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Cyber Rat

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Everything posted by Cyber Rat

  1. It says next to "location" under my avatar, Serbia. And no, it's not that really cold country, that's Siberia. xD
  2. I'll probably try and tune in each episode if I get a new mic, I could use the English practice. (Just warning ya XD)
  3. The fountain of blood is too corny. Follow Khorney's advice and have it pour nothing or break it.
  4. I'm selling my soul to this game in July, it just sucks that I have to be on European servers. I can't explain how annoying "sry i cant spek eng" when you're trying to find a healer (I played a few times at a friends house).
  5. I figured something was wrong when you were 30 minutes late. Oh well, you can bore us next week.
  6. WinXP, you wouldn't catch me using Vista even if my life depended on it. I'm probably gonna use the modified version of XP called LastXP soon, since I trust the mod community more than I trust Microsoft.
  7. ^Ultra Sonic Corps, right? XD Well, yeah, you could call me a linguistic type, I've got Serbian, English and German in my repertoire, and all thanks to TV! XD And yeah, I'm planning on translating for an international organization, or some larger company. I think it's doable with 4 languages (if I manage to learn Japanese, I have 500 DVDs with 24 anime fansub episodes each that should help me a little).
  8. Well, the educational system here is a bit different than in the US, so let's just say I'm taking Japanese as my major, and German as my secondary (or whatever you call the non-major stuff XD ).
  9. This means I actually might tune in, although my mic is dead, so I can't be a guest.
  10. Well, if I ever need to know, I'll probably find out, but like you said, not my business. What counts is that I am back and you can all enjoy the beauty of my posts XD
  11. Happy Birthday, may some of your dreams come true.
  12. Actually, I find it more awesome when you one-hit melee someone who has a rocket launcher. XD
  13. =O I think I don't since my last PC died. But I still remember how the engine goes more/less. Just need to refresh my memory. Bummer. Still got love for the streets, rapping 213 Still the beat bangs, still doing my thang
  14. The thing is, I left at a point when MMF didn't have online multiplayer at all, but TGF did. But if it works, then that's enough for me.
  15. Nice. I'll try and tune in. Do you need a Serbian Sonic fan as a guest? XD
  16. Thanks for the welcome, everybody. I also noticed that the polls have been disabled on this forum as well. I guess the fear of Shadow VS Sonic polls is still great XD Also, if anybody could answer my question regarding the quality of MMF2's online option, I would be grateful.
  17. ^ School prom. XD In my class of 25 pupils, 22 are chicks.
  18. Since I'm back, I might as well post my ugly mug, taken less than a month ago (I'm the bloke in the middle): (Curse you, Red-eye!)
  19. Thanks, and I hope to see SFA done soon. Don't let those guys in 3DRealms finish DN4ever first. XD Just joking
  20. I play Guilt Gear on a regular basis, been playing it since GGX came out for the PC. I'm used to playing it on the keyboard, but I borrowed a PS2 from a buddy of mine and am playing AC+ now I play with everyone, with emphasis on Robo-Ky and Venom. I have 2 friends that are basically monsters when playing this. One plays with Testament, and even though he is overpowered in AC, I think he plays better than Shonen (check out youtube) and another guy that plays with Chipp faster than the CPU on steroids (although he gets tired after a while). EDIT: Regarding the Netplay thing - I would play, but it doesn't work in my damn country >.<
  21. I play F.E.A.R. every now and then. It's free, but it has hackers jump in from time to time. I see you said you were 17, so unless you want to lie about your age, I think you can't play.
  22. So, since high school is now basically over, and I'm studying for my college exams, I decided to re-join this place. I dunno if people still remember me, I was active here until I somewhere when the site was hacked and everybody moved to ezboard, so basically somewhere around the time TGF and MMF were being used and Game Maker was ostracized by other members. I really have good memories of this place, even though I was one of the worse n00bs in the beginning (I think I gave ila nightmares with the spam emails I sent him, mostly "how do I keep Sonic from falling thourgh the floor?" questions >_> ), but I must admit that the Grammar Nazis of this forum helped my spelling a lot. My two contributions to this community were a 2 level demo (done together with a few people) and a "drown tutorial" which I'm not sure whether is still on the site (didn't even bother to check), so I hope to actually do something productive this time, given the lack of school obligations for the next few months. So, I lurked here a little before actually posting and saw a few people like 2D, ila, Nitemare, Blue Frenzy, etc., but I was wondering whether Clwe, rtsmarty, MikeL, Blues, Ninja and Sonic Project were alive? Also, I saw that MMF2 has an online option, so I wanted to ask whether it worked as it should? I am considering whether I should make a fighting game in M.U.G.E.N. or MMF2, and an online option is a BIG plus. And the final question: are people finishing fangames or not? Anyway, I hope I'll be more tolerable this time. XD
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