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Super Mario Bros: Ztar Turmoil


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Pretty quaint game


Really loud text typing sound

'Yes, blood exits' should be 'blood exists'

Hard to resize the window while maintaining proper aspect ratio. Consider adding a key that will automatically set resultions to a proper multiple of the base

The visuals make it hard to see what's going on

Guns seem pretty pointless because they take too long to kill enemies.

The rate at which enemies can deliver consecutive hits is a little bit ridiculous and there isn't any kind of real visual signal that you are taking damage aside from blood sprays which are hard to distinguish from the enemies.

All in all, I don't really like the game, but I'd call it a fair effort.

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ok for some reason it cleared up. Gamemaker....

So anyway, it's a fun concept, although it's somewhat of a victim to itself. DW is completely right -- the guns are useless. They just have terrible balance issues. It's like the bigger and better they get, the more useless they are. That wimpy little pistol or rifle at the very start of the map is the best gun in your entire game.

You're completely crippling yourself by picking up any automatic weapon in your game. More rate of fire should = more firepower. It's like you decrease the strength of the bullets proportionally with the rate of fire of the weapon, which essentially just means faster weapons = longer time to kill, which is suicide because you have to be line of sight to shoot and all the enemies shoot back. You should balance their strength with their ammo reserves, not by making their damage pathetic. And what's worse, you cant run with automatics because it uses ammo.

I once unloaded all but like 2 shots of an energy pistol on a duck guy and he lived. There was a section (right after the first red switch) where i had to fight 2 really badly placed enemies. The energy pistol + automatic you left there made me trade damage too much, and when i decided to jump on its head instead, i just got shot up by the one on the next ledge. So no matter how you approached the situtation, you were going to take alot of damage

Make the guns more rewarding to use. They're the meat of your game, so the fact that they suck is really the biggest issue i can draw from this game.

I quit shortly after a section that required me to do really really short hops. I cleared it once and died later on the next part. On the checkpoint i tried again and hit my head on the pipe and died.

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