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Everything posted by canniengui

  1. Ah yes completely playable with single player I'd say having friends or siblings playing together can be better though :'D And I kid you not, Uncle Knuckles is the best Uncle there is.
  2. ...... Good lord, NO. Of all things, THIS happened in between SAGE 09' and 10'. This is a game I spent more than a year to finish. Please don't let things like this ruin it Posting happy things now.
  3. Please read the 'attention' board ..And that was the best I could do. Please at least play until the end of the game. Some thoughts too please? :v
  4. I got a toothache. Merry Christmas
  5. I was about to call upon Mudkip too. But roaming around as Pikachu works for me >.>
  6. Yay, Silver! So happy when I first see him in the character select menu <D (he's my favourite character, too )
  7. Think unrealistically bodied human, and half the question is answered ;D EDIT: But then again they made a Bratz movie. Guess I'll just say bad influence on kids then. ..wait a second...
  8. No, Bratz ended due to Mattel's suing.
  9. http://www.philly.com/dailynews/columnists/howard_gensler/20090925_Tattle__Action_movie_role_is_coming_for_Barbie.html ...
  10. Knowing Chinese manufacturer, they could have done it so they can claim differences between other company's console with theirs. But then again, that won't do any justice to them.
  11. Did anyone notice how these Chinese console always takes the Playstation color scheme for the four buttons? Like blue for the lower ones, green for the upper ones. Not that I'm complaining but..
  12. Yeah, welcome. ^^ Japanese in a fan gaming community, you're the first in history I'll bet
  13. Okay, now even I found the "time up" thing a problem. It's Draw Game when your health is more than the opponent, but it's You Lose if the opponent has more health. If that's intended for more difficulty, I can understand(?) But leave that aside, the game really rocks! Once I run the game, I got so addicted that I left all my current programs running in the cold. I even had to force myself to pause the game to reply on this XD The game pretty much resembles Guilty Gear. I'd say this is your choice if you prefer traditional fighters. An alternate to SSK perhaps?
  14. A Sonic traditional 2D fighting game!? Oh yes! XD Gotta love the traditional ;P How long have you been developing this game?
  15. Enchantix - Winx Club The Movie ....what?
  16. That's perhaps something you won't find appealing, but, I've been doing some animations with MMF2 that I started to think big about MMF's flexibility in animating. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZvgA3MIuB4&feature=channel_page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD1ZnS6nksY&feature=channel_page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUu6bSfCVVM&feature=channel_page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQSgbdB0pOI&feature=channel_page Say out what you think
  17. Sonic drawings, and some other stuff added to the first post
  18. Ya, rly. I would've upload the MMF2 document file if it didn't reach 21 MB and that file size will take me around 3 hours to fully upload (Yeah, my connection is THAT slow so imagine uploading my game demo back few months ago) Ooh, digital inking? I've tried Illustrator once but the outlining method is plain dreadful and I never achieve a single outline with it Does the programs mentioned do the same? If not, I might check them out (did I mention my slow connection speed?)
  19. Actually, I am no comic artist. I'm just a normal high-schooler ^^; So, I don't have stuff like inks XD
  20. It's been so long since I last drawn Sonic. Especially in traditional way. Changed since the last time I drew him. Digital colorings are what I do the most: http://funstar.deviantart.com/art/More-mischievous-ness-by-Sonic-107019531 http://funstar.deviantart.com/art/The-Joke-Is-On-You-Man-133954719 http://funstar.deviantart.com/art/Musa-And-Silver-133428427 Others included..... http://funstar.deviantart.com/art/Sonic-Babies-Virtual-Box-132596022
  21. Well, they were only doodles and I thought that changing it may break the rules of this thread
  22. http://funstar.deviantart.com Beware of those unusual stuff I posted these few weeks. My other stuff besides them are actually quite... I guess just as abnormal XDD
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