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Everything posted by mattt360

  1. uhmm...i have a poblem. the physics engine uses .shm files for the levels. the shm drawing code i made dont work here the drawing code is: //this should draw the .shm d3d_set_culling(0) { globalvar xs ys zs; while (not file_text_eof(argument0)) { bitmap=file_text_read_string(argument0) drawtex=background_add(bitmap,0,0,1) d3d_primitive_begin_texture(pr_trianglefan,drawtex) xs=file_text_read_real(argument0) file_text_readln(argument0) ys=file_text_read_real(argument0) file_text_readln(argument0) zs=file_text_read_real(argument0) file_text_readln(argument0) d3d_vertex_texture(xs,ys,zs,1,1) xs=file_text_read_real(argument0) file_text_readln(argument0) ys=file_text_read_real(argument0) file_text_readln(argument0) zs=file_text_read_real(argument0) file_text_readln(argument0) d3d_vertex_texture(xs,ys,zs,0,1) xs=file_text_read_real(argument0) file_text_readln(argument0) ys=file_text_read_real(argument0) file_text_readln(argument0) zs=file_text_read_real(argument0) file_text_readln(argument0) d3d_vertex_texture(xs,ys,zs,0,0) xs=file_text_read_real(argument0) file_text_readln(argument0) ys=file_text_read_real(argument0) file_text_readln(argument0) zs=file_text_read_real(argument0) file_text_readln(argument0) d3d_vertex_texture(xs,ys,zs,1,0) d3d_primitive_end() } } [/CODE] --------------- so, can anyone eit the above code s it works? (its in GML) (ive included a .txt, you'll have to rename it 'looptest.shm' ) whats a .shm? its a filetype i made up. it stands for 'Sonic Heroes Model' caus' this was originly a Sonic Heroes 3D Engine for GM
  2. Azu, google aint my friend, it never finds me textures. the sonic PC games wont download on my computer because it is sooo slooow at downloading, i tryed downloading sonic heroes for PC, and it said it would take '16 weeks' to download, anyone have a faster download?
  3. ok...now to get to work on the physics engine. ill try having him as a box. ill post back when i make the engine (in OVER 9000 years XD )
  4. soo... no one knows where one is? for everyone saying to give up: i will not give up. no-way, no-how. for anyone wondering why i want one, its because im making a 3d physics engine. so, theres no exsistent engine?
  5. so... no one knows where a animated sonic model for gm7 is?
  6. sonic time: could i have the engine? i know i can do #4 ill try the others.
  7. sorry... mod please delete that. my internet screwed up. badly
  8. sorry... mod please delete that. my internet screwed up.
  9. Rael, im not starting off. and i cant do it myself, because im hopeless at model making, and i dont have any animated sonic models. cyborg_ar, im not martianman. im another guy... well, anyone actuly got any engines?
  10. FGR, you need some better textures. dont ask me where they are though...
  11. im not 'starting off' im not new to game making. im new to SFGHQ im not matainman, through i am on senntient forums. i cant do it myself, because im hopeless at model making, and i dont have any animated sonic models.
  12. im only loking for a 3D engine for gm7 with an animated sonic model nothing else wanted. one does exsist, it was winged wolf's. but winged wolf hasn't sent me anything back. i know that you dont log on to find 600 people have converted sonic heroes into a .gmk for you. i know im asking a bit. but i dont wannt any physics or anything, i only want a animated model of sonic used in gm. i cant find any animted sonic models or codes in gm that use animated models.
  13. i need a 3D engine with animated sonic model its for my fangame, SH2. does anyone know where a 3D engine for gm7 pro with animated sonic model may be? i would die to know.
  14. i found a really good engine, just for advance,but i lost the link. i think it was on the gmc it was by spazz idusterys. if you want i ould email it to you.
  15. huston, we have a problem. a BIG problem i cant download it! boohoo!
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