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Knuckles Climbing


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I need help with making knuckles climb in TGF with a basic static engine. My problem is how would I make knuckles climb? Would I use a seperate object with eight direction movement? My other problem is how would I make knuckles pull himself up when he reaches the edge of a wall? There's a tut on the site but it's not very good and it's in platform movement. Could someone help me? This is the last thing I need to complete my engine and start working on stages.

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Right the way I would do it is just to detect when Knuckles hits a background object that is a wall (use side sensors for this), and then activate another static movement which is basically just what the left and the right code but instead use Y for X. How you want to do the pulling up it up to you, you could try putting a sensor to detect if there is any more wall above, and if there isn't, to pull Knuckles up and revert back to normal static movement.

Does that help?

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Just another sprite object if there's really no way to add another sprite. If you can though, you could probably fit it in there by putting it in an empty direction or something.

For the climbing movement, it's really easy to just use the jump movement values. To get Knuckles to pull himself up a wall, have a sensor that checks obstacle collision to the upper left and another one for the upper right ( for left and right walls ). If you're climbing and they're not getting any collision, position Knuckles up until the wall detector has no collision and then position him in the direction of the wall he just came off of until his pull-up animation is over. If your basic sonic engine has repositioning ( pushing out of obstacles ), it should work fine.

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Allright I've got a new problem. I've got two knuckles objects; The sidescrolling one and the climbing one. When the Knux climbing object is created it destroys the sidescrolling knux. When you press fire 1 while on the wall the climbing knux will be destroyed and the original knux will be created. But the problem is that if you stay on the wall too long (like 5 seconds or so) and press fire 1 instead of creating the original the climbing knux will just be destroyed. I noticed while the knux climbing object is on the wall the sensors for the normal knux start to fall down then when the sensors are off screen and I try to jump the climbing object is destroyed and the normal knux doesn't get created. Why is this happening?

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