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Darkfall - Another stupid MMO, or the next best thing?

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Reason I stopped with WoW was, after a year of excessive grinding but occasional fun, you hit level 70.

Now there's a finite number of things you can do at 70 until you get utterly bored, and unless you play all night, every night with 24 other people who live in different timezones and keep forgetting to have dinner so must do so during the raid (50 DKP MINUS!!!), then you've nothing to do. PVP rewards only come to relatively decent teams and 5 Man Dungeons are only so fun.

So basically, 80% of people I know that played WoW never even saw any End Game content. Sure I'd raped Kharazan for all its worth and was wearing most of the heroic dungeons, but I never saw an inch of any of the main bosses and since there was nothing else to do but grind rep for a Dragon mount, I stopped playing.

THey catered for the EXTREME players, but not the casual ones. At 70, the game just stops, and no expansion pack can really solve that.

It was a good year though, don't get me wrong.

Wow, they completely flipped it after you quit, pvp seasonal arena gear can be won with honor gained in battlegrounds (afkers ahoy!) which ruins battlegrounds completely. Heroic badges are given out like candy now, and all requirements to enter raid dungeons have been removed.

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WoW was actually a lot more fun BEFORE Burning Crusade came out. I still play, but the game's endgame fun factor totally went out with the bathwater. I haven't tired of playing my alts yet, so the game still holds some level of fun for me in that regard. Sadly, WoW has succumb to catering to the casual players in every way. Being a casual player myself, that wasn't the worst thing in the world at first, but considering that at level 70 every thing is now open to you 100%, you don't have to work at anything except attending a raid every night. Subsequently, the game's attraction has slipped. All it would take is a little more individual and small group questing to keep me hooked. I do enjoy the sometimes epic questlines in that game, but they're so rare nowadays.

Fingers-crossed that some sort of "fix" will come about with Wrath of the Lich King, but even if it doesn't, you can bet your ass there'll be still be 10mil+ people playing anyway. I'm still waiting for an MMO that plays the way Zelda does. At least that would require more than right clicking an enemy and left clicking spells.

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Conan's following is way too cult. There is basically no way in hell it will replicate WoW's sales numbers.

Pretty much what Conan and Warhammer have going for them that diehard WoW fans crave is BETTER PVP that is skill based rather than a shitty gear based system that it has turned into now, well from what I've read and seen at least.

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Guest Shadix
The day nintendo makes a Zelda-style MMO...

lol, you know you wouldn't want that.

NO TALKING. You must have the friend code of anyone you want to see in game, and can only see 16 people at once.

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Current WoW end-game content is pretty lame, and nowhere near as fun as the pre-BC content was, but it still is a lot of fun in general. Blizzard made the game pretty easy-mode as of late, I think mainly because they wanted the majority of it's playerbase to experience at least SOME of the end-game content before the new expansion comes out. It's incredibly easy to level now, which is great for new players and alts, but it essentially ruins the element and feel of the game in general. It's very easy to gear your player out and run Karazhan & Gruul's, and the obsurd amount of badges you can get week by week pays off in tier 6 equivalent gear. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about my free badge loot that is on par with gear that top guilds took nearly a year to achieve, but it's the fact of the matter that it's so easy to do everything now that makes WoW slightly less enjoyable than it was before. It's hit or miss, really, because it's a great game with a fair amount of content to keep people playing, but it's also a grind for gear, and completely gear based and only minorly based on class competance.

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