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Everything posted by MalcomX

  1. I meant to post this 2 days ago I must have forgotten. But does this look a little better? OR I'm trying to improve my logo skills.
  2. I use Inkscape. Never really got around to working in Photoshop
  3. Also if you do decide to use mine I would like to make a few changes keeping what blaze said in mind
  4. Its not a bad idea. Like Blazefire said, it's your game you can do it how you like.
  5. Well, here's my attempt. And here's a transparent version also: Let me know if you like it or not.
  6. If you want, I can see what I can do about a logo for your game.
  7. The background is drawn in a different object. I simply thought setting the depth of the distortion object to be drawn behind the objects and foreground would work, but I'm guessing the surface_create function captures everything on screen to where everything is waving in distortion. I'm just trying to get the background only to have the effect.
  8. I am using GM8 and trying to create the wave distortion effect but on the background only. I am modifying the water object found in the old Dash engine. In there you have the surface_create command with a width and height of 256. The problem is that it draws the entire screen, no matter what depth I have the distortion object on. What I'm trying to do is only have it so that the background waves only and not the foreground and other objects. I am attempting to create an effect of heat on the background. Do I need to create a different view for this or is there a totally easy way that I'm missing?
  9. Well in that case there's a number of things you could do to get you started in making games period. I'll elaborate: For one, you may want to get familiar with Game Maker before jumping into it. It may seem like a lot at first but the program itself isn't difficult to work with at all. There are a number of tutorials on the web and also video tutorials on youtube that you could use to get you started. After you think you're comfortable enough to tackle the program, start off smaller and simpler to get yourself use to programming a game. Game Maker has 2 different approaches here. There's the Drag & Drop Interface, and then there's the "Scripting", which uses a language similar to C++ called Game Maker Language (GML). Once again, there are sooooo many tutorials on getting started here. NOW WE GET TO THE SONIC PART Now after many tutorials and hands on projects later...With making a Sonic game, or any game for that matter, it's always best to first plan out what you want to do. What style approach are you aiming for? (Sprites, art, etc.) How many levels do you want? What types of enemies will be in the game? Etc. Then after pre-planning all of this, you'll have to decide whether you want to make an engine from scratch, or use a pre-existing one. You said you were using the Sonic Dash engine. You may want to peek around and mess with the engine to see how everything works. This way you'll be able to customize it to your liking. Take a look at some Level Maps. They'll give you an idea on how Sonic levels generally are built. Also, you could reference some of the fan games here to see how the fans build their games. All and all, from the info you've given, I'd say the main thing is getting yourself familiar with the program. I have actually been thinking about making a video tutorial on starting with game maker, though I know there are many of those already out there, but yeah. Hope some of this helped.
  10. When you say you have zero experience, do you just mean with creating a Sonic game, or have you ever made any type of game before?
  11. Gotta say that this looks amazing. I can see some very high quality fan games coming out of this.
  12. Nope. There's also Game Maker for those who choose to use extra functionality using code writing.
  13. This is so cool. I don't think I'd be able to make anything this decent in Sketchup, but that's because I'm a little too lazy to explore it. And Maya, I think I've heard of this before, is it a free program?
  14. Well if you MUST resort to built-in movement, I suggest using the 'Platform Movement Object' which is fully capable of achieving where you seem to be going with your game. It's simple, yet powerful.
  15. Just like Blazefire stated, it would be as simple as retrieving the X and Y of the last checkpoint touched. At the beginning of the game you should make 2 global variables: global.CheckpointX = -1; global.CheckpointY = -1; [/CODE] Then with the Sonic object, add an event for "collision with checkpoint". Then the code there should be: [CODE] global.CheckpointX = other.x; global.CheckpointY = other.y; [/CODE] It would work better if you create a "player start object" rather than just placing the main Sonic object in a room. This way you can set Sonic either at the last checkpoint, or at the start of a room. So somewhere in your HUD or controller object, place this code in the CREATE event. CREATE: [CODE] if (global.CheckpointX == -1) instance_create(objPlayerStart.x, objPlayerStart.y, objSonic); else instance_create(global.CheckpointX, global.CheckpointY, objSonic); [/CODE] Don't forget to set the global.CheckpointX and global.CheckpointY back to -1 after a level is finished or Sonic will continue to appear at a checkpoint at the start of a level. Hope that helped a bit.
  16. Well if this isnt damn close to the original feel of the genesis games...Wow is all I can say. That water effect kinda lags the game a bit but otherwise...Wow...
  17. Its not just the fangames, the Sonic boost has been used in every main Sonic game now since Unleashed. I agree with LH, it depends on what you are trying to go for. I think the boost can be used the right way in 2d with right level design (i.e. Sonic Rush series), but personally I think its being overused a lot now.
  18. Wow, so you're gonna tackle many projects at once this summer huh. This all is sounding pretty good, but don't over-do it, seeing as a lot of single fangames never get finished because of lack of interest in the designer or starting on a different project too soon. My advice is to focus on one project at a time to prevent a stressful situation. But good luck nonetheless.
  19. Cant put a finger on it but something looks completely weird in this pic.
  20. Hi there. I thought I'd just post these voice overs I did a little while ago. I like Drummond's Sonic voice, and here I attempted to mimic it. The 2 videos are some of the same lines, just one has the SA2 cutscenes in it. This is an older one I did. I voiced both Sonic and Shadow: http://youtu.be/VubwFm0QLz8 This is a more recent one I did with a few of the same lines: http://youtu.be/dlJBPuVGKTc I do these because they are fun to do and I enjoy Sonic very much. Feel free to share what I can do to improve. I want to soon come up with my own voice for Sonic while not mimicking the other actors.
  21. I see lot of screenshots of custom level art tiles, backgrounds and such. I was wondering, what programs or templates do you use to make custom level art. I am no drawing wiz, but it doesn't seem original to use tiles that Nintendo or Sega has already made. I want to start making my own. I guess what I'm really asking is what drives your ideas on how the art should look, and how do you go about making them?
  22. Formally known as PROJECT RED CAP: This is a Super Mario fangame with gameplay elements from Mario 64 and Mario Galaxy. It's been under development for a few months on and off. STORY: Bowser has yet another plan up his sleeve. After Mario was called to the castle by a letter from Princess Peach, he later finds that bowser has kidnapped Peach again. Bowser is collecting the Power Stars to build his ultimate Star Generator, which has the power to brainwash all the inhabitants of the world. He explains that he will build a bigger and better kingdom where he and Princess Peach will be prime King and Queen of all. It's up to Mario to save the princess, and collect the Power Stars to foil Bowser's plot. There are 7 planned worlds with 1-3 star missions each. WORLDS: *=working name Green Gardens Underground Caves Cool Rain Land Melty Mountain Cloud Nine* Airship Doom Space Station* SCREENSHOTS: DOWNLOAD: Demo v1 will be available when World 1 and 2 are complete.
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