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Everything posted by JetHawk95

  1. Looking awsome man, Needs a little more evil though, Seems a bit too cute maybe if his metal was a bit of a darker blue like it was in the on games? I'm thinking something like this Also I think his legs need to be a bit thicker, They dont look like they could support the rest of his body and look out of shape. Apart from that its a great work in progress (Y) You should contact Damzien, He's working on the new Egg Engine and I'm sure he's looking for some talented 3D Modelers (Y)
  2. I'd love too :3 Have you got any more concepts you can PM me or shall I make some music for that first level?
  3. I just downloaded and played this and I enjoyed it quite a bit dude, Liking the level design, Its fresh and its a step in the right direction in terms of enjoyability. You dont just hold right and win like some of the games. This actually reminds me of Sonic Advance 1. Some of the levels like ice mountain and egg rocket had some really good platforming elemts to them which made it more enjoyable than just constant speed. The music in the level feels a little unfinished. The piano sounds cheap and too fake sounding .. The composition side of things is good, the instruments just need tuning up a little. Using some more proffessional plugins would probably fix the problems. Is Renritu composing all the soundtrack for the game may I ask? If not I'd be more than happy to compose you some music for the game. You can check my work out here: http://www.youtube.com/StereoPixelMusic Keep up the good work! (Y)
  4. Really digging this Damizean! Loving the camera changing elements, Especially the from above view. I tried to do a super peel out and turned out it was the anti-gravity feature xD Keep up the work, I hope you plan on releasing this, A lot of good creations could come from this (Y)
  5. Thanks a lot man, Only very recently have I got into mastering my work. These tracks were not mastered at all. I know now that these need the lower frequencies boosting or maybe some instruments like the hi-hats and strings need the low frequencies taken out completely to open a pocket for the lower frequencies to come through.. I should maybe touch these up a little.. My newer work is sounding a lot better now I understand how to mix down my work down properly. I've learned slowly that less is more in a sense, Giving lots of reverb to an instrument may make it sound nice when played solo (Which is how i used to add reverb) but sounds bad when played along with the rest of the instruments, and this shows in this piece a lot. I don't like to blow my own trumpet but I like to consider myself good at musical composition, Choosing the right instruments and arranging songs but I do need to concentrate more on finalizing my work and touching it up, Bringing out the lush sounds more. Thanks again for the critique bro! (Y)
  6. Im loving the new sprite, But his eyes just seem out of place, seems too chibby =/
  7. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.338656-Lunar-Workshop-games-Protest-SOPA-Pirate-Digitanks This^ I think this is starting to get out of hand.. I know this sound crazy but this could lead to the end of the internet as we know it.. A world were you can only access certain sites the government will let you. They want control over us even more? If this goes through then they've got it. I know I sound like I'm preaching xD But it wouldn't surprise me the slightest.. you cant monitor the whole internet but you can if you designate what sites you can access. Think about how much stuff goes under the radar that we share over the internet... All in all i think this is much much deeper then just piracy, I think the whole file sharing thing is just a cover up, you need to look at the big picture in front of us.
  8. Cus in Sweden File Sharing is a religion... No shit, There actual prayer is Ctrl C + Ctrl V.. Sweden wont hand the creators over cus it could be seen as an act of racism.. Clever. Damn. Bastards. http://mashable.com/2012/01/05/sweden-religion-file-sharing/
  9. It's the same here with FL Studio. I paid the full commercial price for mine cus I wanted to sell my creations.. It's okay though because I've made 10x more than what I paid for it, So I guess if your good at what you do its worth paying for the full product. I Agree with the whole Pro Tools thing Falk xD Where I study they try ramming pro tools and Logic down our throats when I love FL Back on subject, I think fan gaming should carry on as it's going cus a lot of great products have come out of it. Take Sonic Fan Remix for instance, Its beautifully crafted and has the passion of fans inside it, and theres no denying some of the inspiration for Sonic Generations Green Hill Zone came from it, You should go compare that zone to the Sonic Fan Remix's early sketches.. I think SEGA/Sonic Team likes fan gaming and all things fan made, Just look back at when Sonic 4 Ep 1 was been developed, people started remixing Splash Hill before the game was even released. Did SEGA cry like a baby and get it took down? No. They appreciated the love for the game and Sonic and even posted the best ones up on the Official Sonic 4 Blog (Y)
  10. Serephim If I could give you rep for that post I would, I laughed so hard.. :L I really dont know where I stand on this, I'll admit I download a fair amount of illegal stuff from Movies to Iphone apps.. It's a fine line with games though, Would you carry on making games for the rest of your life and make no profit at all, but people loved your games with a passion and really enjoyed them. or would you make money of your games and let it take you over? To a point where making a "Good" game is just a standard for making money... I know which one I'd rather do. The first. I personally think games should be made for free. I appreciate fan games and freeware games a lot more than commercial games. Take Cave Story for instance, I absolutely adore that game, every single piece of that game is perfect, and that's because Studio pixel put his heart and soul into that game and just wanted people to enjoy it.. At the moment Nicalis is making money off the remakes, But Pixel's using that get his game out there more so people can enjoy it.. I don't think he cares too much about the profit.
  11. @Lake If anyone ever asks you what was the hardest bit about making the game you can "That god damn tree -__-" I think somewhere between 2&3 though dude. @Blaze, Looking really nice on the Green Hill type level, I Think the opposite of DNL though, It looks too cluttered on that picture, feels like too much is going off in the background, Meh maybe its just at that point of the level and I'm being picky xD
  12. I laughed soooo hard xD http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/472-Sonic-Unleashed
  13. Hey guys, well here is my facebook page for my Video Game Compositions, http://www.facebook.com/StereoPixelMusic Please Like if you like my music Might save me posting my work here so muchh.. Thanks
  14. He's here xD Yeah I would like progress to resume on Edge of Darkness. The soundtrack is pretty much finished
  15. I prefer the fan made one personally Looks lots better They have obviously just copied the Sonic 2 poses and made them modern, Look at sonics arm and finger and Tails' arm too,
  16. Yeaah I'm having the same issue here, Im using Firefox at home and its just not letting me on the site ata all so I may be gone until it gets fixed =/ The only way around this that iv'e found is to use Internet Explorer 8 (Or lower) and enter the www.sonicfangameshq.com/forum link without using google.. Your antivirus may flip though.. my AVG doesn't like it at all =/ Hoope it gets fixed soon, This is obviously someones idea of a practical joke -__-
  17. Hmm thatd be tricky then... Just trying to get round it could create more problems in the future.. I hope you fix it soon, Best of luck
  18. If not couldn't you make sonic fall from the air onto the ground but cover it up with full title card like a Sonic 2 styled one? Then by the time the title card disappears Sonic is on the ground? Its not really a fix but if all else fails its a good cover up =/
  19. This is the most impressive Engine I've seen ever I think This guy totally proved what this things capable of I'm speechless
  20. Well I got to the second zone and I'm really liking the game up to now. Is there any way to turn the SFX down? They're really overpowering the music and stopping me enjoying it =/
  21. Looking good LH! Cant wait to see this finished
  22. This looks epic, well done on what you've got so far (Y) I don't know if you have a full soundtrack yet but if not I would be more than happy to rearrange/remake the original tracks :')
  23. @DerZocker They look really nice! the shading makes them look soft and simple :') @LakeFeperd Lovin the screeny, Glad you've used rain in the level, People dont seem to do that much nowadays and its a good effect to have. I think the plain grey background is a little bland though, maybe have some very subtle clouds at the top to emphasize that its raining? @Chronic, I've not seen much of your game as for the screeny in your signature and the Doomsday zone remake thingy. But from what i saw you do witht he Sonic Dash+ Engine I think its going to be pretty sweet :3 Could we have a post your music thread? Cus I'm sure this isn't the best place for me to keep posting this stuff xD Anyways... Outerspace Speedway (Original Sonic Fan Music) Some Music I composed for a space like level, A level coming up to the Death Egg perhaps? Things I can improve on please?
  24. Well New years already happened here, Soo Happy new yeaar
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