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Carl Winslow

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Everything posted by Carl Winslow

  1. ditch the white background first off. it's impossible to see anything in that with such a huge contrast around the whole game screen. and on that note, I couldn't really get the sound to stick. it'd totally stop alot and would randomly come back for a split second.
  2. supersonic wall climbing/brick busting, aww yeah.
  3. This. always do this. GraphicsGale will save you so much time and effort and is perfect for this stuff.
  4. Sonic 1 was probably the worst game in the old set of games. I don't know why anyone would want that again.
  5. parallax scrolling on a website. now I've seen everything.
  6. So yeah, this is coming out localized in november, but DVD rips and such are already out. After having watched it finally, I'm blown away and can't wait to buy it when it's localized. Loveable characters (even villians), giant action scene that covers the second half, basic, but very fun plot. I don't know if this can be topped. All in all, go watch it if you can. Here's the first 8 minutes or so for those curious to see how it goes:
  7. they aren't showing the female Casts. this has me worried. worried that they'll look as hideous as they did in PSU and PSP
  8. yo bro, keep being the cool dude you are, no matter what. happy birthday!
  9. Haha no it doesn't. that's silly, you're silly.
  10. I don't think it's got any spoilers so you can go ahead and watch it without worrying.
  11. tries to be a green day I guess I dunno. they both sound really boring.
  12. 'scuse me, I don't hear any jams here. it ain't music if it ain't got no jams. let's fix that. okay, all fixed
  13. what you hear is not what is true. Read This before you say anything further. You'll feel alot smarter and safer for it. EDIT: or that one above. whichever you choose.
  14. There's absolutely no chance of a nuclear meltdown. the situation is totally under control. The news has been sensationalizing and fear mongering to such an extreme during the course of this, though, that I'm suprised anyone really knows what's going on. What happened is they filled the reactors with sea water so everything is fine on the two that were in danger. if any others get worse, they have security systems in place that can stop it. The sea water is just a last option thing that makes the reactors totally worthless, but gets them down to cold status really quickly. There was a byproduct of lots of hydrogen though, and so it popped the top of the (really flimsy) reactor room. The containment has been unharmed in the process of all this.
  15. Could have fooled me. I'm just trying to help. Don't see what all the unnecessary anger is for, bro.
  16. I have absolutely no idea how you are gonna build levels around this. there's so much going on in the gameplay that you're gonna have to have levels designed around each power present, and then find ways to make them challenging (how you can do that with the warping is beyond me though). and equally, the fact you're sonic and can just run past stuff makes this worse. I guess this means you might have to have sections of constant running along with everything else just to have speed fights and stuff. In short, I kinda thing you overdesigned yourself into a corner. I thought so with the previous iteration too, but it's still equally as bad now as it was then.
  17. you broke the land and now everything is new. don't fix it though, otherwise you'll ruin the amazing triple spire thing the game generated.
  18. hi, I'm a person. I guess my birthday was neat. I didn't do much but I'm glad that someone said something.
  19. I was kinda expecting the foreground to be awfully distracting, but it never really reached that point. it was great to look at, but it was still very easy to see sonic on-screen at any given time. The only time that wasn't the case was the vines that were rendered over everything, but they were barely ever used in the levels (thank god.)
  20. you were holding back on the other tracks weren't you? Egg Plant 1 and 2 feel several times better, even though they're all at around the same composition level. They all rock, but those are honestly the most fun to listen to.
  21. They started over 3 times Because George Broussard can't keep his mind straight for more than 5 minutes. Really, it wasn't until they got a team lead besides him that shit wasn't a schizophrenic mess. WoW hasn't been around the whole development time of it It was just a shitty joke in an interview you know. And i've been waiting like since I first played Duke 3D when I was 12 so this is a pretty big deal! I ALWAYS BET ON DUKE
  22. PG is spouting all sorts of tomfoolery up in here. The development was actually well in the works at 3DR up until they needed money last year. Take2 decided to try and squeeze them to get the IP, and 3DR folded nearly all the way in order to afford the legal fees of trying to stop this. A large chunk of the DNF staff that got laid off formed another company as a means to continue working on the game. 3DR just decided to sell the rights so that there would atleast be some chance that it could be finished, rather than it dying. What everyone is seeing right now is actually 3-4 years worth of unfinished work that is being built upon and completed. Part of this effort being by the actual staff of the game under a new company, and the other part being Gearbox. (hopefully they won't leave in the retarded seesaw puzzles that were in some of the video leaks back when the 3DR staff was laid off, though.) You know, just stating the facts as they are.
  23. Final Fantasy past 10 (and Square Enix in general) is garbage. Just never bother with what they make anymore, you'll save yourself alot of frustration.
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