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Can of Nothing

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Can of Nothing last won the day on July 21 2013

Can of Nothing had the most liked content!

About Can of Nothing

  • Birthday April 3

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    Can of Nothing: Flash Pentology

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I dunno, it sounds good enough. Admittedly I'll say the melody's on a bit of the forgettable side, but it's rather well-made and I like the instrumentation personally. Can't quite see how it sounds like a placeholder at all, unless either you mean it's unfitting for the stage or comes from a Sonicesque or something (I haven't listened to those in a while).
  2. a wild s0lv0 appears huh but most importantly can i eat a s0lv0 and also will the s0lv0 kill me for this post (Because I know I will be killed otherwise, let me just belatedly say congratulations. Can't say I can think of someone better for the job!)
  3. i wonder why I should probably be privately Skyping this to you instead, but I think somewhere around 3 to 5 stages per world would be nice, yeah. It's going to be a whole less work on your part, and if I'm not misinformed there's not too few worlds to go around, anyway. That should get you an estimate of anywhere from 30 to 50 stages, right? I'unno, considering I'm a Mario fan I guess I'm perfectly cool with having multiple stages using the same kind of level trope.
  4. Hocrud you're a staff now why and how has nobody told me this

    1. S0LV0



    2. Can of Nothing

      Can of Nothing


  5. If you don't mind me asking, where's your profile picture from?

  6. I might join if I feel like it, but where from Asia? Asian is a pretty vague topic you know.
  7. I'm a composer and keyboardist with considerably solid relative pitch. I know a bit around guitar and bass, though not exactly to a standard where I can say I "play" them. I've been featured in several fangames, and admittedly have a... small reputation for my work. I'm also a writer and bit of an artist. My strong points at writing have been said to be characterization and character development. Not exactly that good of an artist... But I try, really. As for languages, I can speak Korean and English, as well as rudimentary Chinese.
  8. If what little I know about genres is enough reference to go by, I like Jazz, Funk (think along the lines of Funky from de Blob, though stuff like Funk Fiction is just as cool), House, Orchestral, Trance, and a little bit of Rock... My usual style kind of shows elements of Jazz and Rock especially I'd say, which is funny since Koji Kondo's stuff for Mario shows elements of Jazz and Rock too. Ever since Super Mario 3D World I've had a thing for Jazz-Orchestral blends, and I have to say that's a really considerable favorite, but I might have to give the vote to Jazz and Funk here.
  9. I've been thinking about a shelled-animal-thing-starring platformer idea a little recently, actually. I have no plans to actually make it happen, but I suppose some of the ideas could come into use here. I've been thinking of two potential ideas: one involving a detachable shell, and one not. The former has it so that you have a choice between two play styles - one that gives you all-around okay speed, and one that requires more skill for speed gain, but rewards the player with immense speed. It gives you an option to select how you want to play the game, which is what Sonic pretty much did with the level design, in my opinion. Of course, if they went with the detachable shell thing, there would have been lots of comparisons to Koopa Troopas, but hey, I'd think the idea has potential. The levels would, in both iterations, be rather slopey and curved... Though, if Sega made it, I wouldn't be as sure. Sonic 1 didn't exactly have a lot of slopes compared to the later games, did it? I'd imagine they'd also give Sonic the ability to swim, which might be an interesting mechanic. Maybe it could work like an accelerating NiGHTs/Ristar, and you can use water currents to your advantage to speed up?
  10. Yeah, white might be a better idea, and the black lines inside the letters themselves might be hurting the legibility a little too. The screen's looking pretty okay for the meantime though - background looks great, neat logo and other than the scroll and text (shading might need some work on both parts) it looks like it's making excellent progress! I just hope I can live up to the standards placed by the art.
  11. Cleavage in the trailer. Really now? O_e

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Proto Dan

      Proto Dan

      I'm sorry. It was part of a joke. It got fixed now.

    3. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      doz were sum nice bewbs tbh

    4. Light The Hedgehog
  12. While I'm dropping in to sing the praises of just how much I love that running animation, the game's looking good. I'm really digging how Sonic fangames lately have been getting a massive boost in quality overall, there's so much polish and detail and attention going into a lot of things. I'd say this project's a pretty good example of it, the assets going into this, and the time put into all this, it's really impressive how much dedication you guys put into making this stuff, and even without any profits. Also watch out for the tracks that Can of Nothing made, that guy is a terrible musician and can't make stuff to save his life
  13. Well, sure, copying and inspiration are not the same, but what is the line that defines what is a copy, and what is an inspired original? You could say they're subjective, but there are objective things we can assess. Ripple Dot Zero and Freedom Planet are good examples of inspiration. They start with the feel and aesthetic of something, and create originality from that. An imitation is when something just flat out copies bits and pieces of something else and tries to pass it off as its own thing. There can be grey areas where opinion is a factor, and that's fine, it's human to agree to disagree. In an objective point of view, however, that's not the case. You can't say that a dissonant harmony is correct in theory because it's just your opinion - there's a theory and doctrine to work off of, and to break that... is, unfortunately, professionally wrong. That's the point I'm getting at, here - there's gotta be an objective viewpoint, or there's a chance the aforementioned inspired originals would not have passed the radars. (Also, copyright law would be haywire.) I can't say for myself that I know where this objective line is... But what I can say, however, is that when compared to the likes of Freedom Planet or even After the Sequel, this game's certainly a more risky affair. To compare with the latter, being a fellow fangame, AtS starts with basics from the source and creates a bunch of original art and ideas - Reborn, however is copying bits from AtS, or imitating large pieces of it, backing it up with substantially less original ideas. I'm not trying to condemn this fangame for having inspiration from/copying the After/Before the Sequel duology - I'm trying to recommend adding your own touch of creativity into the inspired mix to make said inspired product yours, and truly yours. As LakeFeperd has said, the auto-scrolling boss battles were inspired by Sonic Advance 2 - inspiration from a basic concept. I'm not saying anything against that; it's fine, fun and perfectly normal! And that's because he, taking concepts into account, added his own creativity in the form of original bosses, effectively making a new and original twist on an existing concept. It's inspired, but inherently original. But, being a Sonic fangame, he worked from the source. It's not the same as taking Lake's inspired idea and then twisting that into your game, so to speak. That's all I'm saying about this - Inspiration is perfectly fine. I wouldn't be anywhere without it, in my own career as a musician. What I'm saying, however, is that you need to work from your own creativity and ideas instead of directly copying, and make it truly yours. I'm not sure about you, but I don't particularly feel like playing what is basically a mishmash of ideas taken straight from sources, after all. Again, I'm not trying to discourage you, DarkchaoX10. The short answer is that inspiration is fine, and is perfectly normal - but it's also recommended at the same time that you put your own creativity into the mix so that it becomes yours, and inherently yours.
  14. Looks not too shabby, but could be better. The jumping's too heavy and could be a little bit higher (with the double jump being reduced somewhat to accommodate), and the movement looks too stiff. Combat looks decent enough, but a bit more knockback could help, and it'd be nice if you gave the movements a bit more flow, for the lack of a better word. All in all it's okay progress for an open-source engine, and I suppose if I don't like what you've got going I could give a hand at tweaking them to fit my opinions.
  15. Quick suggestion: I think it'd be nicer if the assistance thread is mostly used for.. you know, tutorials and such?

    1. lone8643


      What if tutorials got a subforum at the top of FG assist

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