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Everything posted by MetalShadowX

  1. That's a good picture! I like it. Though it looks like she was staring at the computer screen for too long; her right eye is all pinkish looking and the pain must be so unbearable for her left eye that she has to close it . j/k No, I'm not complaining about the eyes (I actually think they look good); I was just being silly and teasing. I rate the picture 7/10.
  2. Lol. Oh man, those sonic122 ones are great!
  3. The last minute!?? You made plans at 11:59 P.M.? *is being silly again* Sorry if what I said annoyed you, but I had an overwhelming urge to do so. I knew you meant "minute" in the broader sense, but it just kind of struck me as funny if what you said were to be understood in the literal sense and if you had actually realized, "Oh my gosh! It's 11:59 and I haven't made any plans all day; I better make some plans and fast!" So sorry again... it's late and I'm probably in a way more easily humored mood right now. I'll probably wake tomorrow (or rather, later today) and look over this post and say, "What was I thinking??? This post is so stupid and pointless!" But for some reason right now, I don't feel that way... other than that this is kind of off-topic. And longer than what anyone would consider "enough to read as it is."
  4. Happy Birthday, GamerGuy! May this be one of the best days for you this year! Enjoy your cake and/or ice cream -- unless, of course, you're having ice cream cake, then I would recommend you enjoy that. And don't let today be too frantic and fun; try to sit back and relax when you need to. Okay, I just wanted to get that off my chest, that's all.
  5. Incredible! I can't see any mistakes (though perhaps it could be textured a little better,) it looks like what that final boss would actually look like if he were 3D! It's not perfect but it's close enough to that for me to give you a 10/10 rating.
  6. Wow, that guy looks great! The other guy, Grave, looks cool too. 8)
  7. Nice pictures! I really like the color shading on the first one (Streak,) I think you did an excellent job on it. You also did a good job on the second one (Jessica [Human],) but I think she looks just a tad bit too oddly shaped. I guess the third one (Jessica [sunset]) is technically the best of the three because you took the time to draw the trees, clouds, water, etc., and -- on top of coloring the character in -- you colored all of those in too; it seems to me it was the most difficult one for you to draw, though feel free to tell me if I'm mistaken, and since it was drawn, colored, and shaded well, that makes it technicly the best, objectively speaking that is. (Subjectively speaking, I personally like the picture of Streak the most.)
  8. Oh, come on! It's got to be at least 2% not a failure! You're saying it's not even that? I mean, it's got to to be at least a "so so, I guess" game, right? (Not that I'm saying anyone could play it and state that there's no reason at all to complain and that the game's perfectly acceptable, just that if someone were to play it they'd recognize that's it's still [to a degree] fun.)
  9. Oh well, I was going to get around to buying it, but since it seems it's unanimous that it's an almost total failure, I've decided against that notion. Thanks, Singerland, for the heads up (or is that "heads-up"? "Head's up"? Ooohhhh, whatever. Anyway, thanks.)
  10. "Fun" fact? More like... disturbing fact.
  11. Neat, I like that idea! You did a very good job on this, imho. 8/10
  12. Heh. Pretty neat. I particularly like that first one. What, one where every part of the is the game is just like one hoax after another? Because that would be a pretty funny game if done right...
  13. Wow, that looks magnificent! Great job, Sonic-Blitz. Although, I must add that the shading on the gloves doesn't quite look right... But I guess that's just because of the odd mixture of the International art design and the Genesis art style.
  14. The phrase, "suck on a large level," is one I can expound to you (but I, too, don't understand "Go sit on it.":confused:) "Suck" is a somewhat rude word; it means... I don't know, it's difficult to describe... I'll try. To describe something with the word "suck" (or the word "stink," if one doesn't wish to be rude) is to say that it is inadequate, bad, very much unacceptable, or really lousy. As for "on a large level," that can be rephrased as "to a high degree," or "on a greater scale," or even just "extremely." So for something to "suck on a large level" means for something to be exremely lousy, so much, in fact, that you would have to have something wrong with you if you didn't get upset about it. Well, I hope you could understand all that. Singerland, what does "Go sit on it" mean? Perhaps something like "Get rid of that idea"?
  15. Hmm, that looks pretty good. KEEP TRY!!
  16. Hey TRD, why not just use Dictionary.com? That place has a translator. Although, because of how Russian idioms might come out kind of funny (being translated word for word,) some of the translated texts might not make much sense. Here's the exact link: English to other language (or vice versa) translator EDIT: Nevermind, I don't think the Russian to English part of the translator works very well. Here's another, more useful online translator: Better Translator Для стартеров, пробуйте перевести эти слова с этим. До какого дерги это является точным, правильным и, поэтому, заслуживающим доверия?
  17. Woah. That's Totally sweet! Sonic Team should seriously consider hiring SephirothDB and/or Streak Thunderstorm. PS: Sorry for the bumping the topic by about a week, but I haven't been on for that long.
  18. Really?? Oh, well then sorry that I ever brought it up . On the other hand, it's not exactly like SFGHQ has a "Spam City" of sorts anyway. If this really is considered spam, then I want a Mod to lock it up right now. I don't want to be a spam-posting pest.
  19. Yeah, and you don't even have to give your real name.
  20. Actually, I learned about this nearly 2 months ago, but then forgot about it. I very recently remembered it again, and now I feel that I should share this with the users of this forum, if it be the case that haven't already seen this. I found out about this in another forum that I'm also a member of, but I don't think it 's necesary to say what the name of it is. I just hope I'm not posting anything another member already has. Though if I am, please do not hesitate to make sure this topic gets locked. So, without further ado, here is the link to the webpage that has leaked info about the ending of Halo 3.
  21. That's not bad. In fact, it's quite good (considering it's an intro track.) I give 3 & 1/2 out of 5 stars.
  22. Uh-oh! Maybe Rael0505 now needs glasses! Seriously, you can't see the other differences? Well, for one thing, he changed the pattern on the slope. For another, (if I'm not mistaken) he made the grass shadow a little bit more prominent. Also, the ground isn't as shiny looking anymore. Those 3 were all easy to see changes; I don't why you didn't see them. Maybe you should go look at that first pic w/ the slope again, and then look at the second again. Maybe you will see it then. I'm sure wasn't your fault. You probably it a few quick looks and didn't give much thought to it. I make those kind of mistakes all the time.
  23. It's a little rough around the edges, but all and all it's a good picture. Good job!
  24. Spongebob is clearly for younger children, but sometimes I walk in to the room when my younger siblings are watching it and I notice a few jokes that pretty good and/or clever. But I wouldn't exactly say I like the show as a whole. It's... okay. That's a really nice pic, Duckboy! Keep up the good work! (...Or don't keep it up, if that, for some reason, suits you better. )
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