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Everything posted by Aerosol

  1. I thought about both of those changes, AMT, and I decided that they would take the model in a more Adventure-era direction. I'm glad you like it though, despite you not liking classic Sonic style.
  2. Seeing as how I've always said that most modern shooters take themselves way too seriously, I completely agree with that article. Duke is gonna take the piss out of EVERYTHING. And it's going to be grand.
  3. I should be able to, but that's how the Sonic Championship model connects those spikes as well. I couldn't tell if it was because of how low poly the models were, or if was because that's just how they wanted it.
  4. No problem. It's up there for you now.
  5. I'm agonizingly close to finishing this. Everything in this model is mine, except the hands which are Damizean's (he ok'd it) and the shoes which were made by a very hard worker at Dimps/Sega for Unleashed's PS2 version (placeholders, of course). It's supposed to be a classic Sonic model, based on the Sonic Championship model. Criticism is greatly appreciated. And go!
  6. GeForce 8500GT P4 3.0ghz 2gb RAM Shouldn't be choking on anything. I'll try downgrading my gfx driver though. Is it as simple as installing the old driver over the new one, or will I have to do something more?
  7. http://kotaku.com/5628894/its-official-duke-nukem-forever-coming-from-gearbox-software For real this time? Well, there's a demo... http://kotaku.com/5629655/your-first-look-at-duke-nukem-forever-in-action About damn time.
  8. No. There is no implication from the word ghetto. The fact that you feel that the word ghetto is meant to imply ignorant black people is racist itself. Maybe not antagonistically so, but racist nonetheless. And you were treated rudely before because you made the same mistake then that you are now, and that is not paying attention to what it sounds like you're asking people to do. I told you, if you seem lazy and appear to be asking people to do something for you, you CAN and WILL be treated with hostility. No one wants to do anything for a person who is apparently too lazy to type complete, proper sentences and attempt a quick google search.
  9. It's more like if you type lazily, you come across as being lazy. This is not what you want to come across as when asking for assistance. Also, ghetto doesn't mean black. Ghetto is a state of mind, not a skin color. Calm down.
  10. Tried that too, doesn't work. Today, I've realized that Game Maker games do this also. I tried Rumble by Lionsoft (check GFD) and it jerked every few seconds, just like an MMF2 game would.
  11. I didnt even know you still come round these parts.
  12. Its more like this AMT. For us to know what other sites backgrounds are on, we would have to go and look for you. Not only did you not say thank you, but then, as far as somebody reading this thread is concerned, requested someone to go and find some more for you. This may not be how it was intended, but thats how it came across. You'd do well to learn some tact.
  13. Its because FL is used quite often as an upgraded MIDI sequencer, and songs made with it often sound like MIDIs with better instruments. Burnt to the Bone is alright, but you should consider messing around with some instruments. The acoustic guitar clashes HARD with the lead synth. It sounds off.
  14. Just a question. Was this made with Game Maker, or was it made with MMF? EDIT: Answered my own question. Nice game. I couldn't really play too much because of this crappy computer, but it seems well put together. I will say, though, that I don't think the character should sound so gruff. It doesn't sound right.
  15. I agree. I've always felt like the Prime games were shallow in that they took the use of 3D for granted while trying to capture the Metroid atmosphere. Not to mention, scanning things not related to your general well-being was the most annoying thing I'd ever experienced.
  16. This is the only game in the series that takes place during Samus' menstrual cycle. This explains the entire game.
  17. This game is unforgivably hard, but I'm okay with that. Awesome stuff your Larkness.
  18. Well I knew about those allusions, but it was implied that a new character or such was going to be introduced that was going to explain the origin of something in Other M. I mean, they went out of their way to make everything about MOM (two, maybe three references to the word "mother" in the title alone?). If you're telling me that they really didn't expand on anything and turned Samus into a scared teenage mom with a suit of armor, I'm going to be pissed. There's also an allusion to some other kind of Metroid. If there really is one, I suppose that'll be a nice consolation prize.
  19. I just want to know what the allusion to maternal themes is all about, that's all. I don't like where the direction in gameplay this game took, and as stated by many, Samus waiting for permission to use things she's already equipped with is ridiculous. This game would've been better as a reboot, I think.
  20. I wouldn't know about the HWA distinction. I don't know which games are built with HWA or not. I know the Sonic Worlds Delta builds do this, and Sonic Fusion is doing this as well. On a side note, I cleaned out the front grill as well and got the temps down to around 65 C. There's no fan there, but apparently it is quite important for airflow! That's around normal at idle, the P4 is apparently designed to run hot.
  21. I actually just finished doing that now, before I checked the boards again. I cleaned the cpu fan, and put some new Arctic Silver 5 on there. The cpu temp is down to 64 C. Coldest its been is around 56 C, and the hottest around 70 C. The case is as shut as its gonna get too. I've got a feeling that the computer just came with a crappy fan though (I didn't build it). I've never checked the temps before now so I'll never know. Anyway, MMF2 games are still acting up. Nothing else acts up like this. Not even Game Maker games. I think my CPU is still to blame but heck. Anyone know of a way I can force the CPU fan to spin faster?
  22. I just want to make sure this gets seen so, bump. Please forgive me!
  23. I don't believe so. Dimps has their mitts on this one.
  24. No one ever said it was against the rules. It's just not gonna happen. Also, work on your grammar. I don't know if I can keep trying to decipher your posts. I'm sure you don't actually talk like that. And if English isn't your first language, I apologize.
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