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Should I... ?


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Well, this is funny.

Did it happen to any of you, that when you're sleeping, you have a dream and you create things you dont know where it comes from, but they're really awesome??

Im musician, and one friend and I spend a lot of time composing small guitar parts for a rock band, and sometimes entire songs.

But some nights, we got to dream with the most awesome song our mind can imagine, mixing all our ideas and records in a way that we dont recognice them.

Is the best sensation in the world !!

Well, tonight was slighly different... I was dreaming with a 2.5 D mario game, with really stunning visuals, but suddently a red spring appeared in the middle of stage... so when I got into the next stage, it was a full 3D sonic game!

I was in snowy mountain (something like gagazet) with north lights on background. *

A lot of big loopings and traps.

No boost pads, no robots or badnicks, no springs either, just sonic and the mountain.

I had to climb it to the top, and there was the danger to fall to the first part of the stage also, like in the classics.

And when i've beaten the level... bOSS !

I entered in a colorfull city (I think it was Soleana ^^) but with streets and cars and this normal city things.

Ok, eggman was there, and I started to follow him.

I rushed him through streets, big rivers and bridges, with the normal sonic speed, anything incontrolable.

Everything was beautiful there.

And after the first hit... the dream ended and I woke up... stunned xD

I couldnt believe what I just dreamt.

I think I'm gonna develop my level designer side lol

Now I know that 'visions' are real.

Anyways, dou you think... Should I go to the doctor?? xDD

*That comes from there for sure:


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A 2D Mario game turned into a 3D Sonic game? Must have been one terrible nightmare you had.

On a side note, at only one point I can recall in any classic Sonic game aside from maybe 3D Blast was there any danger of sending yourself backward to a massively earlier segment of a level, and even then it wasn't the beginning, it was just the 30 second mark in a 1-minute level. CPZ 1. And even then, you had to do something wacky to fall into that. Make that two, since you could lose a tier of progress going through Sky Sanctuary. Maybe, just maybe 3 with Metropolis Zone, but I'm not sure there since the whole layout of that place is a mind-screw anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To compliment and maybe add on to twodee's statement, I have the following to say: Dreams defy the logic of all that we know and think is possible, but they're so much more than just what I've described. Dreams can be deciphered. They can be visions, or maybe even realizations. Once you realize the connections within the subconscious, doors of possible links to the reality of aspirations are opened. But hey, I'm just expressing what I know about dreams.

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To compliment and maybe add on to twodee's statement, I have the following to say: Dreams defy the logic of all that we know and think is possible, but they're so much more than just what I've described. Dreams can be deciphered. They can be visions, or maybe even realizations. Once you realize the connections within the subconscious, doors of possible links to the reality of aspirations are opened. But hey, I'm just expressing what I know about dreams.

One thing is sure... if you dream something, you dreamt it for some reason.

About deciphering them... you can make speculations, but there's no way you can know it for sure.

The thing I know is... maybe SEGA should dream more ^^

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