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Everything posted by DimensionWarped

  1. The Ti-86 was the only Ti calculator ever to come with built in assembly... and I loved the crap out of mine... though I never really programmed much for it. That was a gamer's calculator though.
  2. Yeah um... PCO, an HD-DVD could store about... oh, I don't know... 35 hours of AVI files compressed at about 700 megs per 1.5 hours (I only make that comparison because... the typical movie I download is about 1.5 hours and 700 megs)? Remember, it's a storage medium... not a movie format.
  3. At least ZSS doesn't use another damn sword. Besides, ZSS isn't a character... its a transformation ala Sheik. And I think they should get rid of Sheik since she was ghetto rigged and no longer exists in the games anyway.
  4. Considering that statement was poking a little bit of fun in itself...
  5. Streak, if they wanted to... they could make Shadow a clone of Sonic... which is less than true about Knuckles and Tails. I mean... other than super attack (and maybe those as well), they could pretty much save 90% of the development time of the character and just worry about messing up the balance a little.
  6. Please don't be tards. You are streaming content off of a slow web page. Below is a double post that has been automagically merged into the original. And yeah Kor, its' also a solid example of "Omigosh Epon, what the hell were you thinking? We still lub you though :3"
  7. You know Sage, as crappy as Java is... its still faster than the fastest click n' play style product.
  8. I'm pretty sure he was saying it just naturally eats up ram though.
  9. What kind of wierdo isn't a fan of jokes?
  10. RPGBeatEmUpExceptionError - try making the game not use RPG stats and not involve side scrolling with punching.
  11. EDIT: Dami got it first. no no no... it doesn't go through the program twice... the virtual machine interprets the java bytecode which then must be translated and interpreted as machine code and executed by the computer. It's not quite as bad as that... since I think the processing is somewhat handled by the VM, but its still pretty bad.
  12. Yo. Wesker. So here's this giant enemy crab.
  13. No, not memory usage... the memory usage per program is really no more than normal beyond the use of the virtual machine I'm pretty sure... it's all about the inefficiency in processing. If I'm not mistaken, everything basically has to be interpreted multiple times.
  14. No you weren't. You asked questions about what Java can make and that site alone should be enough to show you that it could make any game. Oh, and just so you know... Java is about 15-20 years younger than C++
  15. Only because its interpreted through that half-assed bytecode ____ though.
  16. It's not like you quoted that or said that under a phrase like that. And I misread your statement a bit because I was under the impression you were responding to my statement.
  17. Arent' all of those formats Sony was investing in Koray? I know Betamax was.
  18. Sit down and shut up. https://jogl.dev.java.net/
  19. I haven't got a clue and never tried to develop a clue as to what the point of python is... so enlighten me. Beyond all of that interesting stuff that is.
  20. For the beginner programmer who wants to learn about OOP more rapidly, I'd have to say you should go with Java and then tweak your skills toward C++. Both languages are pretty much equal in terms of difficulty and syntax, but learning Java first would likely help you wrap your mind around the whole OOP concept much quicker I think. I know I had a terrible time with understanding what the fuss was with OOP at first... and I sorta started understanding it while using C++, but then I learned Java and it just sorta hit me like a brilliant blinding flash. I still like C++ more... because it just tends to be a faster and more efficient language and is more supported among development communities, but I do have some respect for Java these days as a learning aid if nothing else. And hell yes to what Ogtrax said about it happening in clicks. Especially OOP. And a word of warning, Game Programming classes and schools are a piss-poor way to get your marketable skillset for game development. Most successful game programmers already in the industry are either Computer Science or Computer Engineering majors while the higher-up developers tend to be geared more towards business but often still have the whole computer science/engineering background. Those lame schools like Full Sail/Digipen and crap though... those guys are just a waste of time. Oh, and Mark, most teachers and professionals say that learning something like BASIC first is only a good way to develop bad habbits... and their simplicity comes at a price later. And beyond the most extremely basic concepts of programming, BASIC really isn't good for much of anything... and while VB is somewhat more useful applicationwise... its still considered mostly just fun and games.
  21. Buying one gives me every right to dislike it :whoa I misread that a good bit: EDIT: a change to every for more emphasis And just to verify, over the past year, I've only found myself using my PS2 to play PS1 games and Grand Theft Auto.
  22. This is an awesome tribute if I ever saw one... but only a broken clock is 100% right twice a day.
  23. Hope you have a great birthday Ila.
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