but switched over to a public school with an amazing technology division. I'm pretty good at sprite editing. That's the no way sprite at double the res, smoothed out. Harder than it sounds, I swear 0_0 The second one is a beta map made completely of re used assets: The volcano is the peak of angel island pasted in different orientations. The grass is from angel island act 1. The base on the volcano is made of chemical plant tiles. Uhh, I can eat a lot of food? I can read hirigana, but I have no idea what most of it means I really enjoy consuming potato products. The end.
  8. Uhh, Ok. Judging by the fact that you didn't understand what I meant, it's pretty obvious you don't know a whole lot about game design. That's not at all what I meant. At All. You have the right idea, you just COMPLETELY misunderstood what I meant. The top path is supposed to spark your curiosity. For example, a moving platform. Or an enemy that's placed in a place above the player. Something that makes the player say, "hey, what's that thing doing up there?" There doesn't need to be a big sign that says HEY LOOK, GOODIES UP TOP. Or an arrow of rings. Something like a buzz bomber floating up above where you can't reach it. Why is it up there? Oh, there IS something up there! That is what I mean by easy to see, but not too obvious. tl;dr You're on the right track, you just misunderstood the terminology I used.
  9. I don't think sega likes money anymore. There's so much more they can/could have done to make more money, even redeem themselves and they haven't.
  10. Poe here. The best example of good level design (that's new) is sonic overture. Look how that is structured. Sonic should be able to automatically fall to the lower path, if he's not doing anything. Getting to the top path should be manual. Getting sonic to want to go to the top path is also veeerry important. This is Overture's one flaw, the top path does not invite you to go up there. Everything that is necessary to doing so is there, but it doesn't invite you. It doesn't do anything like move, and typically isn't that easy to see. It should be easy to see, but not that obvious. IMO, the top path is the most important. Edit: To answer your question... I don't recommend using the test tiles, but I also do at the same time. The test tiles don't offer enough shape. The important thing is the SHAPE of your tiles at the beginning, NOT how they look.
  11. This is too simple. There isn't enough information here. A thread needs to be worthy of making. Some pictures, footage, even just more words would have been better. You have not provided enough to get a conversation started. Make it worthwhile, entice us. People don't have enough information to answer your question. Draw us in with more information, and pictures. Editing your opening post is fine. If you so choose to edit, I will erase this post, and I will move it to the proper thread if necessary.
  12. You're right, that is another topic. In fact, i think it'd be pretty cool if you started one. You legitimately have me interested.
  13. Not gonna lie, that's cool art. But that's exactly what 90% of people DON'T want sonic to go too. We're lucky it hasn't already...
  14. Keep dreaming, "kid". I hate to say it, but I honestly don't believe your 24. Anyways, good to see you here. Just please don't do anything stupid. Think about what you say before you say it. That's saved me quite a few times.
  15. Lol that was taz's 666th post. Back on topic here. IMO, i was most anticipating this remake the most. S3K is already the definitive as it, but it would have been SO cool to see what Taxman would have done with it to make it even better than before. Not only that, but it would be OFFICIAL on mobile! Honestly, playing S3K on a phone emulator isn't all that great.
  16. This disapoints me because I thought the plan would be this: Taxman mobilizes sonic 1 2 and 3 Release all in one bundle on consoles for like $10. Make bank.
  17. @pulse This is Poe's incomplete counter-review of Pulse's incomplete review of an incomplete game. Giving a "professional" review for spark now is like giving a professional review for the early access release of a game. It just doesn't make sense, the game is no where near complete. The reason people release early demos is so they know what they can improve on. You however, have rushed into a review, expecting this to be a full experience. You have given no time for this game to grow. This point is also proven by the fact that you hindered the games score based on things that will be changed it the future, such as the leftover sonic sounds and graphics. I believe the foreground is flat for a reason: The background is quite 3D. If the foreground had a decent amount of depth more than it does already, it would be too visual, and it would be hard to focus on your character. Just look at Chaotix. I believe the bosses are supposed be similar. That's the whole point of the game, I think. They're similar, but different enough where each experience with a boss still feels fresh. This is the one thing I agree on: Enemies are quite simplistic, and offer no reward for defeating them. I do believe the enemies will get harder when the levels progress in the final game, and I would also guess it's not too late for lake to add some kind of reward for defeating enemies. When reviewing, I believe you should not critique a game based on the choice of control that the player uses. You critiqued the keyboard, and how it is "harder" for someone to pull off advanced type moves. This type of thing should not even be in the review, especially when the player has a choice. When I played spark, I chose not to play with my controller, because I play these kinds of combat heavy games better with a keyboard. Sonic, on the other hand, I do play with a controller, because of the type of precision needed to play a game like sonic skillfully. This brings me to another point. I firmly believe you should never compare a game to another game when reviewing, unless it is a direct sequel to a previously released game. I would go so far to say not even indirect sequels, or maybe even prequels. I let one of my friends play this game. He asked me when playing, "hey, aren't those sonic sound effects?". I said, "Yes they are, in fact, this game was built on top of a sonic engine." He was pretty surprised. He could see why though, after I told him. 80% is an awfully specific number. The level design of the second level, while long, is pretty good. It's more oriented towards platforming, which brings me to pitfalls. I have never, ever seen anyone complain about a game NOT having pitfalls. Most people complain about the game actually having them, and how absurdly they can be placed sometimes. I think that pitfalls are good, when placed appropriately, in a place where it makes sense. For example, a sky level, like sky chase, or even a cave level, like mystic cave. IMO, a mountainous landscape does not make for a good place for pitfalls, nor does a sewer. It doesn't make sense. At the end there, you started complaining about rewards, like achievements not present and stuff... Really? Reeeeaaaally? This is a DEMO! Ugh. Score of Pulse's review: 4/10. You sounded professional or whatever, but it's a bit early and a good portion of what you said didn't make any sense. Score of Spark the Electric Jester: I really like the game a lot. It still has quite a bit to go to, but I've come back to the demo a few times to play it for fun, and I'm really looking forward to the final release.
  18. Cool stuff, InstantSonic. It's good to see you being more active around here, I like it.
  19. Sonic is the reason I have a future ahead of me. Just like Overbound, I remember being a little kid, playing with the Genesis I inherited from my cousin. I was playing sonic 2, and thinking about how special sonic was compared to other games. I had played mario, kirby, pokemon, and all the other games of the sort before that, and sonic really stood out to me. He made me thing. Why does sonic go through loops, and move faster than the others? How does it all work? It just so happens that one of my friend's dad was a web designer, and he showed me the thing that opened my imagination. Which was Scratch, the basic programming language for kids. I first played sonic right before I turned 5. I learned how to program when I was 6. For my age, I think I'm pretty good at it as well. If it wasn't for sonic sparking my imagination, I probably wouldn't already know what I want to do for the rest of my life. I would probably be on my way to being a singer... (there's a reason I left my fancy schmancy art school). I kind of feel like I owe sonic for what will be the rest of my life, and what is my passion. So, in turn, I instinctively have done what I can to "thank" him, which is make silly fangames on the internet. That's why I'm here, I guess. I've never really thought about it.
  20. There have been a lot of new members recently. o_0 It's usually not this hard to keep track of them all. Though I like to see new people.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fahyda


      more people are good when threes not too many people on the site

    3. Sir Spacebar

      Sir Spacebar

      But some of these dudes seriously need to learn some English and to stick to topics .

    4. Proto Dan

      Proto Dan

      Too bad most of them are still in Elementary school.

  21. Can you try to tell us what you are talking about? I do not know what you are talking about, but maybe I can help you. Please try to speak in clearer English.
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