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Pheonix Gamma

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Everything posted by Pheonix Gamma

  1. or they know japanese and are making submissions for character roster selections on the japanese Brawl site :X Tell ya boyz to putz Marina down, yo.
  2. I dunno...VJ is all about fiddling with the speed of the game and stuff. I'd imagine players would get POed if I constantly slowed everything down the whole match. But I guess he would sorta fit, now that you mention it...
  3. naw, I found 2 torrents of what I was looking for. One had no seeders, one (this one) has "2 seeders" but won't work :X It's impossible to find anywhere else online...looks like I'll have to buy it when I get my debit card in the mail...;_;
  4. hm...but the site said it had 2 seeders, I figured it'd be working or whatever... sigh...
  5. Note: I know little of how torrents work >_> So I finally found a torrent of the OST is want that has seeders, and I go to run it, andI get an error saying it's not supported by my tracker (I use the Bittorrent client) So I go online and download another tracker (bittornado was reccomended by a site) and I get an error saying it's not registered with the tracker. Is it even possible to get this torrent working, or are the clients I'm using suck?
  6. DS. It'll use some crazy control scheme...
  7. ... And the PS3 should cost less than 600, but it ain't gonna happen
  8. Yea, when my uncle still had his DC (he gave it to some less fortunate friends in brazil) my cousin burned him tons of games. I never tried it myself, but he said it was easy to do.
  9. I posted it, but someone said it was taken down, so it's cool
  10. we said zero suit was an extension of samus a few times already @_@ and by the Sora comment, Sora is the name of the team working on SSBB, and in a Famatsu article, the director said "the team recently finished a major blockbuster game, but revealing the name of the team would give it away"(paraphrased) That would lead one to believe the team worked on KH2, and Nomura is working on it too, and Nintendo's getting squenix support on GBA, DS, and Wii, so it's possible we'll see, say, Cloud, appear in SSBB.
  11. I said it before, I'll say it again: Ultra Intergalactic Cyborg G Marina Lightyears ftw Anywho, Sonic will almost definately be in it, but no other SEGA characters. It's stilla a Nintendo game. I wouldn't be surprized if an FF character made it, since it's still up in the air if "Sora" worked on KH2 or not, and Nintnedo's patching up things with Squenix
  12. Get the new EGM with the special feature of Zelda on the Wii? Remember the character art of those 2 homosexual guys? I'm pretty sure they love him. They love him all night long.
  13. http://www.4colorrebellion.com/archives/2006/06/08/tingle-rpg-lives-first-screen-official-title/ Somebody stop this game...
  14. Gah, at this point, most people are disregarding that bit of info at this time. Consider it false until Nintendo confirms it themselves.
  15. k, guys. Some people are saying the new/booted characters news is a rumor, so take my post with a grain of salt. Also, to Kain, Wii comes to japan in Sept, SSBB comes 2007. So it's not getting rush
  16. japan gets it Sept., hence why I said "unless you import" NEWS: yea, so I guess, judging from different sources, the following Nintendo characters are confirmed: WW Link (replacing Young Link) Ridley Baby Bowser 1UP's fairly reliable. It's stated on other sites that Ice Climbers, G&W, and YLink have been dropped at this point.
  17. unless you import, then it's sept. But I have a feeling the Wii isn't gonna be region free.
  18. Underworld Evolution is coming to BluRay... Bluray=t3h console UMD
  19. when "universal" is used to describe a media storage thing, you expect it the be, ya know, universal. As in, it works on more than just a handheld that isn't that great. When it comes to that kinda stuff, I don't trust Sony (all those damn ATRAC CDs I made can't be ripped, so when my harddrive was reformatted and I wanted to put my tunes on it, well...I was quite mad) And of course, they cost way too much. Why spend 20 bucks on a UMD movie you're gonna watch on a small screen, when you can watch the same movie for about the same price on a large screen?
  20. Ha...my dad was like "couldn't you connect them via USB?" and I told him I didn't know how if it was possible. Thanks man.
  21. Ok, so I just got my shiny new laptop, and I need to move my 18 Gigs of files from the family PC to the laptop, and I need to know the best way to do this. Someone reccomended hard wiring to me, but I dunno how the hell that works. Someone else said I could connect them together via network cable or something, but again, I dunno the necessary set up. Also, the family PC lack DVD recorder, so I can't burn all the crap onto DVDs. Any tips?
  22. I hate the controllers. More than the original Xbox's Still, though...Soul Calibur night every friday at my uncle's rawked.
  23. dude, Marth and Roy were probably the most popular characters in the game. I think they'll take out: Dr. Mario Mewtwo Pichu Game and Watch Falco (they'll probably replace him with Wolf) Jigglypuff (probably not, though) EDIT: http://youtube.com/watch?v=jmcOn8j6Y-w&feature=Views&page=3&t=t&f=b
  24. It's easy. Do the inifinate super scope glitch, then set up 2 foxes on opposite teams like in the vid, then have someone on one fox's team shoot, while peach throws turnips. EDIT: NEW SSBB DETAILS http://www.joystiq.com/2006/06/05/sakurai-reveals-new-smash-bros-brawl-details/
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