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The SATAM Sonic

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Everything posted by The SATAM Sonic

  1. Sorry for confusion... I know those differences though. Remeber there just mock-ups i might not even use the sprites.
  2. I'm going to give credit for those sprites, I mostly did that to show him how they look with graphics. Then I thought if it was created into a level in GM6 Pro, it would turn out nice.
  3. Characters: Werhog Sonic/ Normal Sonic Werehog Shadow/ Normal Shadow "New" Levels: Level one: Sunrise Ocean Beach Description: Sunrise Beach takes place in the day and is pretty much a beach. It is sunny and beutiful with highly detailed beauty and objects that make it look very "Spectacular." This zone has two parts day, and night. At day your Sonic, or Shadow and at night, your Werehog Sonic, or Shadow. At the end of the level you fight a custom boss that is very demon like and is very vicious. It has a boss meter for health, and it throws explosives, and guns so you can shoot, but that is "Shadows" Boss, as for Sonic's boss he fights a giant sand Crap that shoots out a spring so you can bounce to his weak spots. He throws projectiles at you and moves around in a side scroller, You can hit him with your werehog attacks to. Mock up: Level Two Dark Roads. Description: The Outer City, takes place in a dark mysterious road that has tricks and shots at every corner. This level takes place at daytime "Despite the dark aura." and is very dangerous and filled with thugs and enemies. In this level you have the choice to ride vehicles or run the normal way *Running is more difficult.* There is a "run" Section with the troops of G.U.N which yet again you have the vehicle choice to use during it. After the "run" section, you go further into the road, and silver is here mistaking you for one of his enemies, and takes you unto battle. After the end of the battle, he believes your not the enemy, and remembers your Sonic/Shadow, and returns to the future. Mock-Up: Level Three: Name: The New Transformation. This level is were your first transformation *To a werehog* Begins. The level starts out as the full moon sets after a ctuscene Sonic, or Shadow will turn into a vicious werehog, and use it's moves to fight the demon's of the night. This level has also a character to show you the Werehog moves possible to do. As the level ends you fight a Boss *Still Undecided.* Mock-Up: ...Coming Soon That's all for now expect more later.
  4. Didn't Sega just make a game like 3 months ago ? They're pretty much makin' games every couple months!
  5. I can make Werehog sprites, i am currently working on some right now.
  6. I could help in spriting, i've had some practice. 2 years if you want to know.
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