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Status Updates posted by Rawr

  1. think I might finally have a personal concept i'm invested in enough to chip away at (game wise)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Light The Hedgehog

      Light The Hedgehog

      @gsoft: Is it fun alone? Because I ain't got nobody ; - ;

    3. GSF


      It's fun too, but it's always more enjoyable in co-op.

    4. Rawr


      ZigZax no need to be sorry :>. I didn't intend that to be a snarky response if it came off like that (damn you text)

  2. That 20th anniversary PS4...I think I need it.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. GSF


      lol. All the movie trailers today use that BWAAAAAAAH sound.

      But the PS1 BWAHH was a different one.

    3. Rawr


      It even had that little "ding" noise in it if I remember correctly? Its been a while.

    4. GSF
  3. everyone always forgets I'm a mod now too. I must be too passive to be of any real note haha. Did that Dr. Evil post not shake FEAR into your hearts!?

  4. I was away for the weekend and while I was gone I got word my Ryuko statue is shipping here. First figure I've ever purchased and it looks RAADDD so excited: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-004040

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AnOrdinarySonicFan
    3. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Because next to Batman, Wonder Woman is my favorite hero from DC.

    4. Lhancat


      I collect figures too. My favourite character only has one though.

  5. Ah the SFGHQ skin. It just wasn't the same without it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OverbounD


      Right that was kind of the point. They had a nice site, server, and forums and we had legacy, and a bigger community forums. It was like PB&J.

    3. GSF


      Expect more fixes (and things breaking!) in the coming days. :]

    4. Rawr


      haha its cool, it looks more or less around what I was used to with the old site. Just having the blue and the checkerboard pattern back already goes a long way!

  6. Totally forgot I could split topics. Hopefully I didn't break anything in the process :x

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr. Potatobadger
    3. GSF


      All your tools are in the 'Moderation Tools' button. Use them wisely~

    4. OverbounD


      There is also that ModeratorCP thingy at the top of the screen.

  7. I like to look at things from all perspectives and be as fair as I can, but man is my brain tired now - gonna go for a bit see you all later.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Riseodvi


      Put down your guns men: *stares into horizon dramatically* The war... is over.

    3. Mr. Potatobadger
    4. Jassbec


      Shell shock? ^ lol

  8. Just as a heads up, if there is a post you guys see that should be brought to the attention of mods please use the report button. It helps draw our attention to posts we might have missed, thanks :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rawr


      Haha no not just you, I've seen people in general doing it - this is just a reminder that the function is there.

    3. InfinityAlex


      But I like backseat modding; it gives me self-worth. :(

    4. Spykid


      dw, you can back-seat mod... and ill report you for it :P

  9. I'm not really a nintendo gamer anymore, so I had no idea who Shulk was. Any time I saw people posting about Shulk being in Smash Bros I thought it was a really out there idea someone wanted to put in She Hulk haha. I was like "why"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. Potatobadger

      Mr. Potatobadger

      I'm a diehard nintendo fan, but I still didn't know who shulk was.

    3. Sly4Good


      I not a Nintendo fan in the slightest yet I knew who Shulk is. kinda strange.

    4. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      I don't know who Shulk is either. I sure as hell thought She Hulk too lol.

  10. I hate how my theme constantly changes away from the SFGHQ one :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rawr


      Yeah I use Soft though, I just hate the constant resets haha.

    3. Light The Hedgehog

      Light The Hedgehog

      Me too- oh... That could be plausible I guess.

    4. Stritix


      S0LV0 nailed it.

    1. GSF


      I freaking love your work. Stylish, colorful, so damn good!

      Since when do you draw?

    2. Rawr


      been drawing most of my life, but I only did Sonic fanart really all the way up until 2009. Late 09 was when I started to branch out into more original stuff, I've made a lot of progress since then.

    3. Rawr


      Also thanks dude :D

  11. did a kill la kill sketch earlier: http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/345/7/0/fanart__ryuko_by_endshark-d6xml11.jpg . Also finished that Christmas pic its in my art thread.

    1. AnOrdinarySonicFan


      That looks amazing!

      I like how you drew the BREAST-plate.

    2. P3DR0


      That looks amazing!

      I like how you drew the BREAST-s.

    3. AnOrdinarySonicFan


      Thanks for putting it subtlety, P3DRO.

  12. Friendly reminder I made a small album : http://www.loudr.fm/release/proxy-demos/85PMt

    1. AnOrdinarySonicFan


      Pretty good stuff so far, man!

    2. Serephim


      Why are you so talented. This is pretty awesome bro

    3. Rawr


      Thanks guys, glad you like it :D. It's heavily inspired by music from PSO (Ouroboros especially) and Mega Man styled stuff.

    1. OverbounD


      Nexus City sounds very nice and polished =D me likey!

    2. StarbucksHipsterSonic


      This is really good man, what software do you use? I use Logic Pro X myself

    3. StarbucksHipsterSonic
  13. Yo man if you wanna win some Kill La Kill posters you gotta type in the condom bro.

    1. Mr. Potatobadger

      Mr. Potatobadger

      Bruh, I want sum Kill la Kill posters, but my parents would kill me if I had a provocative poster in my room with ryuko's titties flyin' aroun errywhere

    2. Rawr


      haha its just a joke. The Kill La Kill english dub premier livestream dude meant to say "comments" and said condoms and it was the best.

    3. Mr. Potatobadger

      Mr. Potatobadger

      XD yea I know, I was just messing around. It was funny.

  14. Haha oh wow I found these old Sonic sprites I was working on YEARS ago: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/174/d/1/sonicsprite2_by_endshark-d7nmdoh.png

    1. Rawr


      they are 100% custom but heavily based on s3 plus my style at the time hah!

    2. Mr. Potatobadger

      Mr. Potatobadger

      Not bad, I like 'em

    3. Rawr


      haha thanks man, if I remember correctly they looked pretty good animated too.

  15. I lost a week of my life so far to Destiny but it feels so right.

    1. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      I am so damn jealous of you right now. I forgot about Destiny...

    2. Serephim


      I want to buy it right now, but I don't want to fall into the trap of buying the PS3 version until i get a ps4.

    3. AnOrdinarySonicFan


      Is Destiny good as people say it is? Is it Not-Halo, or something completely different?

  16. Been home sick but I updated my portfolio anyway lol: http://portfolio.nimako.org/

    1. Light The Hedgehog

      Light The Hedgehog

      I noticed one of your drawings was featured as a song art on soundcloud. Is that a game in development?

    2. Light The Hedgehog
    3. Rawr


      Thanks, I tend to make my own soundtracks and then use my art for it (you probably saw the art on my soundcloud page). My art + music tend to go hand to hand as concepts :)

  17. The more my friend shows me of the engine he is putting together the more this game idea feels more real. The good thing is its in Unity too, which means if it keeps going further we can make it for consoles too.

  18. Updated art thread with 1st environment concept art piece + new music demo: http://sonicunited.org/forums/index.php?/topic/3845-rawr-makes-music-and-the-artz/page-30

    1. P3DR0


      Looking sweet, Rawr! Really hope you turn this into an actual game. :3

    2. Rawr


      It is going to be! My friend is working on the engine right now. He is learning Unity as he goes but he is picking it up rather quickly, the engine is smooth and works really well so far :>

  19. it just isn't April 1st without this theme.

    1. ila


      gsoft is more brilliant than I could ever imagine.

    2. GSF


      Aw, you're making me blush. :]

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