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Aaron C-T

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Everything posted by Aaron C-T

  1. Not sure I can appreciate that Sonic is apparently lying in blood. :U
  2. Hey you. Do me a favor. Stop talking. If this were 16- or 32-bit it would still not be very exciting for a lot of people. It'd just look different. That effectively doesn't really change much. In fact, if that were the case I bet people would complain that the classic look was being raped and wasted on a crap game. I'm sure of it. Although, once again, that doesn't affect gameplay at all. And on that note, I really don't understand how you can whine about 16-bit goodness, but you love the on-rails grind fest of Unleashed. Then again, I really don't care- just complain about something else. Oh, and that level rehash argument's pretty weak too.
  3. Nice man, I bet it looks sweet in action. And that sky/cloud background is gorgeous. Mobiethian: I agree with Larks and Overbound: Toss some color variation in there and lose the hexagons in the background. Also the raised bit is kind of weird, but it's whatever.
  4. Thanks guys. It was the big 21. Had a few friends over for drinks and awesome fun times. Fun stuff No, Blyde. We're meeting up early next quarter. It. Is. Gonna. Happen. Has. To.
  5. Hunter you whore. How the heck do you write music for a AAA game and hold out on us? Was it hard job? I mean, it sounds really sick, but it doesn't completely match the setting. Like, it could be sadder. More like a pagan sex club. In Rome.
  6. I'm going to do you one better and shave. Everything.
  7. Hey now: the Egg Carrier was also a ship at one point. And was docked to the Mystic Ruins.
  8. Psh. It looks fine, and I'm sure it looks amazing in motion.
  9. Sorry? Not at all, it's cool to see you doing well- and NDA is awesome for you. That's serious business
  10. Ahaha, brutal. I should really start reading Kotaku.
  11. Me too, sadly, but you never know, right? And even so, he can get a lot of mileage from that.
  12. Wait, what in the world? This is out already? I've heard barely anything for ages now.
  13. Haha, fair enough- moving on. Does anyone have any idea how the iPhone version will work? I can see the mine cart/rock gimmicks working with the accelerometer, but am doubting how useful that will with normal gameplay. I'm guessing just buttons.. where is Taxman?
  14. 1. Video footage of gameplay is akin to someone playing the game. I doubt you can honestly tell me that you've never watched a friend play a game and made a value judgement (that looks boring, that looks fun, etc). 2. It's not what people "used to do" it's what is done. Waltz on over to the General Fangame Discussion and take a look. And the second you said "with videos, about level design and gameplay,..." you've already acknowledged that there's truth to it. Sure, you can't know for sure, I suppose but then again: 3. I'd like to think that after nearly 21 years of living I've grown to have a pretty good understanding of the kinds of things I enjoy. I've played a lot of Sonic games and I generally know what does/doesn't work for me in a Sonic game. Weak argument is weak, man. Edit: Whoops, didn't notice there was another page or I wouldn't have repeated some of what Sereph just said.
  15. No. People critique fangames here based off of footage of gameplay and screens. This is a fact. Why should a professional company be any different? This is such a weak argument to use at this place. The , actually looks pretty decent, however, it skimps on quite a few of the bad things people are complaining about: the excessive booster pads (which were barely seen in Sonic 1, 2, 3 or S&K), the clusters of springs, and it's of note that they chose not to include any of that second/third act bull (although that's arguably in later levels). It's just incredibly lazy and regardless of the fact that it's nothing like the old school games it looks boring and glitchy. And even still, right around 0:23, if you just let go of the controller, you can just bounce your way all over the place. Not to mention there's two speed boosters within 2 feet of each other on a semi-loop- that just tells me the physics engine is horrific or something.But, again, let me reiterate this: we make summary judgements from gameplay footage and screenshots all the time for fangames on this forum. Why in the world do people treat a professional company different and suddenly desire to "wait to play the game?"
  16. Said link is here. Really, though, what're they getting an extra 2-3 months? And then also porting it to iPhone? What are the chances they actually fix anything and release a touchscreen/accelerometer-based version that doesn't suck? Least they're trying, though- and the Holidays are an amazing time for sales.
  17. Never thought I'd see the day they held a Sonic game back. Don't they have a quota of like 3 Sonic-related games per year? Or have they hit that already? Or is this number 3? Good news.
  18. Yes! That's perfect. I couldn't really care about the grass having a corner or anything like that either. I feel like it doesn't matter in-game.
  19. For what it's worth, I enjoyed the first one and liked it a lot. I actually like the brick tiles from the first one better, although I do like the variety of the second set- maybe take that variety and apply it to the first?
  20. Bulbasaur was always my favorite starter. Adorable. Gets hella ugly, though. Really wish I could get back into it, memories of playing the original red version are so good.
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