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Super Mario Eclipse


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The eclipse stars, a source of mythical powers, have been unleashed upon the world. As a result, the entire Mushroom Kingdom has been shrouded in the shadows of an everlasting eclipse. It is up to Mario to collect these stars, and save everyone from an eternal twilight.




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I like a lot of the stuff you're bringing to the table with this and I'm looking forward to playing it but I've got a bit of a problem with the way you use lights.

While the disco tech lights everywhere is cool and I'm a little impressed by how well it works when moving dynamically, there just doesn't seem to be any real purpose for them. Random colors just seem to placed where ever with no real sign of intentional placement and as a result theres a lot of busy information on screen that just kinda messes up the composition of whats on screen (at least that what it feels like in the video). It feels kinda careless to me since theres huge potential to take full advantage of an element like that and you haven't seemed to even start scratching the surface with it. Big colorful flashy lights like these should be focal points to draw the player's attention to certain spots, not thrown all around the place. Perhaps changing a majority of the lights to be less saturated would help clear up the otherwise busy environment. I'll be sure to do a video series on it though since it looks like it could be a fun and interesting ride.

I am curious though, is this a hack (I'm assuming no) or did you code all of this yourself?

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Hello has been making Mario engines and games for a long time. I suspect he started playing with GMS shaders and wanted to implement them into gameplay. This game is interesting so far. I like the RPG elements but I lost interest because it seems like getting anywhere was a chore I will try again tomorrow. I'm sure if I give it a chance it will be a lot of fun. Your engine is great as always Hello and I'm glad you are trying stuff outside of the normal Mario formula.

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Played for a good minute, up until the second town. Actually plan on playing more later. I was interested the moment I saw the light mixing gimmick. I really enjoy the puzzles and RPG elements, and I felt a genuine sense of accomplishment when I finished the first trial dungeon.

Puzzle Spoiler

I was even more surprised at the Star Coin secret. I actually decided to take one of the lights with me. I just figured I potentially found a way to break the dungeon, and then I saw the blue light switch. Too bad I took the red one through instead.

Some annoying deaths, and the lighting on some areas makes it impossible to correctly view background from foreground, but overall i'm excited to see what other puzzles you put in the game. Great job again, Hello. You never fail to take hours from me.

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