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Posts posted by Rael0505

  1. Hey guys! I know I haven't been around in forever, but summer's almost here so I'll be coming here a lot more. Anyway, I just bought this piano at a yard sale today for $60, and had to make a video showing how amazing it is. It's seriously way better than my other piano so I'm thrilled.

    This is zohar002's arrangement of The Wind Is Calling from Xenogears. Learning it is probably the pinnacle of my musical achievementa nd I feel very accomplished with myself. I'm disappointed with myself for not making a perfect recording (after an hour or two of trying no less!), but hopefully the few mistakes won't ruin it for you. :aparty:

  2. lol @ autism being a blessing while other horrible mental disorders are a different matter entirely. I agree with DW that that's the sickest thing I've read in a long time too.

    I've lived a fortunate life and at the end of it all, the only way I can feel like I deserved what I got is if I make something of my life. If all goes well I'll become some kind of doctor and make enough money to give my parents a comfortable retirement because I know they won't get one otherwise :<


    i leave sfghq for a little while and i come back and find THIS

    you are my favorite person ever, conicteam.

    I vote conicteam for Mayor of Awesome.

    DONE. check your custom user title, conicteam. you... you mayor of awesome, you.

    I was thinking I would have so much more to say after seeing these two threads, but I got nothin. More art please.

  4. "Rael, come up with a clever new name for this thread."

    oh okay

    and I might as well post another picture of myself:


    I realized I don't have any new pictures from the past few months, so here's one someone took of me while I was tying my shoes. I wasn't expecting the picture. Dates back to February I think

    edit: I also just noticed my profile picture is ancient rofl

    second edit: notice how my stairs have little grippy pads so my dog doesn't slip down and kill herself

  5. Yeah, maybe it's a reference to how much machinery Eggman has.

    Yooo Eggman has mad gear bronik

    LMFAO I think you hit the nail on the head

    I actually like most of the music, even though a lot of it doesn't really sound like Sonic music. needs more pop/jazz/funk in it. But I dig it anyway.

    such catchy beats omg :aparty:

  6. in other news I think the zone name "mad gear" is funny

    it makes me think of how people use the word mad as an adverb now. as in you mad stupid or them shoes are mad cute

    or how people use mad as an adjective to mean "a lot of." as in he took mad long to finish eating.

    dimps is mad good at naming zones.

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