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Pheonix Gamma

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Everything posted by Pheonix Gamma

  1. Well now you're just a creepy stalker, Duckboy...
  2. Question: this thread isn't going to contribute anything meaningful, and Conic likes babies and by extension diapers, does he like poop? Can we talk about poop here? Cause I just took a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge poop and I need an outlet to talk about my poop stories. Because I have a lot of poop stories, and I figured at least one of us should make him feel welcome.
  3. 53 year olds don't wish they were babies.
  4. Wait, if we DON'T shape up, you WILL leave? If you're gonna leave, leave, broseph. You've just made a third thread for everyone to have fun in.
  5. My theory is that Lucifer himself is launching some kind of psychological warfare against me, and that he's posting as each and every one of you for the sole purpose of fueling this awful thread to the point where I slip into deep depression and self loathing. Eventually I'll start hearing the voices, and one morning I'll wake up, covering in blood that isn't mine, holding onto a severed infant's hand in the middle of I-495.
  6. What's the opposite of Infantilism? Like, a name for the repulsion to things in diapers? Cause I'm honestly getting disturbed... EDIT: Also: -totally inconsistent proportions -super saturated colors -more of that weird mouth You didn't read my critique at all. I'm glad I took the time to write an extensive, constructive critique! I want those 10 minutes back.
  7. Oh bless your irrelevant heart. I bet you've been waiting 3 whole years to use that. Personally, I'm still trying to use my "Where's the Beef?" image because that was a thing people said one time with their mouths actually and it was funny not really I think.
  8. "Good art" is subjective and varies from person to person. It just so happens that everyone here thinks it's bad. Here, you want me to take it seriously? I'll critique your work like any other artwork: -He's three years old, but he looks like a midget who's been working the fuck out. The missing teeth seem like an afterthought when you realized he doesn't look like he's three. -Totally inconsistent proportions. Just looking at your first images, his arms don't even match up. Now, I know I touched myself a lot when I was 3, but not to the point where I developed a masturbating arm. That wasn't until I was 4. Also, your hands look like lego people hands. Zero believability to them. -To add insult to injury, you can't keep his proportions consistent between drawings. You drew his face twice in the same image and his eyes are totally different shapes, and super close to each other in one shot. Not that they have much room (they're huuuuuuuuuuuge). -Your colors are super saturated. Tone it down, broski. Too many saturated colors = heavy competition and a violent attack on the retinas. -Your logo is falt out totally and completely unreadable. I think it says: Star Fighters: McGorgins K. -Line quality is a mess. A total mess. Ideally, one either keeps lines consistent throughout a drawing, or varies them to emphasize shape and volume. There's no rhyme or reason to how you've used the lines. It's like you drew this with a Wooly Willy. -That's not how hair shading works. Not unless you shower with Crisco. Let's look at the second image: -Great. His skin is kinda pink now. I know you're probably just making this in Paint, but even I knew how to pick decent skin tones using the color tool. Clearly, Hue and Saturation are the furthest things from your mind. -I have no idea what's going on with your mouths. I get what you're going for, but that point just puuuuuuuuuulls itself dangerously close to the center of the face. I don't know too many artists who do that (cartoonist or otherwise). I tried to envision a scenario where I would possibly smile that much, but it would involve Rachel McAdams, chocolate cake, and booze. Then I got distracted looking at images of Rachel McAdams before realizing I still need to finish this critique. -Arms are still totally disproportional. One of his arms has a second elbow joint under his sleeve? That or it's horribly bent. And he's got some kind of Popeye thing going on where his forearm is jacked but the rest of his arm is all noodley. -I don't even want to look at the third image anymore. I'm deleting my history so that my girlfriend doesn't know I was looking at this. This isn't so much of a constructive comment as it is me placing the blame on you if I end up dying alone. Things to work on: -Proportions -Anatomy -Color -Line Quality -Style EDIT: Oh I didn't read the character bio.
  9. Manga isn't very good. Read good graphic novels. Learn you sum culture, boy.
  10. He has the same birthday as me. I have a friend with the same birthday as me. He's a pretty cool guy, much like myself. Also Japan sucks http://kotaku.com/5484581/japan-its-not-funny-anymore
  11. Yea, you can't really see the uneasiness on my face, what with that stupid bunny smile and all. I dunno how mascots (and furries) put up with it. Your range of vision drops lower than that of a Metal Gear grunt, and it moves around a lot. And you can hardly breathe.
  12. I can go into the logistics of it if you want. Basically he's using all sorts of multimedia to create a persona (think Steven Colbert meets Zoolander meets...I dunno, some artist.) The bunny costume was part of a mock vanity photo shoot. Now, he borrowed that suit from another student. And that dude's a total furry. "It looks better on you" his girlfriend tells him. Ugh, my school's swarming with the bastards.
  13. Friend rented the Easter costume for an art project. The head has shit ventilation.
  14. I really, really like this picture. I always had self-image problems. I never really thought of myself as a good looking guy; even when I was 5, I remember complaining to my parents about how ugly I was. But I wasn't posing for this photo, and I didn't even know it was being taken. I was just talking with some people at a hotel, and someone showed it to me on facebook. But I think I this is the first time I've ever thought "hey, maybe I'm not so bad after all". So I decided to post it here. The stairwell this was taken it also has a bit of a backstory to it. The lower left corner shows a bit of a small wooden door that I climbed through one night. It was a long network of ladders going up and down the insides of the walls, 10+ stories tall. Myself and some friends found old, wrinkled, deteriorated porn at the bottom floor. It was a grand adventure. But boy, I really look super douchey in this picture, huh? +10 smug points for PG
  15. Logos are made in Illustrator so that they can be stretched/squished without turning ugly.
  16. If I'm one of "the most-respected members", this place is fuuuuuucked. Oh, but thanks guys
  17. My senior thesis is a short graphic novel. I interned with Gareth Hinds (local artist. Worked on System Shock 2, did badass graphic novel adaptation of Beowulf, and oh christ I'm name dropping like a fucking asshole) and through him I got to meet a publisher first hand, as well as talk to a few others. I'd like to submit my current project to someone, edit it, and have an actual book and make money.
  19. That's kind of a downgrade. We're back to colors? Are there only going to be 150 Pokemon?
  20. April Fool's Day? More like...April Fool's...Gay... Cause it's fucking dumb.
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