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Everything posted by Ollie

  1. Well this is the thing, fan developers post releases in the actual "General Fangame Discussion" forum and that's it. It would be great to see those releases displayed on the site itself without the user needing to submit it in another section of the forum.
  2. My SFGHQ new theme Suggestion Only a few minutes work so it's a bit rough. But hopefully the style sheet looks a bit more up to date with the forum.
  3. I had that idea a few years ago of archiving all the resources used in the Sonic games. I'd love to continue contributing to that. Also, I think the level ripper made by Damizean you're referring to is gpSonic Level ripper. I'd also would volunteer as well if the site needs a community contribution to update the website. I'm experienced with HTML/CSS, though I doubt it would be of any help. I'd also like to help out ripping the resources from Sonic Games. The only issue I have is time since I'll be at Uni as of next week, but I'm sure I'll be able to find a quick few minutes to contribute.
  4. The actual layout of the website is fine and as Smidge204 has just indicated it seems very optimized for speed and server performance. Maybe giving the skin of the site a little touch-up so it matches with the forum theme might not be a bad idea though. What I would personally like to see is the fan game database updated to display recent fan games such as the entries for this past SAGE. I'd find the resources updated very useful too especially since there has been some great engines made for the more recent versions of Game Maker. I'm not denying that it will be a constant time consuming task but the forum is active and it would be great to see the website as active as the forum! Heck even a community driven submission system would be a great thing to see on the site. I know there is a similar system on the forum, but it would be great to be able to upload a sprite sheet or whatever, then once it's been moderated and seems acceptable content for the site then it will be viewed for the public's usage. Well that's my personal opinion anyway, it would be great to see.
  5. I'd stay away from the drag and drop features in Game Maker though, especially when making a Sonic fan game since they will never do what you expected it to do. Just learn it's language, GML. Sit down for a couple of months and play around with code, you'll soon learn the basics.
  6. It's very unlikely someone could just jump straight into the deep end and make a fully playable Sonic Fan game in under a year. It takes time. Quite possibly years! It's a big learning curve for anyone, not just yourself. My best advice from my own personal experience would be find a game creation tool you feel more comfortable with, the most popular ones used for Sonic Fan games are Game Maker and Multimedia Fusion 2. Personally, I've been using Game Maker for a year or two, maybe even more than that and find it suited for what I want it to do. It's got a nice "object-oriented" approach and a license for the full version is relatively cheap. This forum is a great resource for starting your very own Sonic Game. You can find pre-built engines for both Game Maker and MMF2 you can use as a base. Personally, if you want to use Game Maker then I would suggest using one of the great Engines listed in this topic. If you want to use MMF2 then you might want to take a look at one of the builds of an engine called "Sonic Worlds" it even has it's own category on this very forum. Learning the world of Game Development can be a very daunting task. But everyone has to start from somewhere, from the very bottom in fact. You just need to have plenty of time having a play around with engines to see how it all works, then start to add your own personal touch to that engine and just continue to build on it. I hope this reply has provided you with an insight to where to start. I'm still on this learning curve to producing my own game, in fact I've got several projects on the go. It's not a bad thing since it's giving me the experience to do many different things which can then be reused in different projects!
  7. You might want to read this topic: Team Threads: READ THIS
  8. Thanks for the rep and feedback, Sslaxx! I rooted through my old stuff and grabbed a few screenshots of some early (ugly) project concepts I was working on. Thought I might as well share them since someone might find them interesting. Nack Boss Battle Remake: The backbone to a PC Engine remake: EDIT: @flame6753 - ???
  9. Yeah, you'll need "seamless" textures for water. Though, just wondering why not stick to the original Xtreme textures? They're all available now and Game Maker (I think) still supports the .pcx format so no needing to convert each texture.
  10. Relax, he's only just giving personal opinion. The only thing that I can see that looks a bit off about the life icon, is that it looks a bit stretched also it does take up quite a bit of screen space. Other than that it does it's job and fits quite nicely with the rest of the game. Anyway, I like your layouts must have taken you some time since with my experience when I was making my own Sonic Xtreme fangame, it can be quite a pain when using Game Maker's Room editor. Also, I'm just curious, the textures are looking a bit stretched considering it's be played in 800x600. How about changing the view resolution in game maker to Sonic Xtreme's original resolution which was 640x480. Even though the window would be a bit small I'm pretty sure the textures would look much better. Anyway, it's not looking bad at all so far. You've gave your project your own twist game play wise with the new moves and glider and what not, instead of going down the painful route of trying to accurately remaking the original game. Good luck and I can't wait to see further progress.
  11. Hi Everyone, I was surprised I never did show this off at the SFGHQ. A year or two ago I started work on a remake of various builds and aspects of the cancelled Sonic Title, Sonic Xtreme. This is one part of the Remake that got fairly far. At the time I was making this my programming skills were very weak but I received plenty of guidance through both from the GMC and from a few members from the Senntient forums. Anyway here's a screenshot: And here's where you can download: Sonic Xtreme Remake - Metal Sonic Boss 2.2 This build has got the basic game play elements and the actual boss stage is implemented. I'd love to remake this from scratch wherever I get the free time and actually make it very playable, but sadly, I've got other things to work on plus Uni is lurking around the corner so it will just have to wait. Anyway, enjoy!! Credits: Wingedwolf - For the engine this is based on. Matt360 - For all of his time and hard work he put into this. The Original Team - Since this wouldn't exsist if the original game was never made.
  12. Yeah I had a look around a few sites and search Google. I wouldn't mind ripping them myself, but I have no idea what would the best/most practical way of doing it.
  13. I was meaning more of like the whole map being ripped than just the tiles. But thanks for the tip anyway.
  14. Bit of an odd request this and I hope this is in the correct forum. I'm looking for whole level maps for the two levels in Sonic Crackers and the two fields. Does anyone know if there are rips currently available? If not, what would the best/easiest way to rip the levels/fields myself? Thanks!
  15. Hi there, I hope I can ask this sort of question in this forum. Basically I have little to no talent when it comes to spriting so I need a little bit of guidance/tips/etc on how to produce the cliff styled rocks in sprite form: So my idea was to just make a blank 128x128/256x256 Canvas and fill it out with a base colour so a shade of brown or whatever. Then go other it with darker lines, but then what about shading? Does anyone have any idea how to go about recreating the cliff pattern in sprite form? Thanks
  16. It won't be ready for this years SAGE I'm afraid. Hoping to get quite a bit done for next years though!!
  17. Once I've finished an entire Act sure, I wouldn't mind releasing a tech demo. Also I'm in need of Special Stage ideas. I don't mind if it's in simple 3D (Think like the Knuckles Choatix special stage) Or a cool 2D Special Stage. Does anyone have any ideas?
  18. Thanks for all your comments guys, I appreciate it. Currently what I'm showing off is a basic outline of the levels in the game. Meaning I'm focusing on getting the level layout perfect before progressing onto additional objects and what not. I do have slopes in Rocky Resort, they're just not shown at the moment since they need a bit of tweaking first.
  19. ^ Sure, it was used in an older project of mine, I just stuck it in that screenshot as a place holder. The Title Screen will get a redesign. Bit of an update, Rocky Resort's development is going very smoothly indeed. So I thought I'd expand a bit and look for future level ideas. Here is a small test level I did, Dusty Dash: Now this level is meant to be the first part of the final storyline in this game. You have to rush through the train in order to get to the front of it, to try and stop Robotnik from reaching his Egg Ship. I'm not too sure if I should make this train level just a one act level before the Egg Ship Stage or make this Act 3 of Dusty Dash and have the other two levels just in a Canyon type zone. Anyone want to suggest an idea on what they would like to see? Credit goes to "Bruno the Rhino" and DCS for the Train sprite.
  20. I've completely fixed the problem myself. Thanks for the suggestion though, I appreciate it.
  21. AH! I've found the problem. In the creation code there is the option to not make the collision terrain objects visible (If set to false) the only problem is this also makes the monitors disappear. I've looked at the "objParentTerrain" but that object appears empty so is "objParentDeactivable" which is "objParentTerrain"'s parent object. So I have a horrible feeling it's going to be a while goose chase until I manage to separate the monitors from being turned off with the collision terrain objects. *Sighs* Ah well, progress I guess... EDIT: Found a workaround that would do the job perfectly.
  22. No problem, Overbound. Thanks for your help anyway. I think I'll just make a new room and remake my level. Once again thanks for your time!
  23. No difference. It's really odd, it's occurred a few times but I've never known what actually causes it.
  24. It's set to 0. Decreasing or increasing the depth doesn't seem to do anything.
  25. Well if I remove the background/parallax, it still doesn't appear. However, If I put it in a blank room with just the global controller and the player starting position object with a solid block on the ground it's visible. So if there isn't a solution and I can't find a conflicting object then I think I'll just have to make another room and slowly piece the level back together again.
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