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Everything posted by JoshJDubya

  1. https://twitter.com/JoshJDubya/status/294389769285292033 Please retweet this, let's get Jesse Cox to feature it on YouTube! Strife was excited about the idea of getting him to feature the game, so here we are. I'm pretty pumped about the game, pledged $50 on kickstarter to get the art book as well as beta/alpha access. This is the most excited I've been for a game in a long time.
  2. I hope the snow makes it more slippery and isn't just aesthetic. That said, it looks brilliant.
  3. The grass looks nice, but the palm tree leaves are looking rather gradient based and I don't like it.
  4. Pretty sure he's saying you're nobody if you didn't join in 2006, seeing as he joined in '06.
  5. I will be dumping random doodles of mine in this thread as I complete them.
  6. To combat unseen obstacles and such I've increased the screen size a bit and have added an option to turn on warnings for platforms that will kill you when you run into them, like Sonic Generations with pits.
  7. Hello, I used to go here under the name SonicProject and Tails' High Flying Adventure is a project I was working on a few years ago that was never finished because of a hard drive crash. After returning here and reading about other folks' games, I was inspired to bring it back to life. This is the first time in a long time that I've done any sort of game development so bear with me. In THFA, you controls Tails in his plane and are able to fire an endless supply of bullets at your robotic enemies in the sky. You are also able to lock-on to them and fire more accurate missiles and dispatch multiple foes at once. At a later time, these missiles will require you to pick up ammunition to replenish them. Currently there are a couple of bugs that need to be worked out. The most frustrating bug at the moment being that sometimes Tails will fire more missiles than intended as well as the bullets travelling too far ahead. These will hopefully be sorted out before a playable version is released (perhaps at SAGE). These bugs are no longer a problem =D Below is a video showing these concepts as they are currently working. Graphics and level design/length are far from final. The plane will also fly much faster in the playable version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhiSiwkK_z8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq6GFCoG9Ow Speed Fixed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p46hkf41swc level design, more items
  8. Graphics largely placeholder as I work on the engine itself. Trying to get something playable ready first to get feedback. This is a game I had started a while back but lost in a hard drive crash. Tails' High Flying Adventure is a game starring Tails in his plane. Currently working out some kinks in the lock-on missile system.
  9. Looks nice, I think you should add shading underneath the grass to make it look like the grass and ground tiles aren't just pasted together.
  10. I'd love to see this get released commercially, it's very unique and looks like a lot of fun. I would personally pay for an HD copy or something on Steam.
  11. I personally think that it would look more interesting if you did more than invert them, perhaps a bit of rearrangement on the bottom layer so it looks less like it's been mirrored. Looking rather sharp though!
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