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Everything posted by luksamuk

  1. Happi Burfdaz ila. May God bless you.
  2. Not anymore. Run the EXE. A is jump; skidding, crouch down, rolling and spindash are configured. And you'll bounce if you fall on the bottom of the screen Although there is a compiled executable in the Debug folder, but, just in case...
  3. The South Park game... DAT GAEM Apart from that I'm only concerned about Halo 4 and Dead Space 3. I'm not buying another console for a long time. Things are updating so goddamn fast that our credit cards limits just can't take it.
  4. Includes full common collision, a level mapping loader, a screen manager allowing me to make menus and camera with rotation and zoom. It's nothing big, but I'm very proud of my baby boy. YOU WANT A SPOILER? Remember that engine I made that gave Knuckles parkour-like movements? Well, I've been gathering concepts from it.
  5. I've been away for a while. Well, most of you guys probably know that I've been working on a Sonic Engine made using XNA Game Studio Framework and C# programming language. But I don't feel like I'm really going on with this. So, I decided to just release it. Maybe someone can clean up the mess I did here. You guys will probably notice that I was experimenting with bottom collision at this rate, and I was still learning. But I got involved on a personal project (meaning that I'm out of fangaming at least for now), and yet I'm too lazy to just implement proper collision detection on this Engine. (But honestly, even if I did it, it wouldn't be that good for it, as Sonic Physics will require a pixel perfect collision... and I don't really want to mess with it right now). Still, I can say that at least X and Y accelerations and action and player animation drawing methods are at least... bareable. If someone's interested, I can post some code for making a camera as well, which I have implemented on this personal project I talked about. To run it, you'll need: Microsoft Visual C# 2010 / Windows Phone SDK 7.1 .NET Framework 4 (I think it comes with the Visual Studio products) XNA Game Studio 4.0 (WinPhoneSDK automatically installs it). Source Executable Special thanks to Ayling for composing the song in it.
  6. Delicious.² Oh I'm not sure if this is the proper place but I think I found an old game I made back in my newbie days. It was made in Game Maker and called The Timeless Nightmare and would feature time travel... too bad it sucks hard dicks. Get it before I decide to regret showing this. Or don't. It's not worthy anyway.
  7. Reminds me of Yoshi's Island. Great SNES times.
  8. I knew IGN was stupid, but I didn't know it was that much crap-ish. Good thing that they don't care about their jobs. Perharps it was written by a girl desperately trying to take her boyfriend out of the videogames
  9. Sorry for the words, but programming Tails' AI for a sidekick is already a pain in the ass. But TWO SIDEKICKS? Pfff. I prefer not to imagine. It is not impossible, though. I don't know how Game Maker works, but if it has some kind of class system and the player is a class, I suppose you can create three of them. The rest is all about managing the controls... But if you are willing to make it on MMF2, I... well, don't wanna disencourage you, but I always ran from it like if I was running away from the devil himself. (I know I didn't help, but...)
  10. Aah, now I got it. I might dig more into the franchise... people talk so much about FF that I wonder why I never played any. Thanks for the explanations.
  11. I didn't mean bad effects or whatever; when I say "you playing DBZ with your neighbor" I mean that you'll always block his fucking-tastic attack and have a stronger, bigger one, that's it. That's what I saw from one of the gameplays (I guess it was from XIII-2). And then that was a random guy falling from the sky and merging with the whole cliche thing... Look, although I'm not in position to make a proper criticism because I never played Final Fantasy, simply because, as I said, I don't like RPGs and never got attracted by it, it just seemed odd. But I feel like I say that because I don't really know anything about the story. I just wanted someone to point me if there's a whole story or if each game has a different story so I can really understand what's going on.
  12. Sorry for interrupting the discussion apparently out of nowhere, but I've never been a big fan of RPGs (seriously, I'm a bigger fan of platformers and action games), and I've never had the curiosity to play Final Fantasy, just because it seemed like the characters always had a stronger attack than the previous one (I mean, from what I saw on gameplays; it almost feels like a kid playing Dragon Ball with his neighbor). Still, should I get it? And if I should, which one should I get?
  13. 3. Probably. Make an experiment. 5. A HUD should be concise - it gives the player all the info he needs, plus allows him to see most part of the screen. If you are really going to leave it concentrated in one place (which is best), it should be smaller than 1/8 of the screen. The two pictures of the characters could be only icons along with smaller health bars, for example. 6. K. Make sure to remember this on yout other levels (: 7. Then your level music is too high... are you using midis? I suppose you are.
  14. Here's my feedback: As I told you, I'm loving the progress of your game, from it I can see how you evolved. I love the way you made your trail effect, and sidekick AI seems to work pretty well. But here are the glitches I found: 1. You can't unpause (yeah... you already know that) 2. Camera bugs when you run down/up a wall 3. Sonic's voice clip while using Homing attack on an enemy just annoys the hell out of me 4. I apparently can move while the titlecard is still on screen 5. The HUD is too big :/ 6. If you run up a wall and finds an obstacle, you'll stay walking for 1 second before you fall. I know that might be intentional, but that seems odd. It'd be better if you make this up or just remove it making the player fall instantly 7. Voice clips seem odd on your background music. Can't you amplify the samples using Audacity? Nice Thanks for Playing screen, btw.
  15. @Strife I like so much your titlescreen, but be careful not to make it look like @Lake I love them, Lake, but doesn't Cyan City look a bit like Sugar Splash? And the last screenshot of "Castle" seems odd... unless Sonic is holding a flashlight.
  16. Remember most people here never heard of Mussum. @TailsSena: Loving your game as well, btw. Gonna download this latest demo.
  17. I agree that it doesn't match joysticks, but I don't think it sucks, because you have to either redesign the controls of your game or just make a game that matches completely this kind of control.
  18. Nothing complicated. But you'll eventually have to rewrite the Camera code. Perharps it's a little bit more complicated in Sonic Worlds Delta, but as long as you have a variable having the "XCamera" value NOT following the character and always being added +(the speed you want), you should be able to do this with no problem. However, this method is if you want to make a level with a limited size. In Lake's case, he pretty much created a code that will loop you back to the beginning of the level when you achieved a certain camera position, giving the Endless Level effect. This is not hard as well. I've never tried to reproduce it in MMF2, but I think that some unchecks on the "follow the frame" box and good object positioning might make it work. Perharps you should ask Lake himself.
  19. Nice to know there's another brazillian over there. Dude, MMF2 is all about conditions, which we call Events, and objects have Alterable Values, Alterable Strings and Internal Flags (boolean variables). For example, in Sonic Worlds, when you're on the ground and has no X Speed, your animation will turn into the stopped one. To do that, you do the following: //(Right click New Condition) //A box will appear. Select the desired object that has the variable you want to compare. In this case, it's Player_MovementValues. Right click it, go to Alterable Values > Set. Another box will appear. Select value "Ground", then type 1, click OK. This will appear: Ground(Player_MovementValues) = 1 //This will make you compare the current value of Ground, a variable from the specific Player object; //(right click the event above, click Insert) //Here's a little trick: When you need to compare with an expression (like in this case, as we're going to need the absolute value of a variable, as XSpeed's signal is used to compare to where Sonic is going), you're not going to right click the object that has the variable you want. //Instead, right click the Special object (the two monitors' icon. This is one of the general objects of a frame, that doesn't depend on you to create them) and select "Compare two general values". //In the first box, type Abs() and put the cursor between the two brackets. //Then, click "Retrieve data from other objects", and NOW you will select the variable you want. //You'll see something like Abs(XSpeed(Player_MovementValues)). On the other box, type 0. You'll see this under the Ground event we created: + Abs(XSpeed(Player_MovementValues)) = 0 //The function Abs() returns the absolute value of the specified number variable. There are other useful functions too, like random() str$() and whatever. Then, on the list of the events editor, on the right side of the events itself, you'll see a wide array with icons for every active object in the frame. Just go to the object's column, go to the line of the event you just made and right click it. In this case, as we're gonna set a specific animation (imagine that we've already set the animation "Stopped" of Sonic to play when the value Animation of object Player_Others is equals to 0), you do the following: //(right click the space in the event's line, and Player_Others' column) Alterable Values > Set //(In the box that is going to appear, you select the value Animation and type 0) //When you put the mouse over the check that is going to appear, you'll see: Set Animation to 0 Here's a little screnshot of what we just did: I hope that helps a bit. Notice that the event above has already been made on the engine, you don't have to do it again. You'll eventually have to get some tutos to learn better about objects, backgrounds and how they work. There's nothing much complicated; like any other programming, it's all about practice.
  20. One little thing I'd been willing to say to someone... I just happened to spend some time playing Sonic 3D Blast for Saturn. I know the hardware isn't as powerful as a X360/PS3, but for me, it only loses for Sonic 06 in terms of annoyance with Loading Screens.
  21. Music is nice, gameplay is a mess, story is bizarre in the development, but is still awesome in the concept. I mean, I somehow like how Sonic 06 approaches the blue hedgehog to reality. SEGA just approached it way too much, that's it. Seriously, I've never felt like Eggman really wanted to kill Sonic so much like in this game. I liked this point.
  22. The score is handled on the Score value on the Player 1 object. Just check out the scoring code on the events, and you'll see that.
  23. *orgasm* Although I think the clouds could have more effect to fit the rest of the sky.
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