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Everything posted by Chaos-Fusion

  1. @ Infinity_Alex: Certain Virus Scanners really hate Gamemaker for some retarded reason so you may have to either lower the security for a few second to play it or watch videos of it. Also If it was a virus, Yoyo Games wouldn't have allowed me to upload it. Norton is the biggest offender @Mr Lange: A kart race or race in general could work as another Special Stage type but as you said, I would have to add a bit more details like slopes and 3D obstacles which may be be difficult due to how I have programmed the engine so far. @ TheJeli: As I mentioned above regarding a kart racer, programming in some of the other 3D objects may be impossible unless I change how I programmed the engine but I'll still give it a try as I am looking for suggestions on how to improve the engine.
  2. Special Stage Engine I take back what I said earlier about not needing a topic as I probably will release this for others to use once its fully completed. Basically, I spent the week learning and working with Gamemakers 3D graphics to recreate the Special Stages that Sonic CD had. Current Features: 2 types of movement: Free movement and CD movement(always moving forwards like Sonic CD) Basic UFO's and Enemies to destroy Dash Pads Springs and fans 3D platforms Spike traps Quickstep, Bounce and Spin Dash 2 pre-programmed Special Stage goals Zero robot from Sonic Advance 2's Special Stage Ring Loss Possible Upcoming: Screenshots Link: http://sandbox.yoyogames.com/games/219041-sonic-3d-special-stages http://www.mediafire.com/download/6w71q8bf17cg5sg/Update.rar Feel free to make suggestions on what I should include as this engine is quite bare as it is.
  3. Heres a link to the original DLL and example file. http://www.mediafire.com/download/u4x35bzs0a4udxk/supersoundsystem3.4_dll.zip To add scripts manually, you can either copy and paste them across projects or you can export the scripts by clicking scripts on the menu bar and export allscripts. To Import them, click import all Scripts and done. Since the Gamemaker example is from GM5, you will need to open it under old gamemaker files.
  4. Is this a Gamemaker Extension of the DLL? If its the extension, try redownloading the gex file because you should be able to install by the Extension installer like how you showed above. Otherwise, just import the scripts manually. Personally though, I stopped using Supersound as it always crashed when I quitted my game + it kept my game running in the background despite it being closed slowing down my system. I'm currently using SG Audio DLL and its doing its job perfectly like Supersound so I recommend trying it out if you can't get the gex file to work.
  5. Not worth creating a topic on but something I've spend the last week on. Mostly from scratch and for the learning experience. @PotatoBadger: Are...those screenshots related to someones work or are they there as your playthrough of Sonic 3&K?
  6. Looking pretty good so far. Love the level design and Graphics but I agree with the above posts, not enough gimmicks.
  7. What do you know, he's not dead. Oh and Bayonetta 2 looks pretty sick. Same with Mario Kart 8, X and that new Super Mario Game
  8. @ Nefault1st: Thanks. I may end up using the second one as not only is not as clustered but it doesn't look like a eye sore on the screen. @Betaman: I'll try that out. Afterall, these are only the shape of the new hud so I'll see what I can do. Also, I'm thinking of adding a feature where it will dim in transparency when nothing is happening. (Non combat Scenarios)
  9. GG Xbox, GG. FFXV, KH3, Watch Dogs, Destiny and PS4 doing the exact opposite of Xbox One. Life is good
  10. Hmm, I haven't being paying as much attention to the current games this year but from what I've seen and heard of: The Evil Within Murdered: Soul Suspect Sonic Lost World Destiny FF versus Thief Also, A new Persona, Doom 4 or Fallout 4 announcement would be nice. Hell even a Half Life announcement would bring me tears of joy.
  11. Pretty much if you saw one of my screenshots on DA, I mentioned I was going to change the HUD again. Any suggestions on which is better and / or what to change? @ Nefault1st: Perfect, It's Pokemon Slots all over again except this time, it'll be my Rings disappearing. Seriously though, it looks a like a nice distraction from the main part of the game.
  12. Just reading more of the previous posts but Gamemaker isn't free either. Lite version last time I checked doesn't allow sprite rotation which are important for the slope rotations so while you can create exe's, you will have to leave out certain features
  13. I've got mixed feelings about the inclusion of a Koopa as the main character but then again and its already being said numerous times, it's your game and I'm just nitpicking. From watching the video, stage art looks very mixed due to how inconsistent the patterns are and sprite animations aren't aligned for some animations. This game is early in development so just pointing them issues for you to fix. Also, for the Koopa level showed in the video, you may want to remove that blue border around the top of the mountains. He's using Gamemaker so switching engines would require him learning something new all together. Besides, Super Rings was quite good when I tried it out as it was close to the Genesis physics.
  14. Don't worry about the camera, its just Fraps recording. Should of mentioned it earlier.
  15. Here's a vid of me recreating the small bug. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYJmwFcE3HY&feature=youtu.be
  16. When I started off, I simply got to the bridge as fast as possible and parts of it are missing. after a few seconds, the missing pieces appear from the bottom of the screen and move back into place. Due to the test physics, all I need to gain speed was to jump from the small slope near the beginning and I'm quick enough to see it
  17. Ran very smoothly. Physics were a bit odd but they are probs being used for testing. In terms of bugs of this build, when i got to the bridge once, parts of it where missing for a few seconds before appearing from the bottom of the screen. Also, I managed to get Sonic's animations to spaz out somehow (he rotated a bit before running through the rest of his animations before disappearing).
  18. Now this seems like an interesting discussion thread Nope, mistaken.
  19. Yeah, I'm not really digging the new gameplay style at the moment. It may grow on me eventually but I'll keeping my expectations at bay. I guess I should kiss good bye to any chance of a Generations Modding Attempt as well : / Also, I don't like the sound of these new controls. If I want Sonic to go fast, I don't want to have to hold 2 buttons to be able to reach a decent pace.
  20. Pfft, Here's my 5c. I'll wait for the Generations modding project as I'm probably not getting a Wii-U for a while. Still, I will watch this game closely and glare at the people who own Wii-U's (providing this game is good.).
  21. This is obviously quite early so things are definetly expected to change but here's what I have to say now. While it looks like its getting put together well, rolling seems a bit OP when going down that slope + you may already know but the uncurling is a bit of a issue but aside from those 2 complaints, looking forward to seeing more. As for requests, Powerups(shields) or maybe superform.
  22. @ themonodevelop: Thanks, hopefully I can get a final engine build completed soon so people can try out the combat. (Ignoring what I said about the engine being almost completed last time.) @ Serephim: Even better, if you spam the attack button, Sonic can practically jump forever due to short delay between attacks. Anyway, I haven't done too much on the balancing quite yet as I'm still adding more attacks and ensuring that they can chain well. And I may use the latter suggestion as the combat is somewhat inspired by DMC so they should be able to practice the moves with out enemies. I also realised that I didn't put up some of my progress videos so:
  23. Here you go: http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/how-to-start-your-game-narrative Their videos are quite interesting as they go into depth with Game development. Funny thing is that I've learnt similar info from these forums as well xD
  24. That was a long read but an interesting long read to say the least. Anyway, the idea you have behind this would work really well if you can pull it off and from the looks of it, you probably could + The concept art and atmosphere seem to be shaping up really well so I'll be watching this project to see where it will leads. Also, I not sure if you're building your game around a story or building the story around mechanics because the way you described your game reminded me of what Extra Credits said about building game stories around mechanics first.
  25. 60 fps on Firefox. I also mashed the spawn button and the game kept a consistent 60fps. Also, love the art style.
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