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Posts posted by Rael0505

  1. Hahaha according to wikipedia, it's not possible to push over a cow by yourself, so cow tipping doesn't really exist. It would take at least two people to push really hard to knock a cow over. Also cows have really good hearing and it's hard to sneak up on them.

    Also, I would never try salvia. My friend had a "bad trip" on salvia and thought she was a cactus and started ripping out her eyebrows and hair and her friends had to hold her arms down to keep her from hurting herself further. She had blood running down her face and everything. Nasty.

  2. nawww dude, Sonichu and Chris-chan are totally gay for each other. glad you like the medallion though hahaha, we put like a whole 15 minutes into making it!

    also omfg I was supposed to put your song in Emerald ties and send that to you rofl. I'll do that tomorrow afternoon. I completely forgot

  3. *blush*

    Well I just don't know what to say. :) I'm sorry boys. I guess I was so disappointed last year that I EXPECTED ignorance this year. But hey; thanks DNL. You just gained about 500 cool points.

    1.) Bonic (7,250)

    2.) Wesker (4,500)

    3.) Suspended Chaos (3,500)

    4.) Blaze (3,250)

    5.) Midiman (2,400)

    5.) Epon (2,000)


    10.) DNL (1,250)

    You're well on your way on the "SFGHQ Scoreboard*".

    aaaahahahahahaha bonic was the MAN. did we ban him or something? I miss Brad owning the shit out of him every time he posted.

    and yeah srsly eminanchi, stop caring so much about your birthday thread on the internets. for serious.

  4. For halloween I was Christian Weston Chandler (Chris-chan) and my friend was Sonichu:




    And for comparison:


    I think it came out pretty well. I first went to a halloween party where no one knew who I was, but later I went to a midnight showing of tommy wiseau's The Room dressed like this and everyone recognized me and took pictures with me. Funny how that works...

    More pics:



    I actually don't even watch Jersey Shore, she just told me to take a "t-shirt time" picture with her and said it was a Jersey Shore thing and I was like sure.


    What am I so happy about? I have no idea. I didn't even know this picture was taken.


    lookin good for the ladiees

  5. Thanks Coach. :) It's good to see some appreciation. It was a damn shame to see the potential of that thread stomped out so quickly however.

    i knooow wtf. it had so much potential but then espeed had to come along like "what's the point of this." don't worry, i verbally bitchslapped him already because he was the only one online

    jk espeed you know i <3 you

    but for real guys have a sense of humor plzzz. that thread was ridiculous

  6. Okay guys, I just wanted to voice my opinion that I think it's ridiculous that you want us to give you a demo the full week before SAGE begins... we should be allowed to update the demo the night before, like we would be able to every other year. Hell, some booths would generally not even require a demo at all. Many booths have had only screenshots or videos. I think we shouldn't be required to send you anything but the booth registration - if we want to put a demo up on our booth before SAGE comes, we should be at leisure to do that. This just seems like a silly rule.

    I know in SAGE 08 some people only got their demos done in the middle of SAGE, and I agree that's a problem, but there should be nothing wrong with completing the demo by the day of SAGE.

    edit: I just want to clarify that it's fine to register a booth by that August 1st deadline, but getting the demo together and finalized by then is ridiculous since there is a whole week after that point that we could use to polish our games. If that's what you meant, then it's not a problem.

    I could see you guys wanting the demos early so you could put together some sort of teaser video to promote SAGE, but we should be allowed to update that demo before SAGE starts still. That would be reasonable, right?

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