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Everything posted by Eraysor

  1. I still laugh at the fact they used the Spiderman font.
  2. It looked like a beefed up SA, but that's not exactly a bad thing. Still looked glitchy as hell though.
  3. I just hope Sony fails even more now. I'm amazed they can keep making me feel even worse about them.
  4. Interesting question: If GTA became an MMO, would it get more subscribers than WoW?
  5. Oblivion isn't the best game ever, but it's certainly in the area. I sank at least 120 hours into one game file on that.
  6. My local game store is preordering on October 28th. Fortunately it's a pretty small shop so they won't get too many visitors at 9am on a Saturday morning, but I swear if I miss getting a Wii this Christmas I will probably go on a rampage. Especially seeing as I preordered a 360 last year and it didn't arrive until mid-February.
  7. Then your school obviously has an awesome Dell computer tower. Wait...I just complimented a Dell product. *dies*
  8. At least the 360 looks cool and isn't a fingerprint magnet like most Sony products.
  9. DS Wifi is absolutely terrible to be honest. The friend code system may be safer but it makes it pretty difficult to actually find someone to play against. I'm a little worried about the Wii using the same system as it's simply cumbersome. Crystal Chronicles might actually make the Wifi service useful.
  10. Holy crap where did this game come from? I shall download and play ahoy. Tips, guild invites and such would be handy! EDIT: Gah, cursed game makes the screen flash white every few seconds which hurts my brain.
  11. Holy ____. Now those are some skills. I can do Dante Must Die mode but it usually involves getting baaten the crap out of.
  12. I have a friend who thinks she likes anime but in fact has no clue, she is trying to make me go to a cosplay convention. Help me...
  13. Nobel prize for that man. Cursed rollback, but anyway, that engrish is fun. I'd rather they fixed the gameplay than that to be honest, although we don't actually know if it's broken yet.
  14. I saw it, although the theatre was practically empty which sucked, because only about 3 people laughed at the "mother____ing snakes" line. I found it hilarious anyway.
  15. Hahah, yeah. Because er....I hated it so much it distorted my memory! *runs* All casino levels blend it to one for me, because no matter what they're like, I hate them.
  16. My old house got burglarised, although they only took the VCR which we were about to replace anyway.
  17. Trouble is baby photos were before the advent of digital cameras.
  18. Casino levels make Eraysor cry. I will never forgive Casino Night Act 2 for making me get stuck for FIVE YEARS. And SH's pinball didn't help either.
  19. Only MMO I'd bother playing right now is WoW simply because it has such a ridiculous number of players it has to be fun. Although I think I'd actually rather play City Of Heroes, because I was in the beta for that and it was pure awesome the whole way through.
  20. Traffic Checking ruined Burnout for me. Burnout 3 is still the best. Although legends on the PSP is also good. Back on topic, if Sega haven't got rid of the bugs from SA and SH, this game will be a waste of time.
  21. Yeah, I know MGS has nothing to do with Sega, hence the XD. I just read the "What other game do you want ported...?" bit literally. And Blues socked it to the man, huzzah.
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