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I just thought I make one for the hell of it. Alright, write in your type of anime. Any set will do as long not like "those" type of anime. It could either be your favorite, memorable, cheerful, tearful, that you're currently watching, etc. 

-The current anime(s) i'm watching are
(None at the moment)

- Favorite Anime
Zatch Bell
Highschool DxD
Dragonball Z
Kill la Kill
Devil May Cry

What are yours? 

Edit: I updated my Anime list.

Edited by Zero Inertia
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CROW is very picky with his anime. But when CROW finds something he lurves it a lot.

Firstly my favorite anime for sure is Detroit Metal City. Its an anime about this Death Metal band and the frontsman of the band wants out because he wants to make cheesy pop music instead but he can never leave his band for various circumstances. Its very funny and I enjoyed it from beginning to end. They even made a live action movie on it with Gene Simmons as the main antagonist.

My recent anime obession is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I really can't put this in a nutshell but I'll do my best. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is a shonen series that takes place over the course of generations and there's always some kind of strange treat. I started from the top with Part 1, The Phantom Blood and I did enjoy it. They made two great characters in Johnathan and Dio, Dio shows how evil he is as the series goes on and Jojo eventually learns to best Dio in everything. Part 2 was also very great. Joseph Joestar is my personal favorite Jojo because he dicks around way too much. But while the Pillar Men lacked what Dio had in the form of a character arc and charisma, they still manage to be great antagonists. Especially Kars, what a douche. I'm in the more popular Part right now so I can't wait to watch this.

And other mentions I do wanna mention, Haiyore! Nyaruko-San is another one of my favorites. Its basically Cthulhu becoming anime school girls. Despite how horrifying H.P. Lovecraft's works can be, this anime is surprising very hilarious. If it weren't for DMC I'd say this is my favorite. It does reference a lot of things though, namely Jojo but even if you don't get the joke it can still be funny. I swear I love the characters for being so hilarious. Oh did I mention this is also a harem series? Now before you groan here's the thing. There's 3 characters that are deities from Cthulhu Mythos yes? One of them wants to make babies with the main character, one wants to make babies with Nyaruko despite both being girls, and the other one wants the main character but its a dude too which leads Cuuko to push him to Mahiro. And like I said its hilarious.

And I should mention K-ON! Its funny and its cute. But I did learn a lot of things music wise from it, though it should had been common sense. But the characters are all great and I did enjoy taking a journey with these high school girls with their band. Great series. Shame that the manga ended too.

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My favorite just might have to be Inuyasha. I just finished it yesterday and at first I was dreading finishing it because I HATE finishing anime's but this one did it well (Other then the anticlimactic ending with Naraku) It finished with no questions, it was a happy ending and most of all, a complete one that didn't leave any stone unturned. The character development is the best I've ever seen in an anime because its so natural and makes perfect sense. I could go on but I wont.


My other favorites are

Naruto shippuden


Sword art online


And... That's about all I can remember right now. :/

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Related but I may as well mention it here.

I was talking to Jude about this but K-ON! has very interesting taste in instruments.

Yui's Gibson Les Paul and Mio's Fender '62 jazz bass are going for thousands of dollars. Not only that but one of Azusa's background friends, Jun, has a Yamaha SBV500 in white which is so rare apparently that there's only 1 photo of it on the internet.

Jesus Christ, these girls must be experts at haggling.

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I'm really looking forward to catching Kill La Kill actually. Gurren Lagann is tied with Neon Genesis Evangelion as my favorite anime series so I'm excited to see it. Outside of that I really don't catch much anime. Those two series, FCLC, and the first two Digimon series are the only ones I've seen through to completion. I'm just picky and lazy so I aim for the shorter series haha.

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I've been trying to watch Leiji Masumoto's stuff but it's difficult to find. All I've gotten to watch so far is a few episodes of Captain Harlock and the first to seasons of Space Battleship Yamato in the form of Star Blazers. I really dig his style though and I love space operas. I hope I can find somewhere to watch English translations, I'm usually doing something else when I watch TV so subdubs don't work well for me.

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Oh geez.

Its been 2 days since I've seen Kill La Kill and I never posted my thoughts here.

Short version: I have an avyie of it. Make that if you will.

Long version: OHHHHHH BOI! The anime was a bunch of laughs. The action and the jokes were quick and the animation of it was pretty good to say the least. I personally had fun with it because of its over the top premise. I really don't mind the fanservice either, I'm not saying that because I had a boner for it but its because they make jokes about the outfits in the show. But again it was fun and I hope they continue this madness to be this good.

And yes my favorite part was Ryuko being molested by the school uniform monster. I wonder if I can get away with a gif of that on here as a sig. D'OHOHOHOHOHO!

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So I watched the first episode of BlazBlue: Alter Memory the other day. I have to say I quiet liked it. Kept focusing on the story at hand, wasn't full of filler or needless fanservice. Also it was nice to see my favourite character had a little more screen time. I'm kind of hoping the anime breaks the rules a little in regards to character appearance. I'd love to see a Ragna vs Hazama fight somewhere down the line, even if Calamity Trigger didn't have anything of a sort.

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I was pretty surprised by Altered Memory. It looked very great, especially compared to BlazBlue's animated cutscenes. But I do feel like they were pretty lazy with a few things. Namely the OP used footage of the anime instead of having some other pretty animation for it. And the Ragna and Nu fight had too many sparks instead of well fighting. The pacing isn't that great either as a lot of fights have pretty much went to like 5 seconds, if you would count them as fights. I suppose they had to make everything fit in the episode.

My only hope for this is that every episode would be someone else's story like in the games since there's a time paradox going on. At least I'd get more Rachel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New favorite Animes are 

-School Council Discretion
-Naruto Shippuden(I've returned to watch it because of Madara)
-High School of the Dead
-High School DxD
-Little Busters
-Lucky Star
-Devil May Cry

School Council Discretion
- I like this anime because it brings up other anime references and it shows how these characters can relate to one another(to me anyways), and the ending made me depressed because of how you can imagine being separated with your friends through the years and man I worked up a tear from that.

-Ninjas... and Madara (Yeah... I have nothing good to say because the anime is great by itself)

High School of the Dead
-I don't know why, but seeing how a couple of teens trapped on school grounds defending themselves against zombies is pretty cool with its plot as well.

High School DxD
-Besides the obvious "plot", I really do think this is a good anime by the story itself, I mean, demons going against Fallen Angels(Angels who defied God) is pretty cool. Someone with the power called "Sacred Gear" where each has their own unique ability. I just wish there's a season 3 coming out because they still haven't finished their fight... so I shall wait.

Little Busters
-High School friends gone to make a baseball team and currently looking for others. Funny how in the beginning the first 2 guys fighting each other just remind of Dante vs Vergil.

Lucky Star
-People say its bland but I like it. But then again, I've only seen the first 2 episodes so I can't give my full opinion on it yet.

Devil may Cry
-It's Devil May Cry, how else can I put it? =P

Yeah.... not very good at giving my opinions on these animes but they're great to me. Still searching for more e.e

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New favorite Animes are 

-School Council Discretion

-Naruto Shippuden(I've returned to watch it because of Madara)

-High School of the Dead

-High School DxD

-Little Busters

-Lucky Star

-Devil May Cry

School Council Discretion

- I like this anime because it brings up other anime references and it shows how these characters can relate to one another(to me anyways), and the ending made me depressed because of how you can imagine being separated with your friends through the years and man I worked up a tear from that.


-Ninjas... and Madara (Yeah... I have nothing good to say because the anime is great by itself)

High School of the Dead

-I don't know why, but seeing how a couple of teens trapped on school grounds defending themselves against zombies is pretty cool with its plot as well.

High School DxD

-Besides the obvious "plot", I really do think this is a good anime by the story itself, I mean, demons going against Fallen Angels(Angels who defied God) is pretty cool. Someone with the power called "Sacred Gear" where each has their own unique ability. I just wish there's a season 3 coming out because they still haven't finished their fight... so I shall wait.

Little Busters

-High School friends gone to make a baseball team and currently looking for others. Funny how in the beginning the first 2 guys fighting each other just remind of Dante vs Vergil.

Lucky Star

-People say its bland but I like it. But then again, I've only seen the first 2 episodes so I can't give my full opinion on it yet.

Devil may Cry

-It's Devil May Cry, how else can I put it? =P

Yeah.... not very good at giving my opinions on these animes but they're great to me. Still searching for more e.e


Nope, you KNOW why you like Highschool of the Dead. Don't delude yourself.


Now that I got that out of the way, I'll share my favorite Animes. (Keep in mind that this isn't in any specific order of favoritism)

1. Durarara!! - The concept of the Headless Horse(Wo)man disguised as a Black Rider Chick with a Horse disguised as a Motercycle traveling throughout Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan looking for her lost head always interests me.

2. Dragon Ball Z - You can't forget the classic. Do I even need to explain why I like this show?

3. Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Holy crap. If I can give a phrase to describe this anime, I would say "A Deconstruction of Magical Girls". It's like, take a Cutesy Magic Girl, and then suddenly slap her across her face. It's what this anime is. That's not to say it's bad. Heck no, far from it.

4. Cowboy Bebop - Space Opera. That's what I'll say about it. Fantastic anime. The best part is the soundtrack. What Samurai Champloo did for Hip Hop, Cowboy Bebop did for Jazz. I can bust a move with the soundtrack. Here are my personal favorites:


5. Fullmetal Alchemist (2003 and Brotherhood) - Again, the concept of the anime makes me enjoy it. You have this kid and his metallic brother who are Alchemists. Simple concept, although I love it to death. Then you have the world building. I enjoy almost every character in the series.

Edited by AnOrdinarySonicFan
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Of all the characters in Kill La Kill, the one off tennis captain that was the antagonist for one episode is one of the more popular characters.

I suppose I do like her too but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe its her very animated face. Maybe its because her skirt is made of [tennis] balls. Who knows. I do wanna see her again for some reason, just less of a bitch.

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I wanna add something here as well, I knew I was forgetting something.

Out of EVERY Genre(besides "those" genres) in anime, which ones do you usually watch?

For me, it has to be Action, Harem, Comedy, Super natural and Adventure.
But its mostly Super Natural and Harem comedy. 


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You know, now that I think about it I really don't know what I really watch.

So looking at my favorite stuff I guess I watch a lot of comedy shows. Nyaruko-San parody a lot of things. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure may be an action shonen series but most of the shit that comes out is pretty fricking hilarious, though to be fair some of it is just as hilarious in the first place (cyborg nazis posing like he's on playboy WAT!?). Kill la Kill with this over the top everything, etc. I suppose I should watch more horror anime but I can't find good shit. JJBA is good enough with how much shit happens I suppose.

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