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Everything posted by Sockman

  1. I started designing a Sonic fangame years before I ever even knew what a fangame was. When I was little, I had one of those mini TY beanie babies from McDonalds, and pretend it was Sonic. I'd take "Sonic" and have him run around on the shelves, tables, mantle...everything. Sometimes I'd even make up my own level music on the fly, "Doo Doo Dee Dee"-ing to myself some improvised tune. When I wasn't satisfied with the levels provided by my family's furniture, I'd make crude drawings of my levels. Years later, I purchased one of those "Game Design with no Programming Required" books that come with a CD at Borders and discovered The Games Factory. I made a couple of different little mini-projects to get comfortable with the software before I realized that maybe this was the chance to revisit my childhood fascination. In a hunt for Sonic game resources, I stumbled upon the website (not the fourm, surprisingly) and it all went downhill from there.
  2. The fuck are they doing for legendaries? I already caught the masters of TIME and SPACE, and then practically caught GOD. What else is there? Also... [obligatoryracejoke] [/obligatoryracejoke]
  3. I used to hate group projects until I realized that they're easy if you're willing to be a total dick to get things done. In my freshman year of college, I had a project in a Sociology course that grouped me with a bunch of shiftless losers. After waiting a few minutes for someone to input an idea, I finally just figured "Aw, fuck it", and started calling all the shots. I pretty much told the entire group how we'd be doing the project, what roles each member would be playing, and when we would check up on and meet each other over the project. Did we all end up getting the same grade even though I did more work? Yes. Do I give a fuck? Nope. Because in my house, shit* gets done. Ever since that time, I've gotten over my loathing of group projects. *Excludes all shit related to Sonic fangames.
  4. I ask myself everytime I drop by and have a peek at this forum. I really haven't worked on anything related to Sonic the Hedgehog for over a year now. Maybe I keep coming back because this is probably one of the more chill web forums I've been a member of.
  5. So that guy from Ocean's Eleven randomly stopped by Sonic Team's offices. Nothing specific about Needlemouse is mentioned, but he got to "check out what they are working on", which might include the project. Not exactly the face of awe right there.
  6. OMG. SONIC SHIRTS EXIST? AND A MILDLY ATTRACTIVE FAMOUS PERSON IS WEARING ONE! STOP THE PRESSES, MOTHERFUCKER! As for the sub-discussion regarding Lady Gaga, there's only one thing I can say...
  7. Seriously, the Mayans had a cyclical calender, which would just loop back once it "ended". The calendar is a fucking circle for crying out loud. The 2012 apocalypse will be a disaster on the level Y2K was.
  8. I'm still on the original DS, so if the XL has the proposed 3G capability then I just might consider making the purchase. The bigger screen would be nicer for video, I think.
  9. I loved AVAST until I realized that I was still getting viruses. I finally decided to actually put down money on a security suite, bought ESET, and haven't turned back. It's great anti-virus that's efficient with computer resources.
  10. Sweet fuckin tits, guys! Do you realize that this entire bitchfest is stemming from one announcement and a teaser video with no in-game footage?
  11. The whole blackface thing has a background in American culture as being used in racist and offensive portrayals in the past. Because of America's past, alot of whities over here think they have to be anal about anything related to race. Leaders of minority communities don't help much, as they often reinforce this paranoia in order to maintain clout and relevance. What they all need to do, however, is grow the fuck up like the rest of the civilized world and not throw a bitch-fit over every negative portrayal of a non-white person.
  12. Sonic tried to kill the The Metal! But he failed, and was stricken down to the ground!
  13. This really doesn't change much. Disney has acquired all sorts of media properties over the years (ESPN, ABC, Miramax, Touchstone, etc.) and hasn't really "Disney-fied" any of them. Still, it's fun to imagine the outrageous possibilities, like a Marvel Disney one-shot in the vein of Marvel Zombies. Or maybe Donald will finally meet his estranged cousin Howard?
  14. Downloading the files right now. On a side note, the RAGE website is beautiful, and TSSZ Jews is the most comprehensive news site ever.
  15. Sega should just put the names of several AAA studios in a hat, pick one, and just shove Sonic off to them. There wouldn't be any guarantee that the Sonic games would improve, but at least other companies have the vision to make Sonic suck in new and interesting ways (See Sonic and the Dark Brotherhood).
  16. I think the moral of the story here is that the difference between "shitty ass RPG maker game" and "bold and controversial statement on bullying and American culture" is how bloated the creator's sense of self-importance is.
  17. The man is a fucking legend. He could've molested Jesus himself and caused 9/11 with his mind for all I care. Art is art. He had some serious style and pretty much revolutionized the music video. So don't be hatin', bitchez. May he rest in peace.
  18. So I'm trying to create an event that occurs every ten seconds under certain conditions, when I notice that Worlds' timing is based on a timer separate from the one built into MMF2. I'm looking at this timer now in the Event Editor and I have no idea how the hell I'm supposed to implement timed events. There's something about 1000/60 and stuff, but I'm not sure what any of it means. Any pointers? I'd really like to learn this one instead of using the built in timer that would probably conflict with the already-implemented time system. Please and Thank You.
  19. I think what's sad is that Twitter does have potential to be an interesting tool, but it's typecast right now as a micro-blogging ego-stroker. For me, I barely update my own Twitter, but I use it to follow news organizations, White House press releases, and other stuff. Basically, I use it as a glorified RSS feed. Also, if a celebrity doesn't have their Twitter monitored by their publicists, you can gain some valuable insight into their batshit insanity. TLDR Edition: Don't be hatin da game, hate da playa who be fuckin shit up.
  20. From the video, I think I saw Big the Cat in there. Fuck that shit.
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