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Abominal Taz

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Everything posted by Abominal Taz

  1. A live action Jem and the Holograms film is coming, but it's from the guy who did the Step Up films, which I'm not very interested in, and the Justin Beiber movie....ugh....I'm not gonna get my hopes too high but I also hope he doesn't stray from the source matrial too much while making the film modernized rather than set in the 1980s.

  2. You are right on that one. Monsters University was alright, not too bad for a prequel, but is inferior to the first. Cars 2 though was just disappointing because they focused on another character other than keeping it consistent with what they had. The spinoff of that, Planes, just...fell really flat and just the fact that that's also getting a sequel is really making me lose hope in Pixar. The only thing that's keeping the looming doubts about Incredibles 2 away is that Brad Bird wants to approach this with care rather than just make it "something the fans have been waiting for". Dude, I thought they were teasing that in the Toy Story 2 blooper reel, but nope. Just another broken dream.
  3. And no, I'm not making it up.

  4. First off, a moment...*ahem* Thank you...now then. http://mashable.com/2014/03/18/the-incredibles-2-cars-3-sequels-disney-pixar/?utm_cid=mash-com-fb-main-link It's been 10 years and we're finally getting the sequel we've been dying of adulthood,(that is if you're around my age...), to see! So far no release date as stated but it's awesome that we're getting a sequel to an epic movie. Oh...and Cars 3 is apparently gonna be a thing...I just...
  5. The only thing grinding my gears about this game is the micro transactions, that bullshitty, facebookified, money grubbing trap just for impatient gamers. That has to be the only thing here that's gonna kill this game. Not to mention, pretty subtle right?
  6. For all you fans of Rollercoaster Tycoon, RCT 4 is coming....and you may be pretty pissed about what you're getting here...

  7. My jury duty got cancelled tomorrow. Awesome, now I don't have to wake up earlier.

    1. OverbounD


      Yeah Jury duty sucks.

    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      I bet. It sounds so boring. Bad part is I'm still on call. Hopefully, they don't call me between now and next friday at all.

  8. I just started playing Brave Frontier on iPod touch. Wow, I like this alot! Right now, I'm grinding up for PVP and event battles.

    1. Mr. Potatobadger

      Mr. Potatobadger

      Give me your code! I love brave frontier!

    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      0109905356. Go nuts!

  9. Agreed. Stick to the topic of the OP folks. If you want to discuss/rant about modern sonic game play, take it elsewhere.
  10. Oh yeah dude, I can see that happening with tall grass.
  11. Hopefully this isn't a horrid bump but I need to get something off my chest. I'm currently looking for a car to cease my bus riding days as I am sick of public transportation. Yesterday I contacted someone in my area on CL about a dodge shadow that they were selling. I told them I have the cash ready and I am willing to come the next morning to get the car. She agreed for me to so and told me to contact her in the morning to go to their location. This morning I did just that. The first time I shot a text asking for the address so I could make my way before work and possibly drive the car to work. I waited for an hour. Next I called and left a message. I waited yet another hour. It was nearing my time for work, and I shot them another text asking for info. At this point I was on my way to work and texted her that I am at work and need info on what going on. I was getting kinda pissed off now so I called her one last time. It rang twice and went to voicemail. Right off the bat, I realized this person was avoiding contact because 1)She sold the car the day before and didn't want me to know, or 2)She's dicking around with me. As of right now, I'm good and mad. The least, THE LEAST that could have been done was a confirmation or a notification of what was going on. TL;DR, Yet another CL jerk.
  12. Wow, I like what I see a lot. Looking forward to this broyo!
  13. With Mighty No. 9 on the way, Kenji's pulling out the guns literally with Gunvolt, which plays more like the Zero/ZX games, which I love to death.
  14. https://soundcloud.com/flip-shot/hahahrawrrahaha Hey guys. If any of ya are feeling down in the dumps right about now, listen to this. I bet you'll say "Oh My God" at the 0.30sec mark.
    1. AnOrdinarySonicFan


      I was a bit down today, but this is freakin' amazing, and I feel better now. Thanks, Taz!

    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Not a probz, matey!

  15. Three weeks until Chicago. I'm really excited for this trip!

  16. You too?! Oh man, I remember making so many terrible posts, it was embarrassing. Rookie forum behavior is quite a thing to remember eh?
  17. Good Lord, this terrible fan character contest is making my sides hurt.

  18. Starting work on Tomervision #1 again. Been so busy I could only do strips, which reminds me #22 is due for getting ready.

  19. Yeah...that kinda raises...questions. I feel like Knux is going to be the most brawn, less brain team member here.
  20. Wow. After watching that, I'm actually looking forward to this. Seriously, my doubts are starting to clear up.
  21. Car search is sucking pretty hard right now...

  22. You're telling me. I thought Atlus was all hush hush, but this is awesome.
  23. Jesus, some of these games at SAGE are getting torn a new one. Sonic Core especially...I promise I will work hard on Tomervision, if a game comes to mind that is...;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Sonic Core would take the trophy home RAGE-wise. Sonic Mars Adventure is in that category too, I think that shouldn't have been presented so soon.

    3. GSF


      Alright, guess I'll check them later. But there's no pack, right? I'll have to get every game individually...

    4. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      No packs. You have to get them all individual.

  24. Strip #21 is Y-U-P-! up. Glad I managed that. I got me a free weekend! Whoohoo!

  25. Out of all the stages of Sonic 1, Labyrinth is the only one I dread trudging through the most. Even after all these years, it's the only zone that manages to throw me off my game, drown me several times, and take many hard earned lives from me. I'm not joking.

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