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Everything posted by FanGameRevolver

  1. I am begining a sequal to this as this has revcied many good replies on other sites (however members of this site were the only ones to offer critisism on what to improve) I have found some more "polite" textures ripped by skylimits If you are against the idea of a sequal and would rather see progress on ATH please voice that opinion.
  2. ha ha! total LOL DW! Thanks for the critisism guys I'll attempt to work all those tips into the engine, thanks a lot! I'll be sure to have better (more polite) textures for the ATH special stages. Also I forgot to mention, somtimes sonic can get stuck in a wall for some reason. (trying hard to work that out) You can push the "R" key to respawn at the starting area w/out losing any emeralds. Also, I could really use some help with the shadow effects if anyone has ideas to deal with them.
  3. Why not use Deko's engine for GM7 pro? It's the same engine used to power "Sonic FGX"!!! http://www.mediafire.com/?0trwugzzzbm
  4. Sonic 3D Emerald Hunt THE GAME IS NOW COMPLETE USE THESE NEW LINKS http://www.yoyogames.com/games/show/73800 Sonic 3d Emerald Hunt Game description: search for all seven chaos emeralds in a massive, seemless, fast, and way past cool adventure. Controls: Z = jump/jump special X = spindash c = character special Shift = select character credit for the game engine goes to Deko and a little bit of damizean (ringloss and sprite handeling) BTW its not easy or short XD
  5. I would like to add to that, be sure to save backups on other hardware too such as an external flash drive or another computer.... trust me you have no idea what will happen when you use these game making programs or any project that will take a long time.
  6. The sprite was created by Cylent Nite (just so it's understood that I can not sprite)
  7. Guess I worded that poorly, sorry. Yes the sheilds had no plot in S3&K... that's just where the inspiration came from for the role they will play in ATH. (In fact the they were probably the inspiration for the whole storyline)
  8. I do like your sprite (A LOT) but it seems so similar to the T.T. sprites that I do not believe it would be worth the effort to go through and create another sheet for somthing similar. If you feel that you could do it in a timely manner then by all means go ahead and sprite, it just seems like a lot of work is all
  9. Most of the graphics have been seen before in some shape or form but I have tried to recolor a few (I am just not a very good art designer). On the big thing that seems to bug everyone, YES, sonic will be playable at the start, along with his partner, Tails. Ashura is Partnered with Wechnia and there will be two more charachters to unlock through progression. So why not just Sonic you ask? Well it is very hard to come up with a fresh and new storyline with the same old charachters so I figured "why not use the infamous glitch characters to add somthing new?" So what will I do with him? The game will revolve around the three elements of chaos: Fire, water, and Thunder (as seen in S3&K) There is a master emerald for each spread across 3 themed worlds with Sonic's being the blue "water" world. On top of that there will be a secrect fourth world unlockable only by obtaining all of the emeralds (sonic and his 7 chaos emeralds, ***** and her 7 Sol emeralds and Ashura with his 7 Hex emeralds. (I cerntantly hope yoiu can guess who ***** is....) P.S. there will be multiple endings depending on if you decide to make Ashura a Villian or A Hero So to answer everyones BIG question You WILL be able to play through the whole game as sonic and tails, however, the (contriversal) thing that wil make this game unique is the glitch characters.
  10. Yeah me and my friends keep saying it is time for this sort of game now that the Wii is out and will allow players to trade and battle with Diamond and Pearl or accross the globe. However I guarentee nintendo will make another piece of junk for the Wii claiming it to be a pokemon game. I mean how hard would it be to just redo the originals in 3D and mix them all togather for one big, epic experiance.
  11. Allrighty then! Here you go! http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=c2e088375e169f3ed8f14848abf485dde04e75f6e8ebb871 If you need any more help with it just ask, k?
  12. Yeah I have yet to change the sprites to what I am using for the actual game maybe this pic will help as it uses finished textures, (the ashura sprite is still unfinished so I substituted, but I might just use this one anyway because I don't have time)
  13. As I said in the previous post the art for the 3D stage is using some trial art, and the final textures for the special stages will be styled after the 2D level they are based off of, which are genisis styled if you hadn't noticed. P.S. heh yeah I guess I am mimicing SRB2 with the special stages (It has "Thoking" and the concept is basically the same, (get so many rings before time runs out, however you can die in the special stage and then respawn a few seconds later.)
  14. BAM!!!! How did I do it? Easy! The second player compares his position to the players by examining X variables then the AI moves left or right(when the distance is too far one way or another) in the same exact fasion as the player with the same exact acceleration and decceleration codes in order to "shadow" the player. Then for the jump key I would make it, as Damizean already stated, delayed by a fraction of a second. Still need help? PM me and I will give you an editable (if you have GM7 of course)
  15. I am 17 turning 18 in May. First(Best) Video Game I ever Played was S3&K
  16. Sonic And Tomb Raider I would Like to see a "Tomb Raider" kind of game except you would play as Tails or Knuckles to solve elaborate puzzles spaning large stages (using their classic platforming abilities of course) then at some intervals get to rush through trapped filled temples as Sonic. Sonic and Luara team up to raid temples for the chaos emeralds!
  17. CrazyAlec has been creating some awsome sprites for ATH Check out the Wechnia Sprite! Also the 3D specialstages are taking shape! *image shown with temporary test art so it is kind of mockup-ish
  18. seems interesting but i'm not sure what to expect from the topic yet as there are no screenshots to help me out here. Aslo I am guessing you took the idea of the Master emerald being found at the end of the eigth special stage simialar to Mystic's epic SRB2 WAD "The Mystic Realm." don't need to tell me if I am right or wrong as I would like to be surprized.
  19. I have only one complaint with the sprite and that is the fact that he looks kind of pastel. maybe you could make him a bit darker?
  20. Dang that sucks, the same thing killed my first project, so on my current project I save three diferent game files and have the backup feature enabled on game maker, always.
  21. HOLY,... WOW! Thats a lot better, sweet! Also I abandoned the Sonic 2 special stage and am just going to do the Special stages in full 3D instead, sorry that I couldn't be of any help.
  22. although I never really got into the game gear titles this looks like it has quite a lot of potential!
  23. Yes there are some jerks on this site that hate every sonic game that isn't exactly like the original games. . . However the majority of the members here quite enjoy your creativity and uniqueness. Stay Ironwind...I love your games!!
  24. which is why the finished product will be on rapidshare [EDIT] mediafire(whoops guess that was why I was having trouble logging in the other day, huh?)
  25. Yes Alec, one of my freinds from team FGX is cooking up awsome sprites every day. If i need to I will fall back onto the MFZ wechnia sheet but i have better things planed for his art! AND OMG!!!! the YOYOGAMES sever crashed again!!!! I will put the final release on rapidshare cuz YYG is creating a giant hole of bad.
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