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Everything posted by Slingerland

  1. This game is pretty cool. One of us should set up a SFGHQ server, because I think this is the best forum game idea yet (waaay better than Worms anything).
  2. Is anybody up for some Hunters later? I'd like to play with youz guys (and most likely die)! Also, because nobody is online for the "find game" option. I can't get anybody anymore.
  3. I try, I really do. They'll get me at some point. When and why did hackers get on? Oh well...more the reason to get more friend codes, eh? Because what kind of friend would cheat on you.
  4. Man, I need to get a list of all the SFGHQers with Metroid, because playing on Wi-Fi in random battle sucks. I always just end up fighting other person and that person is always the all red bounty hunter with the laser that kills you instantly and it sucks...a lot. I haven't gotten one kill on the Wi-Fi. What's with this red guy anyway? He pisses me off. Seriously, friend code me up as well as sage. EDIT: fighting again...another red, instant kill hunter...gaaaay. 'notha EDIT: I can't stand this crap. This "imperialist" weapon is a one-hit kill. Erggh...aggravating.
  5. I'm getting Mario Kart soon, but my only WiFi game is Metroid Prime Hunters. Here's my friend code, Sage: MP:H Prof Fresh 2019 3725 7440 I added both Ssbfalcon and PG to my friends list. Add me, dudes. I just got it, so feel free to whoop my ass.
  6. Those moments when you feel on top of the world. That and working hard.
  7. Try this tutorial I got: http://www.soundmage.com/bluelazor/missile.cca
  8. He made improvements? When? All 4 demos have been the same thing.
  9. USA sucks ass. Koray was right. They scored one goal all tournament. It would be 2, but in the Italy game, an Italian scored on his own goal.
  10. Fairly good? Holding right for an entire level isn't good.
  11. Sweeden ties England 2-2 in the final minute...what a great match!
  12. Billiards is a sport now? I saw that one, Andrew. The game I watched the most intently was the USA vs. Italy match and let me tell you...that Italy is full of pussies. They carried 5 people off on a stretcher after getting slide tackled when Brian McBride [uSA] gets elbowed in the face and is busted open and then quickly returns to the game. That referee also sucked ass. He red carded two Americans after late slide-tackles, which were happening all day, so the cards were unnecessary. He was just making up for the red card on Italy, but that one was quite deserving, because he...oh I don't know...elbowed McBride in the head. The Czech Republic vs. Ghana was also a treat, because it's nice to see the underdog win. Plus, the African teams have the greatest celebrations ever following goals.
  13. Eh...it's still kinda big. It's not just for space used on the desktop...it's all that open area of the game that's not in use...sitting there. Especially since your main characters are Chao, which are pretty small, I think the game should be 320x240 as well (unless you introduce a feature that requires the game to be bigger than that).
  14. Good invading, Twimfy. It's always nice to jump into a picture with a thumbs up where a chick is holding a beer. Oh...and your sig...yes, crack open that RAR.
  15. Agreed with Rael...this topic doesn't really explain your game to us...other than it's a RPG and that your resolution is really freaking huge and there's a lot of blank space on those screens.
  16. Oh...OK...I see what you're saying now. You were saying that I had a nine-paragraph review of his demo (that's exagerrating but whatever) and he never fixed anything mentioned. That's what you were trying to say right? Due to this epiphany, I guess I'll retract said "shut up" that offended you. Blackarms, I think we'd all like to see your static engine in action soon. Or at least a screen that's not the MMF environment like Scatta said. So far, it sounds like it could be a quickie game with replay value embedded in the storyline, but the engine's gonna make it or break it, so maybe we can give you advice or help on it as you go along, because I definately want to see a game using those re-texturings.
  17. No deliverence? What the hell does that mean? Shut up. Sorry, Three60...I felt that I had to retort the extreme sarcasm...fine *drop'd* *truced*
  18. Yeah, your blog is still there. Sorry about that, mei, I thought you were using MMF still.
  19. Oh no...he's back. How could I forget? It was one of the greatest blubberfests in the history of ever.
  20. That's pretty, Zal. I'm impressed by the tree alone, but the whole picture is magnificent. Happy Birthday indeed. Reminds me of Kirby for some reason.
  21. From your blog: Well...looks like that's not happening. Your blog doesn't really give any indicatoin on what makes it so special to begin with. Second, what does this mean?: Are you going to have two engines? I don't understand this compatibility thing you speak of? If it's not stop-dead, built-in MMF crap, then I'll take the Epsilon any day, but what is it? Is it static, mei?
  22. He wasn't signed on to be an actor, but we needed a nerd. Plus, his overacting really won over the crowd, because it was pretty bad! He was the man. The corny dialogue...well...it's a sports movie. So, all the achetypes were in play. Yes...the girl who played Keira was awesomely cute.
  23. Ooooh... That's good that you're using static. It did sound like you were going to use the built-in movement though, so don't >.< at us, because you didn't type in all the info.
  24. DW knows from experience. I remember when he got his 2nd dead pixel...lots of capital letters and exclamation points... Luckily, I've never gotten a dead pixel or known anyone whose gotten one, but it's happened to a lot of you here, so it seems like it should happen all the time.
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