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Old School Multimedia Fusion Express Help - MIDI playing.

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I think it can be done using the DMC2 or MCI object...I know they did it with the program of the 5th SAGE.

Not quite sure how, though...

Edit: Yeah, just use this tutorial...


...and don't send any "close all" to the application; it'll keep playing through the frames.

Second Edit: Just realized that may not open with MF Express. Here's how;

1. Create an MCI object. Under Properties, set it's Device name to "mciqtz.drv", it's pause and resume commands to "pause" and "resume", and uncheck all the boxes.

2. In the events section, write

*Start for frame (or whenever you want the music to start)
-->MCI object; "Open music.mp3"
-->MCI object; "Play music.mp3"

3. Add a global group that includes this line..

*End of application
-->MCI object; "Close all"

4. You're done! The music will play regardless of what frame you're in.

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In the tutorial, it just said...

Every "length of song"
-->MCI Object; "Close all"
-->MCI Object; "Open music.mp3"
-->MCI object; "Play music.mp3"

...but since you're going from frame to frame, that probably wouldn't be a good idea.

What you COULD do is have a global counter that's constantly being added to, and have a *global* event that, when that counter equals a certain value, performs all those operations and reset the counter.

You'll have to figure what value is equal to the length of the song though.

(There should be a way of having the MCI object tell you when the song's over, but I'm not sure how...)

Nevermind, RedEchidna's works much, much better. Hahaha...

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Huh...well, it works for MP3s that way; I don't see why it wouldn't do the same for MIDIs...There is a bit of a pause though. How long are you waiting?

Worse comes to worse, try my method. It's not nearly as efficient, but you do what you gotta do.

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